"Shameless!" Qiao Ye gritted her teeth and said angrily, "Threatening a child, do you want face?"

Jiang Liuxue grinned and said: "It doesn't matter, you can just scold, but in this world, heroes are always judged by success or failure. As long as the goal can be achieved, the result is not important. So, give me the Tianshu tablet, if you still want to Let her see the sun of tomorrow!"

While talking, Jiang Liuxue danced the sand halberd in her hand.

The terrifying sound of the dragon chant appeared again, and then a phantom of a golden dragon wrapped around the sand halberd and rushed forward.

Qiao Ye was hit in the chest by the golden dragon. Feeling a huge force, she couldn't help but took a few steps backwards.

Jiang Liuxue was joking, but she was not in a hurry to continue. Instead, she looked at Qiao Ye and said, "How about it? Make a decision quickly, do you want that little girl back, or hand over the Tianshu Monument?"

I have farts on the Tianshu Monument!

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, looked at Jiang Liuxue and said, "You release him first, and I will give you the Tianshu Tablet."

Jiang Liuxue shook her index finger and said, "I don't believe you, give me the Tianshu tablet first, and I will release him naturally."

Qiao Ye sneered, "Why should I trust you?"

Jiang Liuxue spread her hands and said, "Qiao Ye, your reputation is not good. Back then I sincerely wanted to cooperate with you. Didn't you always want to know about your parents? Look, I can let you know. In the end, I came up with such a sincere condition, but you secretly played tricks to trick me. You can’t let this matter go, right? On the contrary, I always feel that I have a good reputation. You don’t need to like me, you can say that I am an enemy, But as long as I promise things, I always keep my word, otherwise, why do you think those who survived because of life and death are willing to follow me?"

"I don't believe you when you say you're going to break the sky." Qiao Ye said, "You want the Heavenly Book Stele? Yes! Let me go first!"

"Looks like there's nothing to talk about?" Jiang Liuxue said with a smile: "I don't care, there are so many steles in the Heavenly Book, I'm not short of this one!"

Qiao Ye couldn't help laughing, looked at Jiang Liuxue and said, "If it's really not bad, you would come all the way from the airspace to find me? Do you have that much free time?"

Jiang Liuxue raised her eyebrows and said: "It doesn't matter, I can't get it back this time, I can wait for the next time, but that little girl, I'm afraid it won't be so lucky to wait for the next time, you still want to see her later. She, I'm afraid she can only kneel down and beg me to use the coffin of life and death to let you meet each other!"

Qiao Ye's smile froze, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Despicable, don't you feel ashamed to trouble a child?"

"I don't think so!" Jiang Liuxue said, "I said it earlier, the winner and the loser, I only look at the result!"

Qiao Ye took a deep breath and said, "You bring her here, as long as she lives, I'll give you the Tianshu Tablet, and then you let her go!"

Jiang Liuxue still waved her fingers and said: "Give me something, and you will naturally see her, I keep my word!"

Qiao Ye was silent for a moment, then said, "The Tianshu Monument is not in my hands."

Jiang Liuxue said: "Qiao Ye, there's no point playing tricks. I don't think that girl is that important to you. At least it seems that the Tianshu Monument is more important than her, right?"

Qiao Ye said: "The Tianshu Monument is really not in my hands. If you let her go, I will tell you where the Tianshu Monument is."

"No sincerity!" Jiang Liuxue looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Since you don't intend to save that girl, let's meet later!"

Qiao Ye seemed a little anxious, but Jiang Liuxue was actually even more anxious.

Both of them are actually hiding secrets.

Qiao Ye has a bullshit Heavenly Book Monument, but she has to pretend to have one, but now she tells Jiang Liuxue that she doesn't have a Heavenly Book Monument, and Jiang Liuxue still doesn't believe it.

How could Jiang Liuxue have the ability to catch Xiaoji, but she had to pretend that she was caught. Now, Jiang Liuxue felt that even if she told Qiao Ye that she didn't catch Xiaoji, Qiao Ye would probably not believe her.

Moreover, the worse situation on Jiang Liuxue's side is...

Xiaoji is about to come back!

Jiang Liuxue didn't plan to continue breaking up with Qiao Ye, and there would be no result for a while. They were cheating on each other in terms of words, but they didn't take the bait. .

However, Qiao Ye is not willing to do it!

Let's not talk about whether Jiang Liuxue can be let go, Xiaoji is still in the hands of the other party, how can he just let Jiang Liuxue go!


Qiao Ye let out a low growl, and the lines after being enchanted continued to shine. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye raised his hand and threw the black halberd in his hand towards Jiang Liuxue.

The black halberd directly turned into a black streamer, hitting Jiang Liuxue's back.

Jiang Liuxue also reacted extremely quickly, turning around quickly, with a golden glow on her body, and immediately punched out.

With a bang, Qiao Ye's black halberd was punched away by Jiang Liuxue, but at this moment, Qiao Ye also rushed forward and bumped straight into Jiang Liuxue's body.

bang, bang, bang...

The two of them hugged into a ball, flew out towards the rear, smashed the sand dunes behind them continuously, and then smashed hard on the ground.

Qiao Ye pressed Jiang Liuxue under her body, knelt down on the ground, raised her fist and smashed it down.

Jiang Liuxue turned her head quickly, Qiao Ye's fist hit the ground with a loud noise, and then shouted, "Let Xiao Ji go!"

Jiang Liuxue scolded her in her heart, and then said: "That girl has nothing to do with me, I didn't catch her!"

Qiao Ye landed her second fist, hitting Jiang Liuxue on the face and said, "Do you think I believe it?"

Just like Jiang Liuxue doesn't believe that the Tianshu Monument is not in Qiao Ye's hands, Qiao Ye certainly doesn't believe it either, although...

Both of them are telling the truth now!

Seeing Qiao Ye raised his fist to fall again, Jiang Liuxue swung his elbow fiercely, hitting Qiao Ye on the head, and smashing Qiao Ye to the ground.

But before Jiang Liuxue got up, Qiao Ye rushed forward again, and directly hit Jiang Liuxue's forehead with a head hammer, knocking Jiang Liuxue down.

This is a real hand-to-hand fight, punching to the flesh, directly hitting the bang.

Qiao Ye wanted to hit again, but Jiang Liuxue also punched Qiao Ye's ribs not to be outdone, and then hit Qiao Ye's chin with an uppercut, sending Qiao Ye flying.

When Qiao Ye fell on his back, Jiang Liuxue immediately swooped, but he didn't jump on Qiao Ye's body. Qiao Ye kicked his legs while lying on the ground, and kicked Jiang Liuxue's lower abdomen.

Right now, Qiao Ye and Jiang Liuxue seemed to be crazy, they were fighting in the most primitive way, with the aura of wanting to bite off a piece of meat from each other even if they died.

So, after kicking Jiang Liuxue away, Qiao Ye didn't stop there, and was another hungry tiger pounced on Jiang Liuxue's direction, then raised his fist and slammed down on Jiang Liuxue continuously go!


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