Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1305 Can being beaten really make you stronger?

Chapter 1305 Can Being Beaten Really Make You Stronger?

Polaris' own physical body is formed by crystallization.

Therefore, Polaris actually does not have a fixed weapon. As long as Polaris is willing, he can use crystals to condense any kind of weapon. At the same time, different weapons have different effects.

This can also be regarded as the innate ability of Polaris as a beast master, or it can be understood as a unique beast mastering skill that only Polaris possesses!

However, the change of weapons also has certain disadvantages.

That's the speed of change!

Each weapon change takes a certain amount of time, although it doesn’t take much time, and it’s just a short period of time, but it’s time after all, if you grasp the time interval between weapon changes, it’s actually a good way to attack Polaris opportunity.

But right now, Qiao Ye felt that the speed at which Polaris changed weapons was significantly faster, which could be called rapid change, but because the speed of weapon changes was not too slow, Qiao Ye was not very sure.

at the same time……

The battle between Polaris and Yan Chiyong is still going on!

Being repelled by the Polaris continuously made Yan Chiyong angry. To be repelled by a woman in full view, in Yan Chiyong's view, was really shameful.

"Chilong Spear!" Yan Chiyong let out a low growl, really angry, lowered his body, and said in an assault posture: "Yanlongtu!"


Yan Chi bravely kicked the ground hard, and then the whole person flew forward.

As he charged forward, flames suddenly burned on Yan Chiyong's body, but the flame obviously did not hurt Yan Chiyong, but wrapped Yan Chiyong's body.

In the next instant, the flames began to condense into form, and soon turned into the head of a red dragon.

Arriving in front of Polaris, the red dragon opened its huge mouth fiercely, and bit down directly towards Polaris.


The loud noise of flame explosion suddenly appeared, and then, at the moment the dragon head collapsed, the ground was blasted to pieces, and the layers of flames spread to an area with a radius of at least fifteen meters, burning continuously.

While blasting the ground into a deep hole, the rising flames even formed a terrifying pillar of fire that soared into the sky, even higher than the surrounding trees, directly surpassing the sea of ​​trees. Very obvious.

After a while, Yan Chiyong stepped out of the flames, looked at the burning flames behind him, and said with a sneer: "I just moved a little bit, and I can't do it, it's just vulnerable!"

After Yan Chiyong finished speaking, he looked around again.

"Don't you all grow up? Are you relying on a girl to stand up for you?" Yan Chiyong shouted loudly: "Is there anyone who dares to come out and fight, you trash!"

Yan Chiyong's voice fell, but no one responded, because...

Click, click!

A large piece of concentrated crystals suddenly appeared under Yan Chiyong's feet, and the crystals continued to spread along Yan Chiyong's ankles, fixing Yan Chiyong's body there.

Yan Chiyong also showed surprise on his face, and then...

Poof, poof!

Yan Chiyong suddenly felt a pain in his back, but Polaris suddenly appeared behind Yan Chiyong, holding two crystallized daggers in his hands, and stabbed directly in Yan Chiyong's back.

"Ah, ah..."

Yan Chiyong screamed in pain, grabbed the red gun, and swept it towards the rear forcefully.

However, that shot failed to hit!

When Yan Chiyong swept out with a spear, Polaris suddenly jumped up, and then stepped on the tip of Yan Chiyong's spear.


The red long spear was directly stepped on the ground, and then Polaris swept away with his left leg, kicking Yan Chiyong directly in the head, sending Yan Chiyong flying away.


Yan Chiyong was knocked into the air and hit the tree trunk behind him fiercely, with blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth!

Suffering continuous injuries, Yan Chiyong had already fallen into an uncontrollable rage, completely ignoring the pain on his body, quickly stood up again, and moved forward with a ferocious face.

This guy is going to die.

"Tian Xing, Yan..."

Yan Chiyong intends to enter the state of skywalker, which is also the core of Skywalker's cultivation method, similar to the martial soul in Wuyu and the spirit out of Lingyu, but...


Yan Chiyong's body was burning blazingly, but before he had time to enter the sky-walking state, Polaris' figure suddenly flashed and came directly in front of Yan Chiyong.

Yan Chiyong's eyes widened.

Polaris is so fast!

Much faster than before!

Didn't this woman do her best before?

Yan Chiyong couldn't help thinking of this, and then felt a pain in his throat, but it was Polaris who directly bumped his knee, pressing his knee hard against Yan Chiyong's throat.

Yan Chiyong clutched his throat, coughed up blood, and quickly backed up, but before he could stand still, Polaris came up again.


There was an extra dagger in Polaris' hand, and the moment he came to Yan Chiyong, he directly thrust the dagger into Yan Chiyong's side neck forcefully.

Blood spurted out all of a sudden.

Yan Chiyong twitched his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't utter half a syllable at all, he could only keep backing away, and finally leaned against the tree trunk, and sat down slowly until he lost his voice completely.

"You defeated a skywalker at the first level of the Emperor Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 190,000 points."


Polaris shook off the blood on the dagger casually, then returned to Qiao Ye's side in silence and stood still.

Qiao Ye glanced at Polaris, unable to hide her surprise.

Polaris has really become stronger!

As a unparalleled level of imperial beast, Polaris is indeed capable of confronting practitioners of the imperial realm, and the outcome is unpredictable, and it is uncertain which side will win the victory.

Of course, this is not the upper limit of the Polaris, it is just the lower limit of the Wushuang-level beast master. Through the cultivation of the beast master, the beast master can also continue to increase its strength.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Polaris was able to kill Yan Chiyong. After all, although Yan Chiyong is arrogant, he is only a skywalker at the first level of Emperor Realm. When he fights against Polaris, the outcome of the two is unknown.

However, it was surprising that Polaris could kill Yan Chiyong so easily.

Polaris didn't give Yan Chiyong any chance at all, he had the advantage throughout the whole process, and killed Yan Chiyong lightly!

To be able to achieve this level, of course, represents the strength of Polaris, forcibly overpowering Yan Chiyong, and it can only be achieved with a clear advantage.

And Qiao Ye can guarantee that if Polaris was injured before he was injured, he would definitely not be able to reach this level, and the battle with Yan Chiyong should be about the same!

"Can being beaten really make you stronger?" Qiao Ye held her chin, looked at Polaris with malicious intent, and murmured in her heart, "How about I beat her up a few more times?"


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