Chapter 1227 Bone Dragon

When the grayish-yellow dust drifted around, Wu Yuetian's whole body was already embedded in the ground, buried below his chest, as if his whole body had been planted into the ground.

Qiao Ye smiled ferociously, raised the black halberd and slashed down again.

But at this moment...


A piece of the ground suddenly crumbled, and then a black shadow sprang out from the ground, hitting Qiao Ye's chest directly.

Qiao Ye felt a huge force coming, and his whole body was knocked into the air, and rolled continuously against the ground. After a few meters, Qiao Ye turned his palm to the ground and managed to stabilize his body.

Looking up and looking forward, Moonless Sky has crawled out of the ground!

Demonization, the second form!

At this moment, Wuyuetian's demonization is deeper, and the white dragon scales on his body are more obvious. There was only one layer of scale patterns, but now there are pieces of white dragon scales, and those dragon scales appear state of jade.

At the same time, a dragon's tail grew out from behind Moonless Sky, dragged to the ground, and kept swinging. Obviously, that thing hit Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth and got up from the ground. The second form of demonization is not surprising, after all, it is a demon king, and it is normal to be able to enter a deeper level of demonization.

at the same time……

After Wu Yuetian got up from the ground, he didn't launch an attack immediately, but raised his right palm and slapped it hard on the ground.

In the next moment, a circle of off-white light appeared and spread towards the surroundings.


Qiao Ye's heart skipped a beat, it was domain ability.

Qiao Ye quickly backed away, trying to get out of the domain.

However, as soon as Qiao Ye jumped up, he felt that he had hit something. Looking back, there was an extra bone wall behind him, which surrounded the surrounding area.

Domain ability, Longzhong!

With the activation of the domain ability, a large area around it was covered by keels, everywhere!

In the next moment, those keels continued to tremble slightly, making a "click, click" sound.

Almost instantly!

The keel bones all over the ground were pieced together into a huge bone dragon!

Boom, boom!

The bone dragon climbed up from the ground, its huge dragon tail swept around, the surrounding buildings collapsed, and countless rubbles continued to fall down.

After smashing a large area of ​​houses, the bone dragon suddenly raised its claws and slapped them down in the direction of Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye quickly jumped up onto a pile of broken ruins. Seeing the huge bone dragon turn around in front of him, Qiao Ye snorted coldly and clasped his hands together.


The palms were stacked together, and there was a crisp sound, and then, a large wave of black smoke poured out from Qiao Ye's body, like waves, and pushed out layer by layer in all directions!

"Heavenly Demon Illusion!"

With a bang, along with Qiao Ye's low shout, the surrounding black smoke suddenly rose, and soon, a huge door of smoke was formed behind Qiao Ye.

The next moment, the moment the giant smoke gate was formed, there seemed to be the sound of devil weeping and the whimpering of evil ghosts, making the air oppressive, and the surroundings filled with a mysterious atmosphere.

In a moment, a huge body stepped out from behind the smoke giant door.

Bang, bang, bang!

The sound of heavy footsteps appeared, and then a giant foot stepped out of the smoke gate!

The sky demon has a very high virtual appearance, about four or five meters in shape, in human form, wearing an animal skin skirt, headless, with eyes, nose and mouth growing on the chest, holding a huge ax in his hand, It looks very old, but there is an extremely cold light on the blade of the axe.

Qiao Ye shouted in a low voice, "Go!"

Heavenly Demon Xu Xiang stepped forward, the ax in his hand fell forward, and landed directly on the bone dragon's neck.


The ax was extremely terrifying, the moment it hit the front, the bone fragments flew across, and the ax cut off the bone dragon's head abruptly.

The huge dragon head fell to the ground and shattered immediately!

However, in just a moment, the smashed dragon head and the fallen bones floated up again, and quickly re-condensed into shape.

The dragon's head regrouped, and the bone dragon raised its head, roaring silently, and then bumped into the body of the demon phantom.


The two behemoths fell towards the rear at the same time, making a loud noise, smashing a large building to pieces.

Heavenly Demon Xuxiang raised his fist and smashed it hard, smashing the bone dragon's bones again, and then pushed the bone dragon away.

Strength, attack, defense...

The phantoms of the demons are all above the bone dragon, and the bone dragon can't suppress Qiao Ye's phantoms of the demons at all, but...

That skull dragon can't be killed!

Even though the body was smashed again by the phantom of the demon, but as the bone dragon continued to roll on the ground, the surrounding broken bones flew up again, rushing towards the bone dragon, and the huge body recovered again.

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes, and roughly guessed what the effect of the ability in this field was.

Within the scope of the domain, the body of that bone dragon should be able to continuously reorganize!

The bone dragon can't defeat the celestial demon, and the celestial demon can't kill the bone dragon!

Then you can only fight to consume it, or...

Kill Moonless Sky!

So, when the two behemoths confronted each other, Qiao Ye jumped up from the top of the ruins and ran towards the Moonless Sky without any delay!

In mid-air, Qiao Ye raised the black halberd, and threw it downwards vigorously!

The black halberd came out of his hand, turning into a ray of black light and hitting Moonless Sky's face.

Wu Yuetian didn't move, watching the black halberd attack, the white jade tail behind him suddenly flicked forward.


The dragon's tail lashed at the black halberd, and the black halberd burst open, making a clear and crisp scream.

The next moment, Wu Yuetian took a step forward and punched Qiao Ye from the air.

The surrounding wind and snow are blowing again!

Frost is also one of Moonless Sky's demonized abilities.

However, this trick is useless to Qiao Ye!

The Wanfa Lingtu was radiant, and the moment the wind and snow rolled in front of Qiao Ye, it drifted to both sides, avoiding Qiao Ye directly.

Ten thousand dharma spiritual diagrams, everything is going on!

Qiao Ye can do things like manipulating the wind and snow with the Ten Thousand Magic Spiritual Diagram.


Still can only fight hand to hand!

Bang, bang!

The two of them seemed to agree with each other, curled up their legs at the same time, and then jumped forward suddenly.

Approaching the opponent, Qiao Ye and Wu Yuetian raised their fists at the same time, punched each other, and punched each other again.

After one punch, Wu Yuetian's dragon tail suddenly rolled over, coiled around Qiao Ye's neck like a snake, and tightly strangled Qiao Ye, and then flicked the dragon tail, even shaking Qiao Ye It flew up, and then fell hard towards the ground.


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