Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1330 I Only Have One Punch

The saber glow continuously cut on the outer wall of the Yun Staircase, making loud roaring noises continuously.

However, in the next instant, Xiahou jumped out of the flying dust again. Obviously, the attack returned by Yin Yang's counterattack did not hurt Xiahou.

Xiahou looked at Qiao Ye with a cold look in his eyes. He raised the straight knife in his hand again, and slashed down fiercely towards the front.

Almost instantly, the surrounding space trembled continuously, and terrifying sword lights appeared continuously.

The sky seemed to be cut into countless pieces. With the vibration of the whole space, it began to shatter continuously, and countless fine cracks appeared. Looking up, it was so dense that there was no end to it.

The monstrous breath is rippling at this moment.

Xiahou also tried his best, and at this moment he made an extremely terrifying cut!

As the dense blade light pushed forward, the outer wall of the Yunstaircase suffered again, and was directly blown away. The billowing dust wrapped around the blade light, and pushed madly in the direction of Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes, Xia Hou was really serious this time, because this knife was indeed terrifying!

That being the case, of course I have to respond.

Qiao Ye's response was...


Qiao Ye only planned to throw a punch.

Because, the name of this punch is...

Fist is perfect!

"Just one punch!" Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth and said ferociously, "Let's decide the outcome!"

The map of the God of War, the punch is perfect!

Breaking the sky and breaking the earth, the punch is the same: the whole body is penetrated with one punch, the supremely powerful person can open up the world, shatter the void, and cross the realm. , Hence the name: Fist out of no two.

Qiao Ye grabbed her outer arm with one hand, then raised her head and roared angrily.

The aura on Qiao Ye's body began to climb crazily, and then he slowly clenched his right fist, and the phalanges kept making "click, click" sounds.

The next moment, Qiao Ye punched forward forcefully.

That punch blasted out, and the frenzied wind of the fist was like a typhoon passing through, and it was pushed forward frantically.

The divine splendor poured down from the sky, covering everything around it, including the entire staircase building, and the surrounding golden-white brilliance was so vast that it was impossible to see anything clearly.


There was a loud bang, the dazzling white glow appeared, and a huge fist shadow blasted forward, colliding fiercely with the densely packed sword glows in front.

I don't know how long it has been...

The light gradually dissipated.

The huge fist shadow unexpectedly broke through the blade glow abruptly, and came in front of Xiahou.

At this moment, Xiahou's face showed a look of panic, but it was obviously too late to escape at this moment.


The huge fist print hit Xiahou's body, and then the huge fist print floated away, turning into a sky-filled brilliance.

Xiahou stood there, and for a moment, with a puff, Xiahou opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Qiao Ye smiled, and she...


Following Xiahou to the end, Qiao Ye also fell straight down, but it didn't take long for Qiao Ye to feel caught by something.

Looking up and looking around, everything around has returned to normal, turning back to the ruins of the Sky Throne ruins, and Qiao Ye is lying on the floor in such a large font.

Tian Ce Longzun and Xiao Ji stood aside, and directly in front of them was a tablet of heavenly scriptures.

Qiao Ye got up from the ground, and then took out a Heart Concentrating and Breaking Cocoon Pill and threw it into his mouth. You can throw four punches with confidence, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Moreover, this time Qiao Ye really experienced the power of punching.

The last time he dealt with the six-eyed demon god, the difference in cultivation base was too great. Even if Qiao Ye tried his best to punch Budu, it was impossible to kill him. Naturally, he couldn't know how terrifying the punch was.

But now, Qiao Ye really felt it.

Xiahou is the pinnacle of the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, and when he threw a punch with all his strength...

It is true that only one punch is needed, there is really no need for a second punch, because Xiahou is dead!

This is the map of the God of War, and this is the perfect punch!

There is absolutely no need for a second punch for things that can be solved with one punch. The most important thing is that with the improvement of Qiao Ye's strength, the power of the punch will also increase. How high is Qiao Ye's upper limit? How big is it.

at the same time……

That day the stele emitted light, and then, a radiance appeared.

An ancient book appeared in that brilliance, the cover was already severely damaged, and after flying through the air, it fell into Qiao Ye's hands.

Qiao Ye glanced at it, showing a bit of surprise, the booklet turned out to be Xiahou's Supreme Spiritual Shadow Cultivation Technique!

this thing...

Qiao Ye murmured, it's not that she can't say badly, after all, if there are no accidents, this is 100% a skill above the first rank.

However, if Tian Ce Longzun's words are correct, if he wants to practice the supreme spirit shadow technique, he also needs to be proficient in Taoism.

Good guy, I know the spells myself, but I know one kind, that is the five spirits breaking evil spells, and if the spells are easy to solve...

In the era when Xiahou was alive, Taoism had not yet been separated, so what was needed was both Taoism and surgery, and the techniques could be handled by oneself, but where to learn Taoism?

Do I still have to go to Jiang Liuxue to discuss it and ask him to take me to the Dao Domain, or connect the Dao Domain to the Nine Domains Battlefield? Isn't that helping the evildoers!

Qiao Ye suddenly felt a little tangled, but it didn't last long, and suddenly remembered that there was another very important thing.

"Stop that thing!" Qiao Ye suddenly shouted: "The book tablet will run away that day!"

When Qiao Ye was speaking, he had already rushed towards the Tianshu Monument.

However, at this moment, the remnant of the throne in the sky has begun to blur, turning into a phantom and gradually disappearing. This suspended continent is gradually returning to normal, and the Tianshu tablet is also gradually wrapped in white light, about to soar into the sky.

Qiao Ye flew quickly, intending to hug the Tianshu tablet directly, but the moment Qiao Ye's arm touched the Tianshu tablet, the Tianshu tablet turned into a ray of light soaring into the sky.

Qiao Ye cursed in a low voice, and then jumped up, wanting to chase after that day's stele, but at this moment...

"Xiaoji Taichong and Congkui, this is the private way out of the Tianmen!" Tiance Longzun took out a few yellow talismans, threw them into the air and said, "Liuhe Taiyin Taichang Lord, Sanchen Yuan is the private way out of the Earth!"

A total of six yellow talismans stretched straight and rushed into the sky, unexpectedly catching up with the ray of light formed by the tablet of heavenly scriptures, and immediately became like a cubic cage, with yellow rays of light connecting each yellow talisman. The Tianshu Stele is firmly locked in it.


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