Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1331 It's Him Again

After the tablet was trapped that day, it was still struggling, trying to break free.

But at this moment...

Tiance Dragon Venerable put his hands together, and the light of the six yellow talismans became brighter in an instant, and the cube binding the Tianshu Monument also changed from a transparent state to a translucent one, obviously, the bondage to the Tianshu Monument became stronger. strong.

The stele struggled for a long time that day, but after being unable to break through the cube, the light gradually dimmed, and finally became motionless and fell from the sky.

Tiance Longzun shouted in a low voice: "Take it!"

With Tiance Longzun's robe sleeves rolled up, the stele of the book hung in the air that day, then drifted towards them, and then landed steadily on the ground.

Qiao Ye stepped forward to look at the Tianshu stele. This Tianshu stele is not big, about one meter high, and has many obvious damages. The color of the inscription can also be seen from the obvious traces of time.

Tiance Longzun said: "Do you want me to release this thing? It should not run away!"

Qiao Ye said: "Senior, I think you are more suitable than me. You should be more likely than me to see through the secrets of the Tianshu tablet? After all, you said it has something to do with the spell!"

Tiance Longzun said: "Then I will take it?"

Qiao Ye nodded, and then handed the booklet of Supreme Spiritual Shadow Cultivation Technique to Tiance Longzun.

Tiance Longzun smiled and said: "You won this yourself, you can keep it yourself!"

Qiao Ye said awkwardly: "I don't understand, this skill requires Taoism."

"Little ghost!" Tiance Longzun immediately understood what Qiao Ye meant, pointed to Qiao Ye and said, "Let me take a look first, and I will make a comment for you in the Taoism part, but I should not have the part about the art." problem, but Taoism is not necessarily the case.”

"Understood, understood!" Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Thank you for your help, senior!"

Tiance Longzun took the book of Supreme Spiritual Shadow Cultivation Technique, then looked around and said, "What's the situation now? What should we do? You have been to the airspace before, so you should have an idea?"

"Originally after the Tianshu Monument left, this hanging continent returned to normal. Now that the Tianshu Monument is trapped by you, the result should be similar." Qiao Ye said: "We just need to catch up with Ye Yousi, by the way, your boss Is there a flying boat? Mine is smashed."

Tiance Longzun shook his head and said: "Although I have one, I seldom leave the Nine Dragons Tanshu Pavilion, and have been parked in the Nine Dragons Tanshu Pavilion. This time, you sent a flying boat to pick me up!"

This is very embarrassing, a Martial Emperor, a Shuzun, are they going to be trapped to death in this place because there is no flying boat?

Qiao Ye also cursed secretly in her heart, the airspace is such a wretched place, without airships or airships, it is really difficult to move an inch.

But at this moment, Xiao Ji grabbed the corner of Qiao Ye's clothes.

Qiao Ye looked down, and Xiao Ji patted her chest with a "look at me" expression.

In the next moment, Xiao Ji stretched out her hand towards the front, and a large piece of sand suddenly appeared on the ground, and then rose continuously, forming a huge sandbag. With the sliding of the sand, it continued to fall from the surroundings, and a flying boat appeared In front of everyone's eyes, and the flying boat is not small, it looks familiar when you look closely.

Qiao Ye said: "The standard flying boat that the defenders go on tour? Why do you have this?"

The patrol airship is a special airship for the defenders to carry out patrol missions. In theory, it is impossible for someone to own it privately.

Xiao Ji said, "I snatched it."

Qiao Ye was almost choked to death by his own saliva, you, a defender of the border, snatch the things of the defender of the border?

Xiao Ji said: "You were hunted down."

Qiao Ye was considered a traitor at the beginning, but when she was hunted down, Xiao Ji snatched a flying boat and left Linglong Tower, and that flying boat was the one in front of her.

Qiao Ye thought about it and didn't bother to take care of it. Anyway, he has a flying boat, so he can leave here!

Qiao Ye simply waved his hand and said, "Go, let's go!"


A huge relic!

The ruins are a continuous piece, and when you look forward, you can't see the end at all, as if it can extend to the end of the horizon, and the range is quite terrifying.

And if the ruins are still like this, how huge and magnificent will this building be when it still exists?

In fact, this place used to be the most prosperous place in the airspace, and it does have the largest and most magnificent buildings in the airspace.

Here used to be...

Sky Throne!

On the top of a ruin, Jiang Liuxue stood with her hands behind her back, her white clothes fluttering in the wind.

Jiang Liuxue looked ahead, a little silent, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

That glance, as if for ten thousand years, Jiang Liuxue saw a lot of the past, but at this moment...

The sudden sound of footsteps brought Jiang Liuxue back to his senses, and said indifferently, "Just say something!"

Standing under the ruins, Zhang Linyuan bowed his head and said, "One piece of Tianshu tablet is missing."

"Huh?" Jiang Liuxue turned to look at Zhang Linyuan and said, "Impossible, all the Tianshu steles should be there."

Zhang Linyuan said: "What I said was missing a piece, not that the Tianshu tablet was lost, but that a piece of the Tianshu tablet was robbed."

Jiang Liuxue raised her eyebrows and said, "Who did it?"

Zhang Linyuan's expression became weird, he hesitated and said, "It's still Qiao Ye."

"Qiao Ye..." Jiang Liuxue was stunned, then gritted her teeth and said, "Why is it him again? Didn't I try to get him to go to the sea of ​​no return?"

Zhang Linyuan said: "The news I got here is that he seems to have returned a few days ago, just in time for Skywalker to attack the Nine Realms battlefield, and then he was sent by Lin Jiexu to escort Ye Yousi back to the airspace just after he came back!"

"If he escorts him, he will escort him. What are you doing with my Tianshu stele?" Jiang Liuxue said angrily, "Is that kid a cat? Is this nine lives? Can't he be killed by such a big trouble from the six-eyed demon clan? Is it over yet?"

Zhang Linyuan said: "What should we do now?"

"Snatch!" Jiang Liuxue looked at Zhang Linyuan and said, "No matter what method you use, grab the Tianshu stele back for me!"

Zhang Linyuan felt a little cold sweat on his forehead, held back for a long time and said, "It's not easy to grab."

Jiang Liuxue said: "Huh?"

Zhang Linyuan said: "He is accompanied by Tiance Longzun, and Wang Yueyang also came to the airspace, and he is also accompanied by General Guiya."

Among the three supreme beings in the world, Zhang Linyuan felt that he was not enough to fit his teeth.

Jiang Liuxue was also extremely annoyed and said: "It's him every time, every time he's causing trouble for me, I should find a chance to kill him!"

After Jiang Liuxue got angry, she calmed down quickly.

"Leave them alone." Jiang Liuxue said: "The airspace is proceeding according to the original plan, and I will personally go and retrieve that piece of heavenly book tablet."

Zhang Linyuan said: "Instigate an attack?"

"Yeah!" Jiang Liuxue said, "Tell them to go back to the battlefield of the Nine Regions, and don't make trouble for me in the airspace."

Zhang Linyuan nodded and said, "Understood!"

Jiang Liuxue waved his hands and said, "Go!"


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