Both magic and martial arts!

Although it is not so uncommon for people to practice concurrently in various domains nowadays, it is not so easy to make achievements. .

After all, except for the practice method of cultivating royal beasts like Beast Domain, which can be regarded as a quick fix, the cultivation methods of other domains require a gradual process.

Concurrent cultivation can be achieved, but it will take time to settle down before it can reappear.

However, it was quite normal for Jiang Liuxue to do this. It was not the first time that this guy was able to practice the cultivation methods of various domains like Qiao Ye, so Qiao Ye was naturally not surprised.

After a while, Jiang Liuxue completely entered the demonized half-dragon form, and suddenly stretched out her hand in the direction of Qiao Ye.

A ray of golden light suddenly flew out from Jiang Liuxue's palm, and slashed towards Qiao Ye!

Seeing that the golden light was about to hit Qiao Ye, Qiao Ye slammed his left palm forward.

Catch the dragon and move the crane, yin and yang counterattack: catch the dragon with one hand, and move the crane with the other, reverse yin and yang, multiply the power, use the way of the other, and return it to the other body.

In Qiao Ye's palm, a pattern of yin and yang swimming fish suddenly appeared, and then the golden light blasted by Jiang Liuxue was quickly sucked in by the pattern of yin and yang swimming fish.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye raised the black halberd with his right hand and swung it forward, a golden light appeared, and he slashed back at Jiang Liuxue.

Jiang Liuxue's figure flashed, and that golden ray of light passed by Jiang Liuxue's side and hit the ground below.

With a bang, a sand dune was hit by the golden light, and then there was a loud bang, and it was blasted into pieces abruptly.

Jiang Liuxue narrowed her eyes, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "The picture of God of War?"

Qiao Ye grinned and said, "It's not that you have something under your hands!"

The moment Qiao Ye said that, he waved the black halberd, and the aura on his body continued to increase, and continued to climb terrifyingly.

The next moment, Qiao Ye slashed towards the sky with a halberd!

Purple Lightning Fury Thunder, Void Blade of the Void: Call the energy of the whole body, penetrate the sky and the sky, draw all things in the world for your own use, coincide with the realm of heaven and man, shatter the void with one blow, and destroy everything.


Almost instantly, at the moment when Qiao Ye's palm fell, the sky and the earth were torn apart, and a huge void appeared, in which chaos and haze appeared.

Under Qiao Ye's halberd, the sky seemed to be directly split.

In the next moment, there was thunder and lightning in the sky, and a piece of lightning flashed, like thunder dragons shuttled one by one, illuminating the sky brightly.

In the cracked sky, chaos and mist lingered, exuding a mysterious and evil atmosphere.

And in that chaotic mist, a ray of light gradually appeared!

The furious thunder all around continued to condense and move closer, condensing in that piece of brilliance, and soon, a huge light blade appeared, surrounded by thunder, constantly making "crackling" sounds.

"Qingtian Void Blade!" Jiang Liuxue looked up and said, "It's interesting!"

After Jiang Liuxue finished speaking, she spread her palms, and the sand halberd in her hand fell, scattered into sand and disappeared.

At the same time, there were six other weapons scattered.

But, at the next moment!

"Everything in the world..." Jiang Liuxue said in a low voice, "They are all my soldiers!"


There was a piercing tremor in the air, and then, under Jiang Liuxue's feet, a terrifying golden halo appeared and spread in all directions.

The next moment, at the center of the aperture, a pillar of sand suddenly rose!

With the rise of the sand pillar, the surrounding Sha Shuo seemed to be drawn, and kept rushing towards the direction of the sand pillar.

Because of the flow of the sand, the surrounding sand dunes continued to collapse, and the sand column became bigger and bigger, and began to condense into shape, eventually turning into a huge sand gun with a length of 20 to 30 meters.


Jiang Liuxue let out a low growl, and the Sand Spear suddenly rose from the ground and stabbed towards the sky. At the same time, the Sky Void Blade suspended in the air suddenly fell down at this moment.

In an instant, the dark night sky was illuminated brightly.

The huge sand gun collided fiercely with the sky blade, making a huge roar.

Like the collision of heaven and earth.

The sky, the earth, and the surrounding space were all trembling violently, as if the world was about to collapse completely because of that terrifying collision.

There was a roaring sound on the ground, and then, a huge crack appeared, extending towards the sides, and countless sands poured into the crack, like a waterfall.

Such a collision of heaven and earth lasted for as long as a cup of tea before slowly stopping.

Looking down from the air, the sand dunes below were completely flattened, and even some places collapsed, and all the sand dunes sank downward.

Qiao Ye gritted her teeth tightly. Jiang Liuxue was really difficult to deal with, and she couldn't kill him even with the God of War map.

On the other side, Jiang Liuxue was a little distracted and looked into the distance.

That's where Xiaoji is.

Anxiety appeared between Jiang Liuxue's brows, because she couldn't stop it.

Jiang Liuxue likes to plan before acting, and this time is also the case. Jiang Liuxue has calculated, first trying to get Xiaoji to leave, and then fighting to get back the Tianshu tablet.

However, Jiang Liuxue realized that she seemed to have miscalculated a bit.

Xiaoji is very strong, Jiang Liuxue took out all six coffins from the bottom of the press box, and arranged a large formation in advance, consuming a lot of precious materials.

Jiang Liuxue was already very satisfied with being able to trap Xiaoji until now, and it was normal if she couldn't be trapped anymore.

It was Qiao Ye who made Jiang Liuxue feel that he had miscalculated. Jiang Liuxue did not expect that Qiao Ye was more difficult than he imagined.

And just as Jiang Liuxue was thinking, a large cloud of black smoke had struck again.

Jiang Liuxue suddenly came back to his senses, and pushed forward with one hand.


The sound of the dragon chant suddenly sounded, and then the nine-headed dragon shadow reappeared and rushed forward, colliding with the billowing black smoke.

Nine-headed Dragon Shadow quickly tore apart the black smoke in front of him, but the moment the black smoke broke through, Qiao Ye suddenly jumped out of the black smoke and came to Jiang Liuxue's side again.


The weapons of the two collided again, making a clear and crisp sound.

Qiao Ye gritted her teeth and pushed the black halberd down. The halberd directly landed on Jiang Liuxue's shoulder, and it was still falling.

Qiao Ye gritted his teeth and said, "You can be more serious, otherwise it's not a question of whether you can take the Tianshu tablet from me, but I will keep you here."

Jiang Liuxue suddenly laughed, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Are you going to kill me? Are you not worried about the little girl who follows you?"

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank for an instant, while Jiang Liuxue laughed wantonly, with obvious banter in that laugh.


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