Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1232 Acupoint-fixing Orb

Chapter 1232

The sand surged up and soon turned into a sand wall.

When the Skywalker's spear pierced into it, the spearhead got stuck directly in the sand.

Qiao Ye rubbed Xiao Ji's head with a smile and said, "Is this your martial soul ability?"

Xiaoji nodded with a rare smile.

"It's pretty good." Qiao Ye said with a smile, "However, let me do it next!"

The moment Qiao Ye fell silent, the figure suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already behind the Skywalker.

The Skywalker was still twitching his spear vigorously, not paying attention to Qiao Ye's movements at all.


The other Skywalkers exclaimed suddenly, and the Skywalker only reacted and turned his head back, but it was obviously too late!


Qiao Ye used black smoke to condense a black halberd in his hand, and swept it forward vigorously, passing by the Skywalker's neck, and then a fresh head flew up, tumbling into the air continuously, The piece of blood splattered and fell to the ground.

"You defeated a Skywalker at the sixth level of the Heavenly King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 72,000 points."

After the blow, Qiao Ye didn't stop, his figure flashed, and he jumped into the air directly. Behind him, the spirit map of ten thousand dharmas emerged. Using the invisible power of aura, Qiao Ye walked directly through the air.

"You..." Qiao Ye said, "Who said you killed me just now?"

A skywalker roared angrily: "The mere survivors are nothing more than slaves, and they dare to shout!"

Behind the Skywalker, the wings were stretched to the maximum, and at the same time they were shining brightly, and then they were about to rush towards Qiao Ye.


When the Skywalker was about to make a move, he was stunned because Qiao Ye had disappeared again.

And at the moment when the other party was stunned, Qiao Ye suddenly came to the other party's back, grabbed the other party's wings, and before the Skywalker could react, he tore it forcefully.


The Skywalker's pair of wings were forcibly torn off by Qiao Ye, and a large amount of blood sprayed out, forming a blood mist in the air. After the Skywalker screamed, he fell directly from the sky.

After Qiao Ye struck, he didn't stop. With a flick of his wrist, he threw the two wings in his hand to the sides.

The two wings whirled, hit the chests of the two Skywalkers, and cut directly into them. The two Skywalkers widened their eyes, followed in the footsteps of their companions, and fell from the air.

"You defeated a Skywalker at the eighth level of the Heavenly King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained a martial soul value of 82,000 points."

"You defeated a Skywalker at the second level of the Heavenly King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 60,000 points."


Qiao Ye turned around in the air, looked at the remaining Skywalkers and said, "There are five more, do you have any last words?"


In the mountains!

Lin Beichen quickly shuttled through the mountains and forests, looking behind from time to time. After not finding anyone chasing after him for a long time, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then took out a black bead from his cuff and looked at it.

The black bead is translucent, crystal clear like jade, and there is a layer of water-like brilliance on the surface, which will never disperse, tightly wrapping the bead, and it is not ordinary at first glance.

Lin Beichen wiped the beads with his cuff, and said happily: "This time I made a lot of money."

"Yes!" But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from Lin Beichen's side: "I think so too!"

Lin Beichen was frightened half to death in an instant. Looking sideways, he found that Qiao Ye had come to him at some point.

The two of them didn't stop, they just walked side by side, Qiao Ye followed Lin Beichen firmly, and ran forward with him.

Lin Beichen said in surprise, "You..."

Qiao Ye smiled and stretched out his hand, handed the brocade box to Lin Beichen and said, "You dropped something, and I'm here to return it to you."

Lin Beichen smiled dryly: "No, no, no need."

Qiao Ye said, "Does that mean you gave it to me?"

Lin Beichen hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, I gave it to you."

Qiao Ye looked at the beads in Lin Beichen's hand and said, "But as a gift, you seem to have forgotten to put something in it."

As Qiao Ye spoke, he opened the brocade box, and it was empty, with nothing in it.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand, motioned for Lin Beichen to put the beads in the brocade box.

Lin Beichen's expression turned bad in an instant, because I gave it to you because there was nothing, okay, if there is something, I will give you a hammer!

Qiao Ye didn't seem to see Lin Beichen's ugly expression, and said again: "Please!"

Lin Beichen held the corner of his mouth, and then put the bead into the brocade box, but when he was about to touch the brocade box, Lin Beichen suddenly turned his wrist.

A dagger slipped out of Lin Beichen's cuff, shining sharply, and stabbed towards Qiao Ye's face.

Qiao Ye didn't intend to dodge at all, but at the moment when the dagger was about to stab her, a large golden light suddenly bloomed on Qiao Ye's body.

Nine-turn golden body!


Lin Beichen's dagger stabbed Qiao Ye's face, and there was a crisp metal clanging sound.

"Hey!" Qiao Ye sighed, looked at Lin Beichen and said, "It seems that you are not very smart, because, if you are smart enough, you should understand that you were chased like a dead dog by those Skywalkers, and I Not only did I kill those Skywalkers, but I can also catch up with you after killing them, so..."

In the middle of Qiao Ye's words, he suddenly raised his leg, and ruthlessly swept Lin Beichen's lower abdomen, kicking Lin Beichen backwards.

Qiao Ye looked at Lin Beichen who fell three to five meters away and said, "So, I am much stronger than you, how dare you attack me?"

Lin Beichen got up from the ground, turned around and wanted to run away, but just as he turned around, a figure flashed in front of him, Qiao Ye appeared in front of Lin Beichen again, the speed was as fast as a ghost for Lin Beichen.

Lin Beichen twitched his throat, and said with a dry smile, "Brother, we are all adherents. If our own people don't beat us, we should live in peace, right?"

Qiao Ye said: "Looking at what you said before, it seems that you don't mean to get along with me peacefully."

Lin Beichen said: "I forgot to put things in it. Believe me, I really forgot."

As Lin Beichen spoke, he picked up the beads and held them to Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye picked up the bead and looked at it, then raised his eyebrows, and the light curtain that appeared in front of his eyes showed the message of the bead.

Ding acupoint beads (spiritual materials) (first grade): In ancient times, when the tomb was divided into golden Ding acupoints, it was necessary to use Ding acupoint beads to determine the position. There are many types of these objects, but each of them is an extremely yin thing among the natural elements of heaven and earth. .

No wonder so many people chase after it, this thing is a good thing!


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