Chapter 1324

Qiao Ye was very vigilant. Seeing the sudden change in front of her eyes, she immediately leapt towards the back, threw the paper away, reached out her hand to hold it, and condensed a black smoke, which turned into a black halberd.

After a while, the surrounding scenery changed, and Qiao Ye found himself on a long street, and then...

Qiao Ye was surprised to find that he was surrounded by people, and the people around him were very excited and shouted something loudly.

"Jinyi Xunjie, hurry up and give way!"

"Jinyi Xunjie, hurry up and give way!"

"Jinyi Xunjie, hurry up and give way!"


Someone held a red wooden sign, which seemed to be the same thing as an identity card and a name card, and walked down the long street.

But also at this time...

"I come!"

Among the crowd on the street, there was a roar suddenly, and then someone jumped up into the air and came towards the front.

The people surrounding Qiao Ye scattered almost instantly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Qiao Ye didn't understand what happened at all, the man who jumped out of the crowd had already killed Qiao Ye.

"Moyu, Xiao Fang, a fanatic of Doutian, please enlighten me!" The man came to Qiao Ye, cupped his fists and declared himself his family, and then said in a low voice, "Demonization, the green ghost is coming!"

The man named Xiao Fang entered the demonized state at the first time. He looked quite strong at first, but suddenly he swelled a lot, his body became stronger, his whole body's skin turned blue, his forehead Ghost horns grew out, and two ghost teeth appeared on both sides of his mouth, and he rushed towards Qiao Ye with fierce eyes.

On Qiao Ye's side, he was inexplicable, and fell into a fight before he could figure out what was going on.

Seeing Xiao Fang rushing towards him, Qiao Ye had no choice but to fight!


Seeing Xiao Fang raised his fist and blasted, Qiao Ye also clenched his fist for an instant, and blasted forward.

There was a dull sound, and the fists of the two collided in the air. Immediately, they could feel a huge force coming from the opponent's fist, and the two involuntarily took a few steps back.

When a master fights, one can feel the opponent's strength with one move.

This Xiao Fang...

It's a devil emperor!

Moreover, he should be at the third or fifth level of the Devil Emperor Realm, and his strength is really good.

After one blow, Xiao Fang didn't stop, and jumped forward again, with fists staggered, and punched Qiao Ye's face again.

Qiao Ye didn't mean to fight this time. Xiao Fang didn't have a weapon on him, so he obviously used punches and kicks, but Qiao Ye didn't rely on punches and kicks for a living.

Seeing Xiao Fang's attack, Qiao Ye shook his wrist directly, and the black halberd in his hand stabbed towards Xiao Fang.

The halberd must be longer than the arm, and before Xiao Fang's fist blasted out, Qiao Ye hit Xiao Fang's chest with the halberd.


Xiao Fang's body was as hard as iron, and Qiao Ye's halberd hit Xiao Fang's chest like hitting a rock, causing no harm to Xiao Fang at all.


Xiao Fang roared angrily, raised his arm and slammed it forcefully, even breaking Qiao Ye's black halberd abruptly, causing the black halberd to turn into smoke again and spread around.

After the first blow, Xiao Fang kept attacking and punched forward. When the shadow of the fist came to Qiao Ye, it suddenly split apart and became a dozen densely packed.

Qiao Ye quickly stretched out her arms, a golden radiance bloomed from her body, and she entered the state of a nine-turn golden body.

Bang, boom, boom, boom, boom...

After Qiao Ye entered the state of the nine-turn golden body, the dense fist shadows also arrived, hitting Qiao Ye's body, as if hitting a copper bell, making crisp and clear impact sounds continuously.

After the opponent finished playing a set, Qiao Ye stood where he was, without even moving his feet.

Qiao Ye smiled ferociously, looked at the other party and said, "You're done? Then it's my turn?"

Without saying a word, Qiao Ye directly threw a halberd at Xiao Fang's chest, and sent Xiao Fang flying away with a halberd.

After a halberd, Xiao Fang flew backwards, and the moment he landed, he roared, "Second form!"

Xiao Fang entered the second form of demonization, the muscles on his body squirmed continuously, and then the sound of flesh and blood tearing suddenly sounded, and thick bone spurs appeared on Xiao Fang's back, legs, waist, elbows, and knees at the same time. Bone fragments appeared on the body, making Xiao Fang's appearance even more hideous!


Xiao Fang's legs curled up, and he rushed forward again, came to Qiao Ye, and punched again.

Qiao Ye was fearless, after a short confrontation, Qiao Ye had fully figured out what type Xiao Fang was.

This guy's aura is very strong, and his cultivation level may be slightly higher than Qiao Ye's, and he can reach the sixth or seventh level of the Devil Emperor Realm.

However, Xiao Fang's fighting style, including the ability to demonize, is all close combat, which makes Qiao Ye quite happy.

This is no longer a question of strength. This kind of pure hand-to-hand type guy was defeated by Qiao Ye, or to be precise, Qiao Ye's nine-turn golden body.

When Xiao Fang entered the second form of demonization, the power of the attack naturally increased a lot. However, after killing Qiao Ye, Qiao Ye was completely defenseless and let Xiao Fang do anything.


Xiao Fang blasted towards Qiao Ye's face with one punch, but Qiao Ye still did not avoid or dodge, allowing Xiao Fang's punch to hit her face.

Qiao Ye tilted his head, but it was just tilting his head.

Xiao Fang's fist couldn't break through the defense of the nine-turn golden body at all.

After the nine-turn golden body enters the super-grade, there are only two ways to break it. The first is that the cultivation level is much higher than that of Qiao Ye. The second is a non-physical attack. If you continue to consume it, you can still break it. Nine-turn golden body.

The cultivation level is quite similar, and it is the type of melee combat. Qiao Ye is not bragging. Even if he stands up and let Xiao Fang beat him, Xiao Fang will be the one who will die of exhaustion first.


Xiao Fang's attack was still ineffective after entering the second form of demonization, but Qiao Ye swept across Xiao Fang's waist with a backhand, and swept Xiao Fang away again.

As Xiao Fang kept retreating, Qiao Ye walked forward.

Black smoke slowly drifted out from Qiao Ye's body, surging towards the surroundings, and soon turned into a pitch-black armor!

Heavenly Demon Overlord Blood!

Entering the state of Heavenly Demon Overlord Blood, Qiao Ye quickened his pace, and before Xiao Fang stabilized his body, he moved with the smoke, and suddenly killed Xiao Fang.


Qiao Ye kicked Xiao Fang's chest, kicked Xiao Fang away, and then jumped up. The black halberd in his hand fell, and the black smoke condensed and turned into a huge smoke sword, moving towards Xiao Fang. Put it down and smash it down.


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