Chapter 1304 kill him

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

Qiao Ye always felt that Xiao Ji was different. When Qiao Ye brought Xiao Ji out of the chaotic world of cannibalism, the two became one.

Qiao Ye is not just taking care of Xiao Ji.

When Xiaoji was by his side, Qiao Ye could feel a sense of peace of mind inexplicably.

Even, the endless killing intent that was uncontrollable before has softened at this moment.

After Xiaoji pulled La Qiaoye's clothes, she directly held a cage of imperial beasts to Qiao Ye.

"this is……"

Qiao Ye looked at the beast cage, of course he knew it, isn't this the beast cage of Polaris.

Originally, when he came back from the Sea of ​​No Return, the first thing Qiao Ye had to do was to take Polaris to the trainer of the Beast Realm to see if anyone could heal Polaris' injury.

However, at that time, Xiao Ji took away Polaris' cage, so Polaris was not by Qiao Ye's side all the time, and this matter could only be put aside for the time being.

Qiao Ye didn't quite understand what Xiaoji meant by taking out Polaris' beast cage at this time.

Qiao Ye touched Xiao Ji's head and said, "Let her recover well!"

Xiao Ji said: "She can do it."

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment and said, "Polaris' injury is healed?"

Xiao Ji spoke directly with actions, and instead of Qiao Ye, threw the Polaris' beast cage out. After a flash of light, Polaris appeared in front of Qiao Ye.

Polaris is still Polaris, Qiao Ye is familiar with it, but it is precisely because of this that Qiao Ye is surprised.

How badly Polaris was injured at the time, and how miserable it looked, Qiao Ye saw it with his own eyes. His whole body was broken, and one of his lower legs was broken.

However, Polaris now looks intact and has fully recovered from his injuries.

Moreover, Qiao Ye didn't know if it was his own illusion, but he always felt that the aura emanating from Polaris had changed significantly.

It's hard to say whether the aura has become stronger or weakened. The accurate statement should be restrained. From this point of view, Polaris is obviously able to control his aura better, and he is more human-like, which naturally represents Polaris. Got stronger.

However, because of his introverted breath, Qiao Ye didn't know whether Polaris had become stronger. Qiao Ye was even more surprised by Polaris' injury.

How could such a serious injury recover by itself?

Because Polaris' body is a crystal, it can be reorganized and joined together. Among the many beasts, the self-healing ability is indeed outstanding, but if this level of injury can be recovered intact, this self-healing ability is no longer outstanding. , but rather terrifying!

"What?" At this time, Yan Chiyong brandished his guns and shouted, "They are all a bunch of thugs, no one dares to come up and compete with me? A pariah is a pariah, not just a bunch of trash , I don’t even have the guts at all!”

Qiao Ye seemed to understand Xiaoji's reason for making Polaris appear, and looked at Xiaoji and said, "You want Polaris to fight?"

Xiao Ji nodded.

After all, this was indeed a good idea. Qiao Ye didn't want to try his best and be targeted by Skywalker, so as not to affect the task of escorting Ye Yousi back.

But Qiao Ye can't make it on himself, so he can let Polaris go on it. Moreover, the appearance of Polaris is no different from that of normal humans. Unless he is a beast master, it is almost impossible to tell that Polaris is a beast. to fight.

The only question, then, is Polaris?

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes. The airspace is still quite unfamiliar in today's world. You can only know if it works or not.

"Then..." Qiao Ye looked at Polaris and said, "Kill him!"

Polaris got the order, without any hesitation, he rushed out in the direction of Yan Chiyong.

While running, Polaris raised his hands to the sides, and then two auroras wrapped around Polaris' arms, and soon condensed into a crystallized hand crossbow in Polaris' palm.

Polaris' speed did not decrease, and he was still running fast in the direction of Yan Chiyong. At the same time, he raised both hands forward and quickly pulled the trigger.

Accompanied by the roaring sound, two polar beams suddenly appeared, flying towards Yan Chiyong's direction.

Yan Chiyong was not facing Polaris directly, but turned around abruptly when he heard the whistling sound behind him.

Seeing the aurora beam coming, Yan Chiyong waved the wings on his back fiercely, and quickly blocked in front of him.

Boom, boom!

Two beams of aurora hit Yan Chiyong's wings, and then there was a loud explosion.

On Yan Chiyong's crimson wings, a huge fire ball burst out directly, and the layers of air waves retreated crazily towards the surroundings. After Yan Chiyong retreated more than ten steps in a row, he stabilized hold the body.

Yan Chiyong said angrily: "You dare to sneak attack..."

Before Yan Chiyong could finish his words, Polaris had already jumped up, and his whole body was writhing in the air. The crystallized hand crossbows in his hands turned into a pair of crystallized long swords, and he slashed down towards Yan Chiyong.


Yan Chiyong quickly crossed his spears, and received Polaris' sword.

Accompanied by the sound of crisp chirping, Yan Chiyong spread his wings and wanted to fly into the air, but at this moment, the weapon in Polaris' hands changed again.

This time, the weapon in Polaris' hands turned into a whip formed by splicing prismatic crystals, and he swung it into the air, directly binding Yan Chiyong's right leg.

In the next moment, Polaris yanked hard, and Yan Chiyong fell from the air and hit the ground, directly smashing the ground to pieces.

There was laughter all around.

Yan Chiyong got up from the ground and said angrily: "Stinky bitch, I think you are courting death!"

Yan Chiyong raised his hand, and the crimson gun tip suddenly ignited flames, and then, a huge fire ball flew forward, attacking in the direction of Polaris.

Polaris didn't dodge either, he still came forward with the huge fire mass, and then with one arm raised, a huge crystalline shield appeared in front of Polaris.


The fireball hit the crystalline shield, making a loud noise, and then a large swath of flame flew towards the sides against the crystalline shield.

Polaris took the blow easily, and the weapon in his hand turned into a crystal crossbow again, and he pulled the trigger forward.


An aurora beam shot out and exploded after hitting Yan Chiyong. The huge momentum pushed Yan Chiyong backwards continuously.

Yan Chiyong felt the pain coming from his body, his face suddenly became more ferocious, and after a low growl, he rushed out towards Polaris.

Qiao Ye held his chin and murmured, "Is Polaris changing weapons much faster than before?"


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