Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1229 Second, check out

Chapter 1229 Little Two, checkout

The first two times I saw the third form of demonization!

Once it was Jiang Liuxue!

That guy is a weirdo, he has no reference value at all, he knows all kinds of exercises, even the lost ancient art of life and death coffin, and he can enter the third form of demonization, which is not true for Jiang Liuxue. How strange.

As for the other one who can enter the third form of demonization, it is Xia Houfang, the branch master of the magic hall Jiuwu City.

That guy's cultivation base is not high, and being able to enter the demonization of the third form is quite surprising to be honest. However, entering the third form has nothing to do with strength directly, and has nothing to do with talent. Comprehension is related, it can only be said that Xia Hou's talent in this area is amazing.

Besides, Qiao Ye has never seen the third form of demonization again, and Moonless Sky is the third one!

But the demonization of the third form is not the point, the point is...

This is the third form of demonization of a Demon Lord!

After Wu Yuetian got up, he shook his body, and suddenly, Wu Yuetian's figure disappeared without a trace.

And when Wu Yuetian's figure appeared again, he had already arrived in front of Qiao Ye.


Qiao Ye only felt a pain in his chest, and then a huge impact followed, and Qiao Ye's body flew backward like a cannonball.

Boom, boom, boom!

Qiao Ye's body flew towards the rear, smashing the buildings one by one into pieces, and as Qiao Ye's body passed through, the houses also collapsed one after another, turning into large pieces ruins.

Wu Yuetian jumped up and wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but at this time...

A breath suddenly burst out from the ruins, incomparably grand and full of terrifying power.

Wu Yuetian's body trembled, decisively wanting to give up the attack and flee.

Because, for a moment, Moonless Sky felt...

I will die!

However, Wu Yuetian had already leaped into the air, and it was not so easy to turn around and leave now!

The next moment!

The terrifying aura directly penetrated the world, and the aura contained in all things in the world gathered towards the ruins where Qiao Ye was.



There was a loud noise, and almost instantly, a terrifying ray of light broke through the ruins and rushed straight into the sky. In an instant, the sky and the earth were torn apart, and a huge void appeared, in which the chaotic haze appeared.

That blow was truly terrifying, and it tore a piece of this space apart.

In the void crack, the incandescent light is extremely dazzling, like a shining ribbon, like a flowing galaxy, illuminating the pitch-black color under the void crack.


A light blade carrying a terrifying aura directly broke through the cracks in the void, fell from the sky, and landed in this world.

The light is cold and heavy, it seems to be able to shatter the world, and there is a breath that can annihilate everything, making people feel trembling.

Even, the moment the light blade fell, the surrounding space began to tremble, collapsing continuously, peeling off piece by piece, like a smashed mirror, it was extremely terrifying.

This is the strongest blow!

This blow came from the map of God of War!

Purple Lightning Fury Thunder, Void Blade of the Void: Call the energy of the whole body, penetrate the sky and the sky, draw all things in the world for your own use, coincide with the realm of heaven and man, shatter the void with one blow, and destroy everything.

The next moment, there was a scream.

The feeling of destruction!

When the light passed by Wu Yuetian's body, half of Wu Yuetian's body completely disappeared without a trace, and then fell from the sky!

Qiao Ye walked out of the ruins and came to Wu Yuetian's side.

Wu Yuetian's figure has gradually turned into light and shadow, and is disappearing rapidly.

"Being defeated by God of War Tu!" Qiao Ye looked at Wu Yuetian and said, "It's your honor, right?"

Qiao Ye's words fell, Wu Yuetian's body completely disappeared without a trace.

at the same time……

At the end of the town, the storyteller in the teahouse closed his fan and casually threw a handful of copper coins on the table.

"Come here today!" The storyteller said with a smile, "Xiaoer, pay the bill."

"Sir, will you come tomorrow?"

"What are you going to tell us tomorrow?"

"Sir, everyone knows whether you are a powerful figure in the world."

The tea drinkers around booed and asked with a smile.

The storyteller said with a smile: "Come back tomorrow, do you want to hear about a strong character? How strong do you want to be?"

A rich man laughed and said, "The kind that can be as powerful as it can be!"

"Hmm!" The storyteller said, "Have you heard of Ruyi Restaurant and Ye Xuan?"

All the tea guests shook their heads and said, "No."

"Then I will tell you tomorrow a story about a tavern and its owner. There are not many places in the world that are more magical than that tavern, and the dishes are more delicious. Moreover, there is someone who can be more powerful than the tavern owner, tsk tsk ..." Mr. Storyteller put it off and said with a smile: "Talk about it tomorrow, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

When the words fell, the storyteller walked down the teahouse and left.

At the moment when the storyteller went out, the teahouse suddenly began to be dilapidated, decayed, and collapsed.

The guests in the teahouse seemed to have never seen them, and they still chatted and drank tea there, until the teahouse was completely destroyed, turned into ruins, and everything returned to nothingness.

On the other hand, Qiao Ye discovered that after killing Moonless Sky, the surrounding world returned to normal. The surrounding space was like a wrinkled picture scroll, twisting continuously, and then peeling off bit by bit, finally disappearing without a trace, and soon , the surrounding scenery changed back to the ruins of the ruins I had seen before.

Qiao Ye rubbed his chin and murmured, "Is this considered to have passed the test of the Tianshu Monument?"

Qiao Ye felt his body, didn't it mean that the Tianshu Monument can make people stronger? Why don't I feel anything at all!

Could it be that he came across a fake Heavenly Book Monument?

At this time, Qiao Ye suddenly felt his clothes being pulled, and looked sideways, but it was Xiaoji who came to him.

Qiao Ye smiled and silently asked Xiaoji's head, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Ji stretched out her hand and pointed to the front.


Qiao Ye looked up, and was taken aback for a moment. There was a faint light blooming in the ruins in front of him. This was something he hadn't seen when he entered the ruins of the ruins.

"Go!" Qiao Ye waved his hand, "Let's go and have a look."

Qiao Ye walked forward, and soon, in the middle of the dilapidated ruins, he saw a stone tablet standing upright.

"Tianshu monument?"

Qiao Ye was stunned. Isn't this the Tianshu tablet outside? How did you come inside!

Moreover, although the runes on it are the same, this Tianshu stele is obviously very old, and there is a crack in the center, which spreads from the top to the bottom.


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