Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1311 Heavenly Venerable

Chapter 1311 Heavenly Venerable

The second deputy head of the Red Dragon Corps, Dragon Wing Xia Dinglou!

This is one of the six Skywalker fleets, the third member of the Red Dragon Corps, which naturally means that this is the third strongest figure in the Red Dragon Corps.

And in fact...

Xia Dinglou is indeed very strong!

Because Xia Dinglou is a...


Xia Dinglou came to the front of the deck. Unlike most Skywalkers who like to use long weapons, Xia Dinglou used a sword!

Swords and knives can be said to be the most common weapons in other domains, but swords are definitely quite unpopular weapons in the air domain.

After reaching the front of the deck, Xia Dinglou directly raised his sword, and swept it forward again.

The terrifying sword light reappeared, approaching Xuan Zhenqing to go.

Xuan Zhenqing quickly rolled up his robe sleeves, the light in front of him shone brightly, and he went forward to meet him. At the same time, Tian Ce Longzun also shot again.

A huge rune suddenly appeared in the sky, covering the top of Xuan Zhenqing's head.


The two of them joined forces and fought hard against the sword light, and then there was a loud noise, the light in the sky exploded, and countless halos scattered towards the surroundings, which looked extremely gorgeous.

With the help of Tiance Longzun, the master of art, Xuan Zhenqing successfully blocked Xia Dinglou's sword.

Qiao Ye had been hiding in the crowd to watch the battle, and at this moment, he also felt something, and took out the spiritual paper to take a look.

It was Liang Zhicheng's summons, and there were only two simple words on it: Take action!

Now that the opponent's Tianzun has made a move, then naturally they can't show weakness on their side.

The Martial Lord Wang Yueyang and the Spiritual Lord General Guiya of Lingyu must be the last trump cards. Tian Ce Longzun is the Master of Art and has no ability to fight head-on on his own.

That being the case, Qiao Ye can only go to the front line!

Qiao Ye squeezed the summoning spirit paper casually, then threw it aside, patted Xiao Ji's head and said with a smile, "You look down for a while, I'll go and play with that bird man for a while!"

Xiaoji nodded obediently, stretched out her small hand and gave Qiao Ye a high-five.

In the next moment, a spiritual charm emerged from Qiao Ye's back, and it was quickly outlined behind Qiao Ye's back, forming a magic map.

The ten thousand dharma spiritual map, all phenomena in the universe!

Qiao Ye first released the Ghost Lantern from the beast cage, and watched the Ghost Lantern constantly floating around her. The three ghost fires turned into "" and "" shapes for a while.

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Little guy, long time no see, lend me your mental power!"

First, he borrowed spiritual power from the ghost lamp, and then, Qiao Ye used the myriad phenomena of the universe to transform his physical attributes into spiritual power, then took out the Ning Xin Po Cocoon pill, and threw it into his mouth.

The cocoon-condensing pill entered the throat and instantly turned into a liquid. When it fell from the throat, it still felt icy cold, but when it fell into Qiao Ye's belly, it turned into a scorching hot feeling, like a warm current. Flying around in Qiao Ye's belly.

At the same time, Xia Dinglou looked at Xuan Zhenqing and Tiance Longzun, raised his sword and swept out again.

But at this moment...


In the sky, the sound of thunder suddenly appeared, and then, a dense black cloud suddenly appeared in the sky, covering a large area of ​​the sky.

A thunderbolt fell, and it hit Xia Dinglou's sword light straight, smashing Xia Dinglou's sword light to pieces.

At this moment, Qiao Ye stretched out her arms.

Ten thousand dharma spirit map, aura of all phenomena!

Using the myriad of auras, Qiao Ye's body, just like Xuan Zhenqing, floated up and slowly lifted into the air!

Qiao Ye came to the front of Xia Dinglou, chuckled lightly and said, "Birdman, let me play with you."

Xia Dinglou raised his head to look at Qiao Ye, his eyes were gloomy and he said, "Where did you come from, you are overthinking yourself!"

After Xia Dinglou's words fell, a sword light appeared out of thin air again, passing across the sky like a long dragon, and then cut down suddenly in the direction of Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's figure didn't move, and above the dark clouds above his head, thunder and lightning churned again, and then a thunderbolt fell, forcibly defending the flickering sword light!


The sound of explosion reappeared, and the thunder light and sword light exploded at the same time. Immediately afterwards, thunder arcs and halos continuously floated down from the sky, spreading everywhere.

"Draw your sword!" Qiao Ye looked down at Xia Dinglou on the deck and said, "If you don't draw your sword, you have no right to fight me!"

At this time, everyone discovered that although Xia Dinglou had cut several swords in a row, and each sword was extremely terrifying, the sword that Xia Dinglou carried with him was always in the scabbard, and it was always hidden. Never pulled it out.

What a terrifying strength!

Xia Dinglou sneered and said, "This sword is called the Blood Killing Sword, if it is unsheathed, it will definitely kill people!"

Qiao Ye said, "It's okay, I'll just kill you."

Xia Dinglou raised his eyebrows, then raised the sword in his hand, grabbed the hilt, and slowly drew the sword out.


When the sword was unsheathed, the crisp sound of the sword's cry suddenly resounded.

The whole body of the sword was blood-red, as if soaked in fresh blood. The moment Xia Dinglou drew the sword, a bloody light shot up into the sky and came towards Qiao Ye.

In the blood light, there is a sense of killing and coldness.

Almost at the moment when the blood light appeared, the surrounding atmosphere seemed to suddenly become a little chillier, revealing a sense of dead silence.

Qiao Ye looked down at the bloody light, but she didn't intend to move, she just looked up at the sky.


Because Qiao Ye glanced at the sky, it rained suddenly.

The pattering rain continued to fall from the sky, covering a large area and forming a rain curtain.

It was also the sudden rain curtain that blocked the bloody light bursting from Xia Dinglou's sword.

The rain curtain was like a barrier, no matter how fierce the bloody light was, it couldn't pierce through it, it couldn't even reach Qiao Ye, so how could it hurt Qiao Ye?

Qiao Ye looked at Xia Dinglou and said, "You can push harder, I can still hold on!"

Xia Dinglou sneered, spread the wings on his back, and flew up from the deck.

"Realm of Nine Swords!" Xia Dinglou roared, "Sword up!"

buzz, buzz, buzz...

The sound of the sword's cry suddenly spread across the sky and the earth.

Around Qiao Ye, big swords appeared slowly, from translucent to completely solid.

Each handle of the big sword is seven or eight meters high, and there are nine handles in total. Each handle has a different shape, forming a sword circle, surrounding Qiao Ye in the center.

And at the moment when the Nine Swords took shape, a piece of land seemed to appear in the sky. Just at the feet of Qiao Ye and Xia Dinglou, on the ground stood a piece of tombstone.

It's just that the tombstone was not set up for people, but for Jian!

This is a place where swords are buried!

This is the blood sword in Xia Dinglou's hand...

Domain ability!


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