Chapter 1307

In order to improve the speed and agility of the Young Dragons, the formation patterns depicted are naturally biased towards these two, which makes the defensive formations of the Young Dragons weaker. As long as these Young Dragons can be caught, it will be easier to destroy them. Ordinary airships are simpler.

The people around also showed their special abilities, and got entangled with those young dragons.

The speed of advancement has obviously slowed down, but the advancement is still continuing, and it has not stopped because of this. This is good news.


Qiao Ye suddenly heard a buzzing sound, and then couldn't help looking forward.

Qiao Ye looked up at the sky, and saw to the southwest, a piece of emerald green light covering the sky, covering a large area of ​​the sky.

Qiao Ye murmured, "Is there something serious about Lingyu?"

In fact, when spirits and martial arts are fighting, the defenders, guards and world mystics will not participate in the war. Both sides are like this. This is a tacit understanding.

The army of the Nine Domains Battlefield, on the one hand, is the countries of the Wuyu, and on the other hand, the ministries of the Lingyu, and the elite of the two, the Wuyu is the national joint army of all countries, and the Lingyu is the carefully selected spirit armor. scholar!

The aura right now is the masterpiece of the Spirit Armor!

This is a good show of the spirit armor warriors. Everyone uses their spiritual power to connect with each other to form an army formation. The sudden flash of inspiration is infinite.

The appearance of the Spirit Armor formation in one hand represented that the Spirit Realm had moved for real, and Skywalker was terrified.

At the same time, it's not that there is no meaning of fighting.

The National United Army and the guardians of Wuyu were in charge of the east, the spirit armor warriors and the guardians of Lingyu were in charge of the west, the north was jointly attacked by the beast domain and the demon domain, and the south did not launch an attack.

Liang Zhicheng used the strategy of surrounding three and releasing one, and the south was deliberately released for Skywalker to escape.

Surrounded on all sides, if Skywalker loses, he can only hide in the central area. This is not what Liang Zhicheng wants to see.

Secondly, under siege from all sides, Skywalker has no choice but to defend if he loses the enemy.

After all, Skywalker's structure is not monolithic. According to Ye Yousi's speculation, the power of MSI Nanzhou should be unified by the Red Dragon Group and the Thousand Strike Fleet.

But unification does not mean that there is no disagreement in private. When facing a real crisis, it is hard to say whether they can advance and retreat together.

Surround the three and let one go, give the opponent hope, and maybe be able to disintegrate the opponent's combat power.

And the attack on the remaining three sides is naturally done with all its strength.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the two domains of Lingwu. No one is convinced. To be able to enter the central area first to put enough pressure on Skywalker, and to defeat Skywalker is the battle between the two.

On the other hand, Demon Realm and Beast Realm may not have such a serious mind, but if the combination of the two realms is not as good as Lingyu and Wuyu, it will not look good.

Sure enough, as soon as the spirit armor formation appeared, everyone around became excited!

"Brothers, don't let Lingyu's grandson look down on you, follow me to kill him!"

Someone raised a military flag and roared loudly, and then many people approached that person, and even quickly set up an army formation, but it was a small army formation, about twenty or so people!

The military flag is also a treasure, once the military formation is complete, as soon as the military flag is waved, the people who formed the military formation will begin to bloom with brilliance.

"Go ahead!"

"Go ahead!"

"Go ahead!"

The twenty or so people shouted and began to charge forward.

"The undead army of Xianluo Kingdom?"

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows.

Xian Luo Kingdom's undead army formation is very famous. Qiao Ye is not very clear about the details, but it is said that the army flag will not fall, the army formation will not be broken, the army formation will not be broken, and the soldiers will not die. It is quite a terrifying formation!

And those twenty or so soldiers from the Xianluo Kingdom did display unparalleled ferocity.

The twenty or so people charged together in a very weird formation, like a trapezoid.

This kind of military formation is obviously unreasonable, because there will be overlapping of personnel, and when rushing forward, less than half of the sergeants can launch an attack.

Secondly, if it is an army formation that attacks alternately, it should not be so dense. There is no room for personnel to alternate in such a dense position.

Overall, it's weird.

But don't worry about black cats and white cats, a cat that catches mice is a good cat!

The twenty or so sergeants charged forward, and then...

one strike!

Skywalker was directly scattered!

There were not a lot of Skywalkers blocking the front, but it was just a face-to-face meeting. That daywalker was defeated instantly, unable to withstand the frontal charge at all, not only was defeated, but even lost several lives in an instant!

You know, those are just ordinary sergeants, not guards, and their cultivation bases are not higher than those of Skywalker, and they are generally at the level of Wu Zongjing, and even most of them are not even at the level of Grandmasters. .

Skywalker may still have an advantage, but Skywalker can't stand it at all!

This also made those skywalkers extremely angry, and then jumped up one after another, spreading their wings and flying low in the sky.

Flying is also the advantage of Skywalker!

However, those twenty or so soldiers from the Xianluo Kingdom were not afraid at all!

"The whole army is in formation!" The leading sergeant roared again: "I am invincible!"

With a bang, the sergeants dropped their knives directly.

The soldiers of the Xianluo Kingdom are equipped with sabers, short spears and shields.

At this moment, after decisively discarding the knives, the sergeants drew out their short spears and raised their shields in unison. The cooperation was surprisingly tacit, without any sense of dullness.

With a bang, those shields were lifted up, and then the bodies of those sergeants shrank, directly forming a hemispherical shape.

The skywalker who swooped down from the sky continued to launch attacks, but he couldn't break through the shield's defense at all.


After a round of attack, the shield suddenly cracked a gap, and the spear tip pierced out suddenly.

Puff puff……

The skywalker who was hanging in the air was pierced instantly, and a large amount of bright red blood sprayed out continuously.

After killing a lot of Skywalkers again, the shield spread out, greeted with a lot of applause from around, the twenty or so sergeants had no intention of retreating, and continued to charge forward.

The undead formation of the Xianluo Kingdom is indeed fierce, with a combination of offense and defense, completely suppressing those Skywalkers, and from Qiao Ye's point of view, he seems to have glimpsed the secret of the undead formation.

That military flag should have a strengthening effect, and it can transform power, that is, whether it is attacking or defending, it can transform the power of other people into some people, so as to greatly improve it.

Therefore, the undead army requires an extremely tacit cooperation, otherwise the weakened members will be quite dangerous when attacking and defending.

And just when Qiao Ye was thinking about it...


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