Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1317 Returning to the Airspace

Chapter 1317 Return to the Airspace

Tiance Longzun watched Qiao Ye come over, took out a talisman paper and handed it to Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye took the talisman and said, "What does this thing mean?"

Tiance Longzun said: "Passing the entrance and exit, the situation on the other side of the airspace is unpredictable. What Liang Zhicheng means is that he will bear it. Our side will play by ear, and we will find a way to leave when we directly enter the airspace. Once the entrance and exit are occupied, withdraw."

After Tiance Longzun finished speaking, he pointed to the talisman paper in Qiao Ye's hand.

"I put spells on it." Tiance Longzun said: "If you have any problems, follow my instructions and tear up this talisman paper."

Qiao Ye nodded, and said, "Give me another one."

Tiance Longzun wondered, "What do you want two for?"

Qiao Ye touched Xiao Ji and said, "Two people."

Tiance Longzun said in surprise: "You take this doll with you? It's very dangerous."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Children, I'm a little clingy. I believe it's not a big problem."

Tiance Longzun nodded, and handed Qiao Ye another piece of talisman paper, and then said to Xiaoji, "Baby, if there is any emergency, just hide behind me."

Xiaoji didn't look sideways, and ignored Tiance Longzun.

Qiao Ye said with a dry smile, "She admits life."

Xuan Zhenqing said: "Stop talking, those Skywalkers can't stand it anymore, it's time to go!"

Those Skywalkers really couldn't stand it anymore, and some of them fled into the entrance and exit like crazy, and fled in the direction of the airspace.

The others are still resisting at the moment, or are being controlled, and the Red Wing slowly soars into the sky.

Although the Cangjian was destroyed by Qiao Ye, the Red Wing seemed to be still usable. Therefore, the other party seemed to want to use the Red Wing to escape, or it was possible that they wanted to destroy the Red Wing directly.

This kind of situation is quite common in the airspace. Airships are very important combat power in the airspace. Therefore, no matter whether Skywalker or Remnants, if they are really lost, they will be destroyed, so as not to strengthen the opponent's combat power. force.

Especially the skywalkers, the airships they use are often much more powerful than those used by the remnants, and the remnants cannot make large airships, so the skywalkers will definitely find a way to use their own airships, especially the airships. Destroy it so that it does not fall into the hands of the remnants, and let the remnants learn how to make it.

For the Skywalker who ran directly into the entrance and exit, Liang Zhicheng was also lenient and did not pursue him. No one knew whether the confrontation in the entrance or exit would cause changes in the void cracks and cause unpredictable consequences. Therefore, Liang Zhicheng did not know. Going to take a risk.

But Liang Zhicheng wanted to get the Red Wing, and even the Cangjian that was bombed by Qiao Ye. Skywalker's airship is indeed very capable in combat, far beyond the comparison of ordinary airships. Therefore, it can Obtaining these two behemoths for research is bound to greatly improve the technology of flying boats.

Therefore, right now Liang Zhicheng is staring at the Red Wing to attack!

The three of Qiao Ye came close, Wang Yueyang fell from the air, and beckoned in Qiao Ye's direction: "This way!"

Wang Yueyang, General Guiya, this is the trump card for escorting Ye Yousi. In addition, Wang Yueyang and General Guiya also brought eleven or twelve boundary guards. The main task of these boundary guards is not to participate in the war , also escorting Ye Yousi back to the airspace.

Wang Yueyang said: "Liang Zhi has formed an army. While attacking the Red Wing, he entered the entrance and exit of the airspace. We need to follow behind and enter immediately."

General Ghost Ya interjected: "The vanguard team responsible for entering the airspace is all from our spiritual domain. Remember to keep your promise. One of the two airships belongs to us."

Wang Yueyang sneered and said: "You spiritual monks are not good at hand-to-hand combat at all. If you board that airship to fight, you will inevitably suffer heavy casualties. You think I don't know why you chose to enter the airspace?"

General Ghost Ya snorted coldly: "If you enter the airspace, you don't need to die? Skywalker may still have an ambush there!"

Tiance Longzun smoothed things over and said: "Stop arguing, we can talk about these things slowly, don't forget what we need to do now? Where is Ye Yousi? Are you here? I remember she is behind."

Suddenly, a thunderbolt flashed in the sky, and directly slashed on the Red Wing, shaking the huge Red Wing.

"Five Thunders Rectification!" Qiao Ye said, "Ye Yousi is here."

Ye Yousi sat on the lotus platform and passed directly across the sky, and she really came.

Wang Yueyang said: "Let's go!"

Everyone boarded the Qingyan Spiritual Tree covered with void cracks one after another, and entered the passage to the airspace.

Of course, Qiao Ye and the others were not the only ones who entered. After Liang Zhi was divided into troops, many people also went directly to the airspace.

About halfway to the position, General Guiya raised his head and said: "The exit is armed, and a fight has already begun."

Of course, the Lingyu side also sent messages to each other. After the vanguard arrived in the airspace, they sent a message to General Ghost Ya as soon as possible.

Wang Yueyang said: "The number of Skywalkers? The strength of the defense?"

General Guiya said: "The people in front just went out, how can they know so clearly? Just ask Liang Zhicheng to quickly transfer people, and transfer people from nearby strongholds and passes to see if they can occupy the entrance and exit of the airspace. "

Wang Yueyang said: "I have called for support a long time ago, let's go, this matter is out of our control, we only have one task!"

Everyone quickened their pace, quickly passed through the passage, and entered the airspace!

The moment they came out of the entrance, there were shouts of killing everywhere, and it was already a mess, fighting everywhere, and there were densely packed small airships passing across the sky, and beams of light were constantly shooting down from the sky.

Tiance Longzun casually raised his hand, and threw out a copper talisman, and then a large light yellow halo appeared, forming a hemispherical light shield, covering everyone, and at the same time covering the falling light beams. Blocked out.

Wang Yueyang said: "Miss Ye, you have returned to the airspace now, do you have a way to contact your people?"

Ye Yousi said: "Please wait a moment!"

Ye Yousi walked aside, took out the moire snail used for communication in the airspace, and tried to communicate with his fleet.

After a while, Ye Yousi looked back at the crowd and said solemnly: "We got in touch. My people fought with the Thousand Strike Fleet and the Red Dragon Group once, but they didn't win, so they gave up this place and are currently dormant." On a piece of suspended continent in the northwest of MSI Nanzhou, something happened in another airspace."

General Ghost Ya said: "What does the accident mean?"

Ye Yousi shook her head and said: "I can't explain clearly in a few words, it seems to be related to the Tianshu stele, I have to go back immediately to find out what's going on."

"Hey, what your subordinates are talking about is related to the Tianshu Monument..." Qiao Ye suddenly pointed to the sky and said, "Isn't that what you're talking about?"


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