Chapter 1313 Divine Power

Qihuang glazed bead string (treasure) (unparalleled): Legend has it that there is a seven-huang tree on the border of the heavenly realm. The tree is like glazed glass and as hard as gold and stone. , complement each other, is the world's rare thirty-six.

Divine force field: Release the supreme divine power in the seven-radiant glazed bead string to form a space with a radius of fifteen meters. The space will overlap with the homeland of the Seven-Glorious Tree in the realm of heaven to form a domain.

Resonance: The divine power of the Seven Brilliant Tree can resonate synchronously with any spiritual power and strengthen it, so that the spiritual power contains divine power and produces abnormal changes.

The seven-bright glazed bead string was given to Qiao Ye by Tiance Dragon, thanks to Qiao Ye for his help in the hunting meeting, and Qiao Ye gave the Tianwei Emperor Ya to the holy building for auction, thereby attracting a large number of beasts. The beast master of the domain participated in the auction.

However, although Qiao Ye had been wearing the Qihuang Glazed Bead String, she couldn't use it.

There is no other reason, the seven-brilliant glazed bead string is not an ordinary thing, but a treasure that surpasses the first rank, is above the first rank, and belongs to the treasure of the gods!

Of course, it does not mean that the treasure of gods must be used in the state of gods, but it means that only gods are qualified to use this kind of treasure, or that only gods can exert the full power of the treasure.

Under normal conditions, Qiao Ye only has the cultivation base of Emperor Realm, and the result of using the Seven-Glass Glazed Bead String forcibly can only be two. Ye must have to pay an extremely tragic price to use the Qihuang Glazed Bead String.

Of course, a more important reason is that with Qiao Ye's current strength, there are not many people who are worthy of Qiao Ye's heavy price to use the Qihuang Glazed Bead String.

But now, it's different!

Xia Dinglou was obviously an opponent worthy of Qiao Ye's use of the Qihuang Glazed Beads.

Secondly, Qiao Ye is now in the state of Lingzun, and there is also the spiritual blessing of the ghost lamp, and the Qihuang glazed bead string happens to be a treasure that needs spiritual support. This can be seen from the ability of the Qihuang glazed bead string Come out, so Qiao Ye can use the Qihuang Glazed Bead String right now, and there is no need to worry about any side effects.

The only question is how many percent of the power of the Qihuang Glazed Beads can be exerted.

If you don't enter the divine realm, you won't be able to unleash the full power of the first-grade treasures, but as long as there are 60 to 70%, Qiao Ye will be satisfied.

As Qiao Ye was surrounded by dense long swords, the string of seven brilliant glazed beads in Qiao Ye's hand also suddenly burst into light!

God force field!

A piece of milky white light emanated from the string of seven brilliant glazed beads, retreating towards the surroundings.

This is a dreamlike world!

This is a piece of land floating in the air, with a large lawn, and an endless sky on the side. It is different from the general sky color, and the sky is actually a blue-purple color.

Large pieces of gorgeous aurora flowed in the sky, like ribbons and colorful streams.

Suddenly, a strange chirp sounded.

That sea of ​​clouds turned out to be like a real sea, setting off countless illusory waves.

And in that wave, a giant whale suddenly flew up on the wave, rolled up a large wave of water, and flew towards the shore.

it's said……

In the happy world...

Kun beast!

And when the rain and dew rolled up by the Kun beast turned into water and sprinkled on the land, a small sprout broke through the ground, grew up slowly, and slowly turned into a towering tree!

Like glass, as hard as gold and stone, it contains supreme divine power, which can blend and resonate with the spirit of all things, and complement each other. It is a rare material in the world thirty-six...

This is...

The divine tree of the heavens, the tree of the seven radiances!

The realm displayed by the place of divine power is the homeland of the Seven Brilliant Tree, from the border of the heavenly realm!

Everything that is like a dream is not false, but a real existence in this world, and it comes from the end of the sky!

However, the expansion of the field is not the end, but just the beginning!

The divine force field only formed an environment to open up the ability of the domain. The real ability of the Qihuang Glazed Bead String lies in the resonance generated under the environment of this heavenly realm!

The spiritual power can be synchronously resonated and strengthened, so that the spiritual power contains divine power and produces mutations.


Suddenly, Qiao Ye's spiritual power was no longer formless, but turned into a milky white color, and it was displayed, directly forming a wonderful scene!

That milky white mental power rushed up to the sky, swayed in all directions, churned continuously in the air, and then covered the entire Qingmu Town.


This was not enough, after covering the entire Qingmu Town, the milky white mental power was still crazily surging in all directions, extending ten miles in each direction, and then slowly stopped.

People in other domains can still maintain their sanity, but they are just amazed by such a spectacle.

However, the spiritual cultivators in the spiritual domain are all like crazy demons at this moment, and the spiritual power can extend for dozens of miles, how terrifying is that?

Is this the spiritual power that a person can possess?

In fact, this is indeed not the spiritual power that humans can possess!

First, Qiao Ye is indeed very talented in terms of spiritual strength, but it is indeed not up to this level. These spiritual powers themselves do not all come from Qiao Ye, and some of them are borrowed from Ghost Yin Lantern. Come on, secondly, the resonance of the Qihuang glazed beads string has the effect of strengthening spiritual power.

Second, those milky white mental powers cannot be possessed by humans, that's because...

This is not spiritual power at all, but the divine power after resonance!

Qiao Ye himself was also in an incredible mood right now.

Although the Qihuang Glazed Bead String can indeed transform spiritual power into divine power, Qiao Ye has never known what divine power means.

After all, this is a vocabulary that the current Jiuyu does not have.

In Qiao Ye's opinion, the word divine power should have been spread in ancient times.

Because, the Seven Brilliant Glazed Bead String was not even handed down when the Three Realms and Nine Domains were broken, but to go back to the time. At that time, the two domains of Taoism had not yet separated, so it can indeed be called Very old times.

The things, abilities, and titles of that era have disappeared without a trace, which is a very normal thing.

But what Qiao Ye didn't expect was that the divine power was really divine power!

It is the power that can only be mastered by the gods!

What the spirit god possesses is no longer spiritual power, but divine power!

When the spirit master enters the realm of the spirit god, the spiritual power will be sublimated, and this sublimation will transform the spiritual power into divine power. At the same time, possessing divine power is also a symbol of being called a spiritual god!



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