Qiao Ye's body was quickly dragged up, but when Qiao Ye went up, Xia Hou ran quickly.

Go forward along the ladder, and then at the position where the upper and lower ladders intersect, jump up again and jump out towards the top.

Just as Qiao Ye stood firm, Xia Hou had already reached the upper level. Qiao Ye jumped up immediately, and the dragon's claws swept out again, grabbing the side of the ladder.

However, as soon as Qiao Ye caught up, Xiahou jumped up again and went to the upper ladder.

Qiao Ye cursed and said, "Is there a mistake, is it over?"

Qiao Ye could see that Xiahou didn't intend to fight him head-on at all, he chased him, and the opponent ran away, which seemed quite sincere.

Although, Xiahou's decision...

Very correct!

Since he is a martial artist, his major must be the physical body, so there may not be other means, but close hand to hand combat must be the most commonly used fighting method for warriors.

In other words, Qiao Ye's nine-turn golden body is very unfriendly to almost all warriors.

It can be said that it was a very wise decision for Xia Houdun to leave. If he didn't meet Qiao Ye head-on, the nine-turn golden body would not be effective. Then, Qiao Ye had to face a choice.

Maintain the state of the nine-turn golden body!


Don't maintain the state of the nine-turn golden body!

For the former, if Xiahou doesn't fight with him, there is no point in maintaining it, and it will only increase consumption. For the latter...

Qiao Ye directly withdrew the nine-turn golden body, and at this moment, Xia Hou suddenly turned around and raised his hand suddenly, and three sleeve arrows flew out from the cuff, attacking Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye immediately swung the halberd across, and swept the three sleeve arrows aside.

Qiao Ye cursed in his heart, this guy in front of him is an old thief, very tricky, he jumped up and down just to get Qiao Ye to withdraw his Nine-Turn Golden Body, so once Qiao Ye withdrew his Nine-Turn Golden Body, Xia Hou would Immediately launched an attack, and at the same time, Qiao Ye believed that as long as he entered the Nine Turns Golden Body again, this guy would definitely turn around and run away.

"Young master doesn't believe in evil anymore!" Qiao Ye gritted his teeth and said, "I can't deal with you without the Nine Turns Golden Body!"

After knocking off the three sleeve arrows, the two landed on a ladder at the same time, and rushed towards each other at the same time.


The two met in the middle of the ladder, Qiao Ye raised his halberd and slashed forward, Xiahou's horizontal sword was in front of him, and the weapons collided with a clear and crisp sound.

But at this moment...

Xiahou's figure suddenly swayed, and Qiao Ye suddenly felt that something was wrong, so he squatted down immediately.

The moment Qiao Ye squatted down, a gust of wind passed over Qiao Ye's head, and behind Qiao Ye, another Xiahou unexpectedly appeared, slashing at Qiao Ye with a sword.

Half squatting, Qiao Ye kicked towards the back fiercely, and kicked Xia Hou's chest behind him, sending him flying.

In mid-air, Xiahou's figure suddenly turned into a ray of light and shadow, and disappeared without a trace.



At the same time, a violent roar sounded suddenly, but it was the Xiahou in front of him who suddenly rose up, raised the straight knife in his hand, and in an instant, countless silver sword lights appeared on the blade, and fell forward. .

Qiao Ye quickly flashed his figure, and with a black smoke rising, Qiao Ye appeared on the upper ladder, while the lower ladder was slashed, smashed to pieces by Xiahou, and collapsed downward.

At this time, Tian Ce Longzun's voice suddenly rang in Qiao Ye's ear: "Don't treat him as a pure warrior, he is proficient in Taoism!"


Qiao Ye's expression froze, and she looked at Xiahou, understanding a little bit.

Xiahou is not a pure martial artist, this guy has three cultivations in Taoism, martial arts and art!

That weird fighting style, where multiple selves can appear, but not like afterimages, nor like clones, is because Xiahou used Taoism!

Qiao Ye thought about it carefully, and it seemed that he was too naive, because Xia Hou was actually a person before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken. In this case, it seems not surprising that he has several cultivation methods!

In that era, it is not so outrageous to say that you are proficient in various cultivation methods. After all, it has nothing to do with whether you have the ability to cultivate, but has a lot to do with energy. If you are too knowledgeable, you may not be as good as you are.

However, there are still many double cultivations and triple cultivations, especially double cultivations. If you go to the beast realm to catch the head beasts and cultivate them, you can count them as double cultivations.

As a martial artist, Xia Hou practiced both Taoism and Taoism, which is quite rare. After all, the cultivation methods of Taoism and martial arts are completely different from those of warriors, but they were not uncommon in that era.

"So..." Qiao Ye looked behind her, and said with a sharp halberd: "Is this all done by Taoism?"

Qiao Ye understood, and suddenly understood why the Qianjun Dojo had only been passed down for three generations. After the three realms and nine domains were broken, the Qianjun Dojo was completely finished.

If Xiahou's Supreme Spiritual Shadow Technique is a technique created on the basis of Taoism, then after the three realms and nine realms are broken, the nine realms are split, and Taoism cannot be practiced. Then, the Supreme Spiritual Shadow Technique Naturally, there is no possibility of success in cultivation. It is no wonder that Qianjun Dojo is not in ruins.

In his thoughts, Xiahou had already reached Qiao Ye again, with a straight knife in his hand!

After Xiahou stretched out his hand to wipe it, a red rune suddenly appeared in the center of the blade, and then the straight blade split continuously, turning into a circle in the blink of an eye.

Xiahou let out a low cry, stretched out his hand and swung it, and the dense straight knives flew out, attacking Qiao Ye continuously.

"Gorgeous!" Qiao Ye sneered and said, "Young master only cares about gaudy things!"

Qiao Ye raised her leg straight down, smashing the ladder under her feet, and at the same time, a large cloud of black smoke burst out, sweeping forward.

In the next moment, the sound of "clinking" was heard continuously in the black smoke, colliding with those straight knives, and then knocked those straight knives into the air.

After a while, Qiao Ye emerged from the black smoke, came to Xia Hou, and cut down Xiahou with a halberd.


There was a crisp chirping sound.

However, this time Qiao Ye's strength was obviously much stronger, and he no longer planned to continue to test each other with Xiahou.


The straight knife in Xiahou's hand was forcibly pushed down by Qiao Ye, and hit the side ladder guardrail, smashing the ladder into pieces.

Qiao Ye let out a low cry, and ran forward. At the same time, Xia Hou was forced to retreat continuously. The guardrail was cut open continuously, and sawdust flew everywhere in the blink of an eye.

Pushing Xiahou to the corner all the time, making it impossible to retreat, Xiahou quickly swiped his finger on the body of the saber, cut a hole with his finger, and then pinched out a hand formula.

The next moment, Xiahou's body suddenly disappeared, leaving a straight knife on the ground.


Qiao Ye glanced at the straight knife, then quickly looked up!


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