Chapter 1312 Battle

Xia Dinglou's attack is also fierce enough. After drawing the sword, a face-to-face is directly a domain ability!

at the same time……

The Domain of Nine Swords took shape, Xia Dinglou spread his wings and directly entered the domain.

Xia Dinglou stretched out his hand casually, swept around and said, "There is a sword hidden under each tombstone. Those swords were all swords that were cut off by the bloody sword. Within the scope of the domain, I can Reproducing these swords can also reproduce the sword moves and effects of these swords, in other words, as long as the swords have been cut off by the bloody sword, in the domain of the nine swords, I can use them all."

Qiao Ye lowered her lips and said, "You are very arrogant and confident!"

Xia Dinglou sneered and said, "Didn't you say you came to play with me? I'm afraid you won't be able to afford it, so I'll put some water for you first!"

Such things as ability, of course, will not be foolishly told to the other party, whether it is the ability of the field, the ability of the treasure, or the effect of one's own skills and martial arts.

After all, after letting the opponent know, the power will drop by three points. After all, the unknown threat will be greater.

Therefore, Xia Dinglou's self-reported ability of the Nine Swords Domain can be said to be quite arrogant.

Qiao Ye said, "Then let me see it."

"As you wish." Xia Dinglou said, "I hope you don't die too quickly!"

While talking, Xia Dinglou turned his five fingers into claws and moved towards the side!


A tombstone shattered, and then, a silver-white long sword flew out and fell into Xia Dinglou's hands.

The sword is bright silver, from the blade to the hilt is actually made of pure silver, the silver glistens as soon as it appears, it is very eye-catching.

With the sword in hand, Xia Dinglou suddenly attacked.

Sword brilliance flashes!

Xia Dinglou shot at Qiao Ye continuously, swung the silver sword in his hand, and stabbed at Ye Xuan continuously.

Almost instantly, countless silver sword lights shot out from the sword body, densely packed, and continuously attacked Qiao Ye.

The sword light is not Xia Dinglou's ability, but the sword's. It seems that as long as the sword is swung, the sword light will appear continuously, densely packed, like a huge silver net.


The moment those sword lights enveloped Qiao Ye!

The ground is romantic!

Around Qiao Ye, a large area of ​​wind suddenly appeared, rolling towards the surroundings, like a wall, blocking those silver sword lights outside.

The wind blade and the sword light collided continuously, making violent noises.

Qiao Ye shook his finger at Xia Dinglou, to such an extent that he couldn't break through his own defense.

Xia Dinglou didn't talk nonsense, stretched out his hand to the side and shook it again, a tombstone burst suddenly, and another sword flew out.

This is a somewhat weird sword!

The body of the sword is pitch black, near the hilt, there is blood-colored crystal powder, drawn with runes, as for what kind of runes it is, Qiao Ye does not know, and behind the hilt, there is still a bolt A small serrated blade, and a slender chain.

At the same time, one side of the sword body is straight, the other side is slightly curved, and there is a row of tiny serrations at the front end.

Xia Dinglou jumped up suddenly, before he landed, he had already made a move. With a flick of his wrist, the chain flew out, and the small blade at the end hit Qiao Ye's face directly.


Qiao Ye's figure didn't move, a wind blade struck, collided with Xiaoren, and knocked Xiaoren into the air.

After one sword strike, Xia Dinglou let out a low shout in mid-air, and then crossed the two swords in front of him!

In the next moment, the two swords swept forward vigorously.

The vast sword energy suddenly swept out like a wave, and the upstream sword energy turned into a waterfall, rolling and gushing, a vast expanse of whiteness.

In the sky, there was a sudden explosion sound, as if something exploded, the sky trembled, as if it was torn apart in an instant.


The terrifying sword energy enveloped Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye looked forward, raised her eyebrows and said, "This is a bit interesting!"

Qiao Ye raised her hands to her sides, and the magic spirit map behind her was shining brightly.

Ten thousand dharma spiritual diagrams, everything is going on!

With the brilliance of the Wanfa Lingtu, the clouds in the sky seem to be lower.


There was a sound of thunder, and the wind and rain came suddenly, covering the entire Nine Swords Domain in the blink of an eye.

Boom, boom, boom!

Thunderbolts landed one after another, directly connecting the sky and the earth, connecting the domain of the Nine Swords with the sky, and then thunder pillars appeared one after another, circling Qiao Ye's surroundings, constantly moving around.

The crackling sound kept ringing out, and the sword light slashed at Qiao Ye continuously like a sea tide.

However, with the rotation of several thunder pillars, those thunder pillars were all blocked by that thunder pillar, and they all shattered before reaching Qiao Ye.

"Is the Tianzun in your airspace so powerful?" Qiao Ye showed contempt in his words, looked at Xia Dinglou and said, "Hey, I have been standing here from the beginning to the end and have not moved. Not only can't it kill me, can't it even make me move?"

Qiao Ye was a naked provocation. However, Qiao Ye didn't need to move. It wasn't that Xia Dinglou was weak, but because he used the Ten Thousand Magic Spiritual Diagram to fight, so he didn't need to move in the first place.

The Ten Thousand Laws Spirit Map, when the Spirit Map moves, everything in the world moves, and Qiao Ye doesn't need to do anything at all.

This is also the characteristic of many spiritual monks in the spiritual domain. Unlike warriors who need to fight in close quarters, many spiritual monks can complete offense and defense by standing still.

This is also the reason why spiritual monks' battles often look more elegant. The surrounding wind, rain, thunder and lightning, spiritual monks stand still in the midst of it, and it looks more agile than their own fist-to-body fights.

However, because of this, the battle of spiritual monks always makes people feel that there is a bit of bloody and bloody madness, as well as the madness of killing.

This is purely a characteristic brought about by the different cultivation methods in different domains, but Xia Dinglou didn't know this, so he naturally regarded all this as Qiao Ye's contempt, and was extremely angry.

"Then don't move forever!" Xia Dinglou yelled at Qiao Ye, "I see if you dare!"

After Xia Dinglou finished speaking, he raised his head and roared angrily...

next moment...

Boom, boom, boom!

The surrounding tombstones exploded continuously, and then, the swords flew out continuously, circling around Xia Dinglou.

In a moment, those swords turned into a long river, and fell in the direction of Qiao Ye.

Xia Dinglou said ferociously: "Little devil, die for me!"

This blow was quite ferocious, with a sword intent capable of destroying the world and severing everything. Even just feeling the sword intent made people feel like they would be torn apart.

Qiao Ye curled her lips, but she was fearless, then raised her right hand, and on Qiao Ye's wrist, a bracelet suddenly burst into glory!


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