Chapter 1303 Yan Chiyong

Sibuxiang charged forward.

The charge of four different phases is not just an ordinary charge.

Of course, Sibuxiang's charge is already extremely powerful. You must know that Sibuxiang is not a small one now, and with that physique running, it is absolutely full of impact.

And this is obviously not the only reason for the horror of Four Different Phases.

When Si Bu Xiang runs, the surroundings will be surrounded by moonlight, and the moonlight will reveal a cold breath, as long as you get close to a certain range, you will be injured by the cold air, and the cold air of Si Bu Xiang is not ordinary chill.

The sun is Yang and the moon is Yin.

The four different types of cold air are of the yin attribute. When one is frostbitten by the cold air, the yin air will continue to invade the body and corrode the internal organs, which is quite terrifying.

Those Skywalkers were frightened by the cold the moment they approached the four different forms, and a layer of frost appeared on their bodies in an instant. The cold slowed down their speed and made them no longer so flexible.

As far as Qiao Ye was concerned, even if the opponent's movements stopped for a moment, it was enough!

Poof, poof!

The black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand flew and swept across the sides. The moment the tip of the halberd swept across the opponent's chest, it cut the opponent's body open.

A large amount of blood splashed out and spread out towards the surroundings, forming a large amount of blood mist.

And these people are not the worst, what is even worse are those who are not good at cultivation. They don't need Qiao Ye to do anything at all. Some Skywalker's faces show pain, their faces become extremely pale, and their bodies are constantly frozen. More importantly, there was severe pain in the body, as if the organs in the body were torn apart.


Die quietly in pain!

"You defeated a Skywalker at the first level of the Heavenly King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 38,000 points."

"You defeated a Skywalker at the second level of the Heavenly King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 45,000 points."

"You defeated a Skywalker at the seventh level of the Tianzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 23,000 points."


Qiao Ye made a strong attack, and the opponent's airship was completely destroyed by Sibuxiang. The guards around him naturally wouldn't miss this opportunity.

The cry of killing sounded again, and countless figures rushed forward like a torrent.

In the next moment, the sound of weapons clanging suddenly sounded, and everyone fought into a group again.

The sound of shouting and killing, screaming, wailing, and the sound of tearing flesh and blood came out in an endless stream.

Qiao Ye glanced ahead and felt that he had to speed up a little.

Liang Zhicheng's strategy is to fight forward without revealing his strength as much as possible. If he wants to send Ye Yousi back to the airspace, he must first approach the entrance, that is to say, let the battle circle spread to the center first. region only.

Even if Skywalker cannot be completely repulsed, it is up to the masters to take action together to send Ye Yousi away. It also needs to rely on the chaos brought about by the war, instead of directly relying on oneself, or even directly facing the enemy blocking the entrance and exit. Giant airship.

Therefore, before reaching the central area, everyone has to shoulder the responsibility of leading everyone forward.

It is obviously impossible for a master to completely control the situation of a war.

There is always a limit to what human beings can do, just like the power of God cannot be defeated by manpower, it is impossible for one person to decide the outcome of a war.

However, this does not mean that a master has no role in war.

Although it cannot control the outcome of a normal war, it is still possible to determine the outcome of a certain battle. Taking a step back, the appearance of a master in a small-scale conflict within an area is enough to change the battle in this area. The outcome of the.

This is what Liang Zhicheng wanted Qiao Ye to do, not only Qiao Ye, but before the war, Liang Zhicheng scattered the masters in different areas, hoping to gain an advantage from the regional small-scale battles, so as to quickly move towards the city of Qingmu Town. The center advances until it enters the center area.

However, there is a problem...

Skywalkers are not just airships, there are also masters!

Suddenly, a flame appeared in the sky and passed directly across the sky. Immediately afterwards, the surrounding trees ignited raging flames.

Qiao Ye looked up at the sky, squinted his eyes involuntarily, and then shouted to the surroundings: "Get out of the way!"

Although Qiao Ye yelled in time, she couldn't just get out of the way if she wanted to. The people around her had already rushed up.

The guardians are not bad, because the strength of the guardians is not weak.

But even if the guardians are the largest number compared with the boundary guards and the world mystics, compared with the sergeants mobilized from other places, the number is still much smaller.

Therefore, only a few dozen guards reacted immediately, while the others...


A huge fireball fell from the sky and hit the ground directly.

Accompanied by the sound of the fireball exploding, a huge deep pit was directly blasted out of the ground, and those directly hit by the fireball were annihilated as flying ash, not even bone slag remained.

And after the fireball landed, a large area of ​​flames continued to drift towards the surroundings and spread continuously.

Burning men appeared one after another, wailing one after another, and soon, scorched stones appeared one after another in front of them.

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes, this guy...

So cruel!

The opponent's attack did not avoid Skywalker, that is to say, the guy who made the attack even killed his own people, but Skywalker has the innate advantage of being able to fly after all, so compared with it, there must be much fewer casualties.

And amidst the surging flames, a red-winged Skywalker slowly descended from the air, with a pair of red spears in his hands, pointing forward with a sneer.

"A group of untouchables, dare to act presumptuously here?" Scarlet Wing Skywalker snorted coldly and said, "Chief of the Red Soul Corps, Yan Chiyong is here, can any of you fight with me?"

Qiao Ye couldn't help but pouted, this guy still treats this place as an airspace.

Anyone without wings in the airspace is a remnant, and Skywalker has always been consciously superior to them. Slaves, untouchables and the like are all names for the remnants of the airspace.


This is the battlefield of the Nine Domains, not the airspace!

However, the other party still treated all those without wings as slaves and pariahs according to their usual perception.

However, Qiao Ye didn't make a move immediately.

Liang Zhicheng had warned Qiao Ye not to try his best. The reason was of course that he was afraid of being exposed. It would definitely not be a good thing to send Ye Yousi to break into the entrance later. Being watched in advance.

However, this guy showing off his power in front of him really made Qiao Ye feel quite uncomfortable.

But at this moment...

Xiaoji suddenly reached out and pulled La Qiaoye's clothes.


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