Sure enough, Xiahou's figure appeared above, using the straight knife as a substitute, he fled suddenly.

Qiao Ye didn't know what to say. Anyway, the majestic ninth-order peak of the Martial Emperor Realm, how could he be so disgusting? Hit if you can, and run away if you can't. Qiao Ye has never seen anyone who can be so cowardly.

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, then looked up and said, "Do you really think I can't catch up with you?"

Qiao Ye raised the black halberd and smashed it down.

Heavenly Demon Overlord Blood!

Heavenly Demon Blood (Possession): Entering the state of Heavenly Demon possession, the physical body, spirit, and martial soul are all greatly improved, and the duration is determined according to the cultivation level.

The surrounding time seemed to stand still for a moment, and then, Qiao Ye's body spun continuously, forming a tornado, completely enveloping Qiao Ye.

The black smoke seemed to come from the nether world, and when it surged, the sound of devil weeping could be heard all around, like the roar of an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

The smoke was like wolves, and the two dragons turned from black smoke kept tumbling among the black crows, and then went straight into the sky.

The surrounding area was covered by black smoke, including Zhou Zheng and Huo Cheng's surroundings.

Everything is covered with an evil feeling!

The next moment, Qiao Ye swung his halberd fiercely, and the black smoke surrounding Qiao Ye's body began to transform into a suit of armor covering Qiao Ye's body.

Qiao Ye entered the state of Heavenly Demon Overlord Blood, covering Qiao Ye's body with a black armor, which also greatly improved Qiao Ye's physical attributes.


With a kick of Qiao Ye's legs, this time she didn't use the dragon's claws at all, but relied purely on jumping, and reached the upper ladder in an instant.

Xiahou also showed surprise on his face, apparently he did not expect Qiao Ye's speed to soar suddenly.

Qiao Ye grinned ferociously and said, "Let's end it!"

Qiao Ye raised the black halberd and chopped it down forcefully.

God of War map!

Sky False Blade!

Purple Lightning Fury Thunder, Void Blade of the Void: Call the energy of the whole body, penetrate the sky and the sky, draw all things in the world for your own use, coincide with the realm of heaven and man, shatter the void with one blow, and destroy everything.

Qiao Ye's halberd slashed down, and the incandescent light was extremely dazzling, like a shining ribbon, like a flowing galaxy, illuminating the pitch-black color under the crack in the void, and the whole cloud stairway disappeared in an instant. It was completely covered by that light, and it was all white.

next moment...

An extremely terrifying light blade appeared, and the space in all directions, at the moment the light blade appeared, unexpectedly opened a crack in the void. Immediately afterwards, the light blade fell from the sky and landed in this world.

The light is cold and heavy, it seems to be able to shatter the world, and there is a breath that can annihilate everything, making people feel trembling.

Even, the moment the light blade fell, the surrounding space began to tremble, collapsing continuously, peeling off piece by piece, like a smashed mirror, it was extremely terrifying.

Boom, boom, boom!

With the falling of the light blade, the ladder below continued to explode layer by layer and shattered continuously. Large pieces of sawdust mixed with dust and smoke formed a continuous piece, which looked extremely spectacular.

Until the light blade hit the octagonal martial arts platform at the bottom, with a bang, the martial arts platform exploded instantly, and a huge crack was cut open, directly splitting it into two.

This is the power of the Void Blade!

This is……

The moves of God of War!

Qiao Ye shook out a halberd flower, then put the God of War picture upside down on her back, and looked down.

Taking this blow head-on, even if Xiahou didn't die, it would be enough...

But also at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly trembled, feeling a bad premonition, then suddenly raised her head and looked over her head.

It's Xiahou!

On the upper corridor, there were ten Xiahous in total, holding their knives forward, pointing at Qiao Ye.

Sky False Blade...

He was actually dodged by Xia Hou!

"The ten-direction sword domain is broken!"

at the same time……

The ten Xiahous opened their mouths at the same time, and raised the straight knives in their hands, as if they had formed some kind of formation, and all of them slashed in Qiao Ye's direction.

In an instant, ten Xiahous swung their sabers at the same time, and then ten saber glows attacked Qiao Ye from ten directions at the same time.

When the blade glowed across the sky, it continued to split and became layers upon layers, covering the surrounding area in a vast expanse.

The whole ladder building seemed to tremble at this moment, and then...

The terrifying sword glow swallowed Qiao Ye in an instant.


The ladder where Qiao Ye was located exploded suddenly, and it became torn apart in an instant. Even, the violent impact spread wildly towards the surroundings, and the walls around the ladder building collapsed.

Xiahou looked at the rising smoke and said, "I should tell you, let's end it!"

"I'm afraid..." Qiao Ye's voice suddenly sounded behind Xia Hou: "It's too early to say that!"

Xiahou was startled, and then he turned around suddenly, a black smoke rose behind him, and Qiao Ye stepped out of the black smoke.

It's the Netherworld!

At the critical moment, Qiao Ye directly activated the Nether Demon Realm, and then used the Nether Demon Realm's domain ability to break through the void and move directly to Xiahou's back.

The next moment, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand, grabbed Xia Hou's head, and pressed Xia Hou against the wall behind him.


The wall that was hit by the air wave brought out by the sword light was already full of cracks, but now it was hit again, and it collapsed towards the rear in an instant.

Qiao Ye and Xia Hou fell out of the ladder at the same time.

Xiahou's body twisted, his feet stepped on the wall of the Yun Staircase, and he ran down, his whole body was actually able to stick straight to the wall instead of falling directly.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand, and the dragon's claws were nailed into the wall. Qiao Ye's body continued to slide, and the dragon's claws created five cracks on the wall.

While running, Xiahou swung the straight knife in his hand again, and countless lights of the knife scattered in the direction of Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows, dropped the black halberd in her hand, and pushed it forward with one palm.

God of War map, Yin and Yang counterattack!

Catch the dragon and move the crane, yin and yang counterattack: catch the dragon with one hand, and move the crane with the other, reverse yin and yang, multiply the power, use the way of the other, and return it to the other body.

Qiao Ye pushed forward with her palm, and with a slight rotation of her palm, a Tai Chi Yin-Yang swimming fish pattern appeared in front of her palm.

In the next moment, the group of yin and yang swimming fish suddenly spun and turned into a black and white vortex, sucking all the flying sword light into it.

"Return you!"

Qiao Ye let out a low cry, kicked her legs against the wall, jumped up, and then pushed her left palm forward.

The dense sword light flew out from the pattern of Yin-Yang swimming fish, and slashed in the direction of Xia Hou continuously.

Boom, boom, boom!

The next moment, the sound of explosions sounded continuously.


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