Chapter 1230

Qiao Ye was a little puzzled. Up to now, he still hasn't figured out what happened to the book tablet today.

But also at this time...

That day, a ball of light suddenly appeared in the book tablet, appeared from the Tianshu tablet, and then quickly entered Qiao Ye's body, so fast that Qiao Ye didn't even have the slightest chance to react.

"You look at the stele of the heavenly book, comprehend the remnants of the twelve gods, and get the martial soul value: 100,000,000."

"You look at the stele of the book of heaven and comprehend the wisdom of martial arts."

"Wisdom of martial arts can allow you to understand the essence of a skill or martial art."

Qiao Ye felt a little warm in his body, but the martial soul value was not worth mentioning. The most important thing was the improvement of the God of War map!

At that moment, Qiao Ye felt a thunderbolt strike in his head.

In that picture, someone is performing a kung fu, which is impressively one move after another in the map of the god of war. First, the Void Blade of the Sky, followed by another move of yin and yang counterattack.

However, Qiao Ye had already learned these two moves when the God of War map was promoted to the fifth rank, and after the two moves, the man in the picture suddenly cast a fist, and the punch blasted out, the surrounding light was shining brightly, and there was a strong wind. There are mountains and seas upside down.

The next moment, Qiao Ye suddenly opened his eyes!

"Your God of War map has been upgraded to the fourth rank."

Qiao Ye wiped her forehead, which was covered with sweat, and then stretched out her hand to wipe it in front of her, and a light curtain emerged.

Host: Qiao Ye.

Title: Killing a Thousand People

Combat power: 77056000

Cultivation level: Second level of Martial Emperor Realm.

The power of elements: the heart of the flame soul, the pupil of the Tai Kun, and the roots of dead wood.

Mood: Supreme Killing Realm (0/300000000)

Martial soul value: 665250000/150000000

Martial Dao and Martial Soul: Dazzling Heavenly Demon (Rank 3) (variable variants).

Spiritual practice: spiritual map of ten thousand dharmas (third grade)

Skill repair technique: Five spirits breaking evil spell engraving (remnant) (fire) (water) (wood)

Items: twins in one realm, nine-turn magic bell ball, sixteen-edged lightsaber mirror, dragon claw (second grade), Bana flower (divine family)

Royal Beast: Four Different Phases (Growing Period) Polaris (Peak Period)

Cultivation method: Fuji Sword (concept idea), bloodthirsty lunatic (skill method), God of War map (skill method)

Martial arts: Hundred Wars Blood Art (Consummation), Breaking the Palm of Heaven (Consummation), Ascend to Heaven Road (Seventh Rank), Nine-turn Golden Body (Disabled) (Unparalleled)

Qiao Ye glanced at his own information on the light screen. The value of the Martial Soul has increased, but there is nothing to say. The most important thing is the map of the God of War!

God of War Picture (Fourth Grade) (0/900000000): One of the oldest exercises in the world, inherited from the ancient times. If this exercise is perfected, it will conquer the world and look down on the world. Although there are many masters in the world, there is no one invincible For generations, the only one who is proud of the world of mortals is the God of War.

I have no fear, live and die...

I have no fear, live and die...

No distracting thoughts, calm and oneness...

Listen to all directions, and have a heart...

Purple Lightning Fury Thunder, Sky False Blade...

Capture the dragon and move the crane, Yin and Yang counterattack...

Breaking the sky and breaking the earth, the punch is the same: the whole body is penetrated with one punch, the supremely powerful person can open up the world, shatter the void, and cross the realm. , Hence the name: Fist out of no two.

Qiao Ye first saw the Martial Soul value needed to upgrade to the third rank after the map of the god of war was promoted to the fourth rank, and almost sat down on the ground.

900 million martial soul values...

This is no longer a question of how much, but it can directly scare people to death.

900 million!

Qiao Ye felt that she had really betrayed the defenders and went to loot Linglong's treasure house!

This is not something that humans can do. What kind of broken kung fu method requires so many martial soul points.

Well, if Qiao Ye were to throw away this broken technique, he would definitely not do it!

At the same time, after the map of the God of War is promoted to the fourth rank, after the Void Blade of the Sky and the Yin-Yang Counterattack, the map of the God of War has an additional style, which is called the fist!

This is another direct combat attack move, which makes Qiao Ye very satisfied. The map of the God of War is finally intact, and he can use it.

But looking at the description of the punches, Qiao Ye felt a pain in the head!

The meaning of the punch is very simple. It is to punch with all your strength. After this punch, life and death will definitely be scored. If the opponent dies, then Qiao Ye will die. He must have to go to bed to recuperate. After losing all vitality, Qiao Ye's fighting power might not be able to use up to one or two out of ten.

This is completely unsuccessful or benevolent, a desperate move!

The pros and cons of this tactic are obvious, or in other words, the risk is directly proportional to the benefit.

Second, there is a very important point.

No matter what martial skill there is, there is an upper limit, but the move of fisting is perfect...

It belongs to the unlimited tricks!

The higher Qiao Ye's cultivation base, the stronger his strength, and the thicker the energy in his body, the greater the power of this punch. The so-called upper limit depends entirely on Qiao Ye himself!

Secondly, Qiao Ye suddenly had a flash of inspiration. It seemed that he would not be crippled after one punch.

Even if my Qi machine is exhausted with one punch...

In theory, it must be equivalent to having no combat ability at all, but...

I still have the magic map!

With the magic map, you can fight without relying on your body!

Taking a step back, even if I don't use the Ten Thousand Magic Spiritual Map to fight, don't I still have the universe and all phenomena, wouldn't it be enough to transform my spiritual power into aura?

Will mental power be weakened in that way?

Then let the ghost lamp appear and lend yourself your spiritual power!

Although there is still consumption, but after such a back and forth, he can at least maintain 50% to 60% of his combat power, so that he won't be useless after one punch.

Moreover, I not only have the Spiritual Map of Ten Thousand Laws, but also Polaris and Sibuxiang. Through the resonance of beast souls, I can share their aura from Polaris or Sibuxiang.

You must know that Qi machine and blood Qi are actually possessed by living beings. Warriors only focus on this aspect of cultivation, and use this as the core to fight. Whether it is martial arts or martial arts, they rely on these two.

But it doesn't mean that only warriors have qi and blood. It's just that people in other domains don't use it to practice, and the method of cultivation is not just borrowing qi and blood.

Among them, Polaris may not be easy to say. As a monster of the special department, its body structure is a bit special. Polaris' body is actually made of ice crystals.

However, Sibuxiang must have extremely strong energy and blood. In fact, although Sibuxiang is a fantasy beast, it has the body of a beast. In many cases, the innate energy and blood of beasts are stronger than Humanity.

Even, when Qiao Ye resonated with the four different beast souls, he obviously felt that his qi and blood had increased, and qi, blood and aura complement each other, and the improvement of qi and blood would definitely improve and restore his aura!

In this way, Qiao Ye's combat power will definitely be weakened by this punch, but it will definitely not be to the point of losing combat power.


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