Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1318 Change of the Heavenly Book Monument

Chapter 1318 Change of the Heavenly Book Monument

Attracted by Qiao Ye's voice, everyone looked towards the sky.

A white light like a meteor flew past their heads, and it was extraordinarily bright under the dark night sky!

And the one that flew over was...

Heavenly Book Monument!

Ye Yousi also had a bewildered expression, and murmured: "The Tianshu stele has appeared again? The frequency of the Tianshu stele appearing recently must be too high!"

Qiao Ye said: "Look at it clearly, is this a problem that occurs frequently?"

The moment Qiao Ye spoke, he waved his hand directly above his head, and cut off a piece of the flourishing branch above. Immediately afterwards, Ye Yousi's eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.


In the sky that day, streaks of white light continuously flew across the sky, and then fell in all directions and different positions.

And in that white light...

Naturally, all the steles are densely packed!

The others didn't respond, because none of them had seen the Tianshu stele, and they didn't understand what the Tianshu stele represented.

But both Qiao Ye and Ye Yousi knew what the Tianshu Monument represented.

Ye Yousi murmured, "How could this be? It's impossible!"

The others looked confused, Qiao Ye said: "It seems that something really happened in the airspace, let's go quickly, we have to find out what happened."

Ye Yousi also came back to his senses, although he was still shocked, he said decisively: "Let's go!"

Although the fight is very lively right now, for Qiao Ye and his party, this war is over for the time being, and the most important thing right now is to send Ye Yousi out.

Of course, looking at the current situation, I'm afraid they still have one more task, which is to find out what happened in the airspace!

The first thing to do now is to leave the war zone, and then use Ye Yousi's airship to leave here.

Of course, it is also possible to use the airship directly, but the airships of Skywalker are densely packed in the sky right now, as long as you are not afraid of being shot down as soon as you take off, you can give it a try.

Everyone began to move, Wang Yueyang reminded: "Take it easy, don't act too strong!"

If it is too strong, it will attract attention and may cause unnecessary troubles. The most important thing right now is to leave this area at ordinary times.

"Let me come!" Qiao Ye said to Polaris, "Go!"

The best way is not to act too strong if you don't make a move. At this time, you can only pull Polaris to work as a coolie.

Polaris got the order, and without any nonsense, he stepped forward directly, stretched his hands to the sides, and a pair of crystallized hand crossbows appeared in his hands.

In the next moment, Polaris moved forward while twisting his body, constantly rotating at a slow speed, and at the same time constantly pulling the trigger.

As the Polaris continued to move forward and rotate, beams of polar beams blasted out in all directions.


The aurora beam hit a small airship, and the airship was directly pierced by the aurora beam.


Skywalker, who flew through the air under the blast of the aurora beam, instantly exploded the opponent's body, turning it into a pile of bloody pieces of meat.

"You defeated a skywalker at the eighth level of the Tianzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 21,000 points."

"You defeated a Skywalker at the seventh level of the Tianzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 19,000 points."

"You defeated a Skywalker at the fifth level of the Tianzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 13,000 points."


Polaris opened the way, and Qiao Ye and the others rushed out quickly.

However, no one noticed the movements of Qiao Ye and the others. At this moment, the surrounding area was completely chaotic, and people were fighting everywhere.

Moreover, there are evil beasts making trouble!

The airspace is different from other places. The entire airspace is like a crack in the void, full of evil beasts, all over the suspended land in every airspace.

The sudden start of the war here caused a huge commotion, and constantly attracted evil beasts to gather towards this place, which also made this place even more chaotic.

However, chaos is not a bad thing for Qiao Ye and his party. The more chaotic the situation, the more unable to take care of others. Right now, no one is paying attention to them. Under the brave performance of Polaris, the other defenders World-level defenders will also try to make a move, so they can easily get out of the battle circle.

The shouts of killing around gradually subsided. Although there were still empty boats passing by in the sky, they were all rushing towards the entrance and exit. This meant that they had left the center of the battle circle, at least for now. So far, the battle has not spread to this area.

Ye Yousi quickly took out the empty boat and said, "The empty boat I carry with me is not big, it can only seat four people!"

Wang Yueyang said: "It's okay, other people use flying boats and leave this area first."

Ye Yousi said: "After flying out of this suspended continent, don't go up to the sky, but descend. The opponent's airship support must be from above, and they will not deliberately go around to the bottom of the suspended continent. Cover, we can circle the area from below."

Wang Yueyang nodded and said, "What are you all doing in a daze? Take action!"

Ye Yousi can bring three more people with him. As Ye Yousi's two "bodyguards", Wang Yueyang and General Guiya must go together. The last position should have been given to Tian Ce Longzun. After all, the four supreme beings in the world It is safest to be together, other people feel a little wronged, and it is enough to drive the flying boat to escort.

"I'll go with Qiao Ye." Tiance Longzun refused, "I'm with you, in case something happens, such as being directly attacked, it's not easy for me to play, so if I follow Qiao Ye, if If there is any accident, I can provide support from the rear, and Qiao Ye is responsible for protecting me."

Wang Yueyang thought for a while and said, "Alright, Mr. Xuan, you can come with us."

Xuan Zhenqing didn't refuse either, and followed her into the empty boat.

Qiao Ye took out the flying boat, boarded the flying boat with Tiance Longzun, watched Ye Yousi's airship take off, and followed behind in the flying boat.

"Senior!" Flying forward for a while, Qiao Ye said to Tiance Longzun, "Do you need me?"

Tiance Longzun smiled and said, "How can you see that?"

Qiao Ye said: "If something really happened, the airship where Ye Yousi was in must be protected first, so when the time comes, those of us who drive the airship must be on top. Your rhetoric, if you think about it, say No way."

As a Shuzun, it is impossible for Tiance Dragon Venerable to face the enemy directly, and it can only be effective by hiding behind. Therefore, Tiance Dragon Venerable's statement has some truth, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that they are going to escort Ye Yousi Leaving, the least likely to face the enemy should be Ye Yousi's airship.


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