Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1306 Dragon-Shaped Airship

Chapter 1306

Qiao Ye didn't think about it for too long.

Because Polaris killed Yan Chiyong, it was naturally a very morale-boosting thing for everyone around.

Therefore, at the moment of Yan Chiyong's death, the surrounding people roared and rushed forward.

The hands on both sides collided fiercely again.

Qiao Ye patted Si Buxiang's head and said, "Let's go too!"

Sibuxiang moved forward.

Qiao Ye estimated in his mind that this distance has already passed the outermost area of ​​Qingmu Town, which can be judged from the lushness of the trees.

When the entrance and exit of the airspace appeared, Qingmu Town was completely covered by the Qingyan Spiritual Tree, and the guards in the outer area organized manual felling, and there were not many trees, but the more you walked towards the center, the more lush the trees were, and taller and bigger.

This is actually not good for Skywalker.

Because, Tiance Longzun made a move!

The magic bureau outside Qingmu Town was arranged by Tiance Longzun, and the barrier formed by the magic bureau restricted the altitude that the airship could fly.

At this moment, the sound of explosions continued to be heard in the air. Obviously, those Skywalkers were still trying to attack the giant barrier like a canopy, trying to fight their way through the air.

However, how could it be so easy to break through the barrier formed by the magic trick laid down by the dignified Shu Zun?

So, those Skywalkers were just wasting their efforts in vain.

With the existence of barriers, those airships are limited to flying at low altitudes. In addition to being easier to attack, the surrounding trees will also become obstacles.

But also at this time...


A huge roar suddenly appeared, and then, a large area began to tremble crazily, and the surrounding trees began to shake and collapse continuously.

Amidst the violent tremors, a huge empty ship slowly rose towards the direction of the central area!

Red Wing, the seventh main ship of the Red Dragon Regiment!

After the Red Wing was raised to a certain height, a large number of hatches suddenly appeared on both sides of the airship. After those hatches opened, countless small airships flew out of the hatches.

Those airships are very unique, smaller than ordinary small airships, and the overall shape is not an elliptical sphere, but one by one...


The dragon-shaped airship is about four meters in length. Its body is long and narrow, completely in the shape of a dragon, and the body part is equipped with organs, so that the body part can be twisted at will like a real dragon. A pair of huge dragon wings.

An airship of this size can only accommodate one person at most, but in terms of craftsmanship, it may be more complicated than ordinary small airships.

However, the number is extremely large, and it is unimaginable!

There were at least two or three thousand dragon-shaped airships flying out from behind the hatch, and they quickly spread out in all directions.

And the reason why the opponent sent these dragon-shaped airships at this moment will soon be revealed!

Because, flexible!

Boom, boom, boom!

A dragon-shaped airship passed over everyone's heads at a frighteningly fast speed. It was completely fleeting, like an afterimage passing by from above.

At the same time, at the moment when the dragon-shaped airship passed by, beams of beams shot downward continuously, and then the roar of explosions sounded incessantly, the ground was shattered, and some people were blown away.

Because those airships are dragon-shaped and have a long and narrow body, they can easily shuttle through the woods. Not to mention they are very flexible, and their speed is terrifyingly fast. It is even difficult for everyone to catch the trajectory of those dragon-shaped airships. The shaped airship has already flown over and completed the attack.

If Ye Yousi was here, he would definitely tell Qiao Ye immediately that this is a special airship made by the Red Dragon Regiment—Young Dragon!

In the airspace, Skywalker will often capture the remnants of the airspace as slaves. Generally speaking, the remnants of the airspace can only create small airships at most, or directly grab some small and medium-sized airships from Skywalker.

Without an airship, it is impossible to live in the sky. Therefore, most of the remnants of the airspace risk fighting against evil beasts day and night, and live on the broken suspended continent.

And those suspended continents contain a variety of terrains, among which there are not a few mountainous terrains, and the suspended continents with mountainous terrains are undoubtedly the most suitable for living, because there will be relatively more food, and the existence of water sources is almost certain. .

The Young Dragon was born in this environment. Facing the remnants of the airspace who fled into the mountains, it is indeed very troublesome for ordinary airships to arrest them, but the Young Dragon was specially made for this kind of terrain A low-altitude combat airship.

The sea of ​​trees in Qingmu Town can restrain ordinary airships, but it cannot restrain these young dragons.

However, this does not mean that those young dragons attack, and everyone is helpless.

This is not the airspace, and everyone is not the bitter haha ​​of the airspace survivors. The other party has the Young Dragon, so don't they have any good things here?

"Thunder net to cover the sky!"

A guard gave a low shout, and directly sacrificed a treasure, but it was a huge fishing net. As soon as he threw it into the sky, the fishing net continued to grow larger, covering a large area.

Because the two young dragons were too fast, they had no time to dodge and plunged into the fishing net.

next moment...


The sound of thunder and lightning surged suddenly, and a large amount of electric current gushed out of the fishing net, and then...

Boom, boom!

Under the invasion of the electric current, the two Young Dragons immediately emitted black smoke, and then exploded into pieces, directly connecting people and the airship, and annihilated the fly ash directly.

On the other side, a guard sneered, suddenly grabbed a sword formula, and sent the long sword in his hand into the air: "The Sword Riding the Wind Jue, Hundred Shadows Sword Circle!"

This trick is powerful, Qiao Ye has heard about it, this is Zixiao Jianzhuang's specialty, and it has a great reputation!

The sword was like the air, splitting suddenly, and the dense sword intent spread out, turning into three sword circles, large, medium and small, constantly circling in the air.

When the surrounding young dragons flew by, the circle of three swords suddenly spread, and countless phantom swords were pushed out towards the surroundings, and then hit those young dragons, constantly piercing them.

Boom, boom, boom!

Amid the sound of explosions, one after another, the Young Dragons continued to fall from the sky, hit the ground, and then burst into pieces with black smoke.

It is indeed difficult for ordinary sergeants to deal with the Young Dragon, but for the guards, there are many ways to deal with these things.

Moreover, the Young Dragon also has obvious shortcomings, that is...

Defense pattern!


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