Chapter 1325 Breaking the Game


After that halberd, two bone spurs on Xiao Fang's body were directly broken by Qiao Ye.

The next moment, Qiao Ye raised the black halberd, but at this moment...

"As expected of the new Jinyi!" Xiao Fang clasped his fists suddenly and said, "I'm convinced!"

Qiao Ye showed doubts, and actually surrendered?

So, it's really a fight to the finish?

Qiao Ye was a little confused, he was attacked suddenly, and the result was a discussion?

While Qiao Ye was in a daze, Xiao Fang had already got up and left. The group of people who had surrounded Qiao Ye immediately cheered again and gathered towards Qiao Ye.

But at this moment...

"Yin and Yang rebel against ghosts and gods, and the universe in your sleeves is like a mirror." Tiance Longzun's voice suddenly sounded: "Break the game!"

Accompanied by Tiance Longzun's voice, a gossip mirror suddenly appeared in the sky that day, a ray of clear light fell down, and everything around him disappeared instantly.

The surrounding buildings and the people on the street seemed to be turned into ashes, and disappeared without a trace with the wind, and the surrounding scene instantly returned to its original state.

Tiance Longzun was standing beside Qiao Ye, Qiao Ye couldn't help asking: "Senior, this is?"

Tiance Longzun said seriously: "The rumors in the airspace are probably true."

Qiao Ye said: "We have talked about so many rumors, which one are you talking about?"

Tiance Longzun said: "The Heavenly Book Stele may be inherited by the Twelve Seats of the Throne, and there is also the treasure house where the Sky Throne disappeared. The treasures in it may be in the Heavenly Book Stele."

Qiao Ye said, "How do you say?"

Tiance Longzun said: "Get things first."

Once this situation is broken, the Tianshu stele standing in the stream will disappear. This also means that this is just a false stele that has been transformed into a fake stele, not the real body of the Tianshu stele, but breaking the fake stele is also beneficial, but it is not Qiao Ye's. Well, the one who broke the game was Tiance Longzun, so Qiao Ye didn't have any questions.

At the place where the Tianshu stele disappeared, a golden light group appeared and fell into the hands of Tiance Longzun. When the light dissipated, what appeared in Tiance Longzun's hands was a red copper plaque that read "Brocade Clothes" "Two big characters.

"Sure enough." Tiance Longzun threw the sign to Qiao Ye and said, "I'll give it to you."

Qiao Ye said, "What is this?"

Qiao Ye looked at it with the light curtain, and it seemed that this thing was not a treasure.

Jinyi order:? ?

Tiance Longzun said: "Didn't I tell you about combat power before? Some powerful people come to the Sky Throne, and they don't need to start fighting from the first floor, because the combat power is too high. It is meaningless to start fighting at the first floor, so there is a thing called the Jinyi Token, and you can go to the upper level with the Jinyi Token. For example, the Sky Throne thinks that your combat power can reach the level of the 30th floor. Go to the 30th floor. However, with the order of brocade clothes, you need to go through three levels, also known as dissatisfaction, that is, you need to face up to three people. Those who dissatisfaction can challenge you at will. If you win, there is nothing to say. Instead of you holding the Brocade Order."

Qiao Ye suddenly said: "What I saw just now was Jin Yiling's breaking through three levels?"

Tiance Longzun nodded and said: "That should be the test of this Tianshu tablet, and I also know two things because of it."

Qiao Ye said: "I would like to hear the details."

Tiance Longzun said: "The first is what I said just now. The Tianshu Stele may be related to the inheritance of the Twelve Seats of the Throne, and the worst is also related to the treasure house of the Throne of the Sky, because the Brocade Order can only appear on the Throne of the Sky. Then, Why is there such a thing in the Tianshu Monument?"

Qiao Ye said: "It makes sense, but is this thing useful?"

Tiance Longzun smiled and said: "You should keep it as a souvenir. This thing is a status symbol, so it can be regarded as an old thing."

Qiao Ye curled her lips. What she said meant it was useless. Since that was the case...

Qiao Ye casually threw the sign into the jade sign space, it's okay, keep it for fun.

Qiao Ye said, "What about the second thing you always know?"

Tiance Longzun said: "This day's stele is actually a magic formula one by one!"

Qiao Ye asked in surprise, "Huh?"

Tiance Longzun said: "If my deduction is correct, each tablet of the book of heaven is engraved with spells. After these spells are activated, the so-called test just now will be formed, and these tests are likely to have been performed in the sky. What happened to the Throne may also be related to certain characters in the Throne of the Sky, rather than breaking the level, it is better to say it is breaking the spell, and after breaking it, you can get the things hidden in the spell."

Qiao Ye said, "What's the reason for doing this?"

Tiance Longzun said: "In fact, many magicians do this kind of thing. There are two reasons. The first is to preserve the inheritance. As you said, if you pass the test, there will be something. The inheritance of the Twelve Seats of the Throne, or some secrets about the Throne of the Sky at that time, and the second may be to protect things, and put those things on the Tianshu Monument to prevent outsiders from getting them. The Tianshu Monument exists to protect these things .”

Qiao Ye said: "It's hard to tell what the cause of the Tianshu Monument is."

Tiance Longzun nodded and said, "Qiao Ye, I have a premonition."

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "Huh?"

Tiance Longzun said: "Qin Tianshu!"

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said: "I still can't figure out the first half of the Qin Tianshu, and I can't tell what it refers to, but the second half of the sentence is probably related to the throne of the sky. Now there are a large number of steles of the heavenly book, and the stele of the heavenly book and the throne of the sky. It is very likely that it is related!"

Tiance Longzun nodded and said: "I always feel that this is not a coincidence, maybe we have already walked in the foreshadowing of Qin Tianzhu."

Qiao Ye said, "Then what should we do now?"

Tiance Longzun said: "No matter what, let's get out of here first!"

As Tiance Dragon Venerable spoke, he pinched his fingers, and the fingertips ignited flames again. Immediately after, Tiance Dragon Venerable blew it out with one gulp, and looked in the direction of the smoke.

"Go!" Tiance Longzun said: "Southeast!"

Qiao Ye asked Tiance Long to respect the new riding Sibuxiang, then took Xiao Ji with one hand and Sibuxiang with the other, and said as he walked, "Do you always know how many steles of the Heavenly Book there are in this place?"

Tiance Longzun said: "I don't know how big the Tianshu stele covers, and there is also a distance limit for my asking directions. Within thirty miles, there are four more Tianshu steles, three of which can be ignored. They are definitely not Tianshu steles. body."

Qiao Ye was surprised: "Can you know this?"

Tiance Longzun smiled and said: "Feel the complexity of the spells in the Tianshu stele, and you will know the power contained in it. The main body must be the strongest, so it is enough to remove the three weaker pieces, but the remaining The one under it is not necessarily the main monument, because there may be a stronger existence, but it is not within the range I can sense."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Let's go and have a look."


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