Chapter 1233 Master Hua

Although it is a spiritual material, this thing can be said to be a very precious spiritual material!

Qiao Ye's five-spirit-breaking-evil-recording technique requires pure five-element spiritual materials from the natural world, and the Dingxue beads are also this series of spiritual materials, and they are even more cherished, because Dingxue beads belong to the yin and yang of the five elements of yin and yang!

First-grade spiritual materials with two poles of yin and yang are naturally more rare than the five elements.

Qiao Ye patted Lin Beichen's shoulder with a smile and said, "Not bad!"

Lin Beichen smiled apologetically, a bit bitterly, of course he knew what the word "good" meant, his life was saved, but his things were gone.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly felt something, grabbed Lin Beichen's shoulder, and yanked Lin Beichen behind him.

At the moment when Qiao Ye pulled Lin Beichen away, a large piece of feather suddenly appeared in the sky and fell down.

Boom, boom, boom!

The feathers fell to the ground, and there were continuous bangs, which shattered the ground.

The next moment, a large group of Skywalkers appeared and descended from the sky.

Qiao Ye immediately threw out the imperial beast cage, released Polaris and said, "Protect Xiao Ji!"

Polaris came to Xiao Ji silently.

And the sky was filled with Skywalkers in the blink of an eye, there were at least twenty or thirty people densely packed!

Qiao Ye looked at Lin Beichen and said, "You really offended a lot of people!"

Lin Beichen pulled the corner of his mouth, isn't that thing in your hands now!

As Lin Beichen thought about it, he glanced at those Skywalkers. It seemed that even if he said that the things were no longer in his hands, these guys probably wouldn't believe them.

At the same time, a Skywalker descended some heights, looked at the two of them and said, "Hand over the things, so you can die more quickly!"

Qiao Ye grinned, stretched out her hand suddenly, condensed a black halberd, and threw it upwards.

The black halberd flew into the air, and instantly turned into a black streamer.

Before the Skywalker realized what was going on, his eyes widened and he felt a chill in his chest. It was Qiao Ye's halberd that opened a bloody hole in the opponent's chest.


The Skywalker fell from the sky and hit the ground hard.

"You defeated a Skywalker of the third level of the Heavenly King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 58,000 points."


"What courage!"

"A mere humble name dares to resist."

"Execute them!"

The surrounding skywalkers roared angrily, raising their weapons one after another to charge towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye sneered and said, "I really want to know how you executed me!"


Qiao Ye's legs curled up, and she jumped up into the air.

Qiao Ye came to the sky in an instant, and the black halberd in his hand slashed horizontally towards the surroundings.

After a halberd, the black radiance swirled and scattered, rushing to all directions, and the layers of air waves were like waves, pushing away crazily towards the surroundings.

The circle of Skywalkers around Qiao Ye suddenly felt as if they had been hit hard, as if they had been hit hard in the chest, and then they were blasted in all directions, either hitting a tree or hitting the ground.

After one blow, Qiao Ye's figure moved away, and the Wanfa Lingtu behind her was shining brightly.

Qiao Ye walked straight through the air and rushed to the side.


With a sweep of the halberd, a head flew up and flew out into the air.


Qiao Ye beheaded one person, and a skywalker roared and rushed towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye didn't look back at all, and just slapped it with a backhand.

The three forms of Tianwu, breaking the palm of the sky, and the big mudra!

With Qiao Ye's slap, a huge handprint appeared, grabbing the Skywalker directly, and holding him firmly.

Qiao Ye smiled ferociously, turned around, looked at the other party and said, "Die!"


The huge handprint tightened, and the Skywalker's body was crushed abruptly, all the bones in his body were shattered, and the blood all over the sky turned into bloody water, which poured down like rain.

"You defeated a Skywalker at the fifth level of the Heavenly King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 68,000 points."

This blow was too tyrannical and cruel. The skywalkers around who wanted to rush towards Qiao Ye were frightened by the tragic death and dared not move forward.

"Get out of the way!" At this time, a jade-colored brilliance appeared in the sky, and then a skywalker descended from the sky, waved the others to back away and said, "You are not his opponent, let me do it!"

"Lord Hua!"

"Lord Hua!"


Seeing that Skywalker appear, the surrounding Skywalkers suddenly showed respect.

Lin Beichen's face changed and he said, "Huaman? Long Tianbao from the Thousand Strike Ship is also here?"

The Skywalker named Huaman glanced at Lin Beichen, and said in a low voice, "Bold, what are you, you dare to call the Lord by his name?"

While Huaman was talking, the wings on his back spread out. Unlike ordinary Skywalker wings, this guy's wings turned out to be a pair of hairless bat wings. When one flapped down, the wind blade hit Lin Beichen. rolled over.

But also at this time...

Suddenly, Qiao Ye's figure flashed, and he came to the wind blade, waved his hand casually, and the violent wind blade disappeared instantly.

Qiao Ye looked at Huaman and said, "Do I agree with you killing him?"

Lin Beichen said with fear: "Be careful, he is one of the twenty-four deputy captains in Long Tianbao's Thousand Strike Fleet!"

Long Tianbao, Qiao Ye also heard a little about it.

Among the remnants are the Three Kings, who are active in the ruins area of ​​the Sky Throne, which is also the central area of ​​the airspace today, and it is the area with the most abundant supplies.

And what the three kings of the remnants are fighting against is the six fleets of Skywalker.

These six fleets are Sakura Fleet, Red Dragon Group, Cyan Overlord, Skywalker, Royal Fleet, and...

Thousand Strike Fleet!

Long Tianbao is the commander of the Thousand Strike Fleet!

Three kings and six warships also represent the nine most powerful forces in the airspace today.

Of course, the Skywalkers do not approve of the Three Kings. They all regard the Three Kings of the Remnants as clowns. Although compared with ordinary Skywalkers, the Three Kings of the Remnants are indeed very powerful, but compared with the six Skywalker fleets, the three The power of the king is nothing.

In fact, this contempt is not entirely unjustified.

After all, this is an airspace. No matter how many years have passed and how the pattern has changed, the number of Skywalkers is far greater than that of the survivors, and the resources they have mastered are far superior to those of the survivors. The strength of the six fleets is indeed higher than that of the three kings. Just be able to fight it.

And the word "confrontation", sometimes, actually represents weakness, otherwise it should be victory!

It's no wonder that when Lin Beicheng mentioned Long Tianbao, there was obvious fear in his tone.

However, Qiao Ye obviously didn't take Lin Beichen's words to heart.


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