This question stopped Shan Haijun from asking.

Shan Haijun thought for a while and said, "First of all, the invasion of evil beasts must be real."

Qiao Ye nodded and said: "I agree with this point, look at the current state of Kongyu and Yaoyu, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend."

"It doesn't matter." Shan Haijun shook his head and said, "This is the truth."

Qiao Ye said: "But what I want to know is what happened in the other domains back then? Because there are two doubts here."

Shan Haijun said: "Say it."

Qiao Ye said: "The first doubt is that the airspace and the demon realm must have fallen..."

Shan Haijun interrupted: "The Dao Domain is gone, it's worse than the Monster Domain, cut it off directly."

Qiao Ye was taken aback and said, "Huh?"

Shan Haijun said: "This matter is to trace the separation of Taoism. Geographically speaking, the earliest Taoism was regarded as a domain, do you know?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "I know."

Shan Haijun said: "So, in terms of geographical location, it should be eight domains. After the Taoist competition, the people in the Dao domain are divided into three parts, some travel to various domains, some go to the sea of ​​​​blood, and some settle in the art domain Overseas, the land bordering the blood sea, is divided into two domains with the sea as the boundary, one is the art domain, and the other is the dao domain. God used the supreme talisman to seek help from other domains, and the other domains did provide rescue, but the foundations of the Tao domains are all overseas islands, isolated from the world, and rescue is too difficult, so the first one was destroyed Lost."

Qiao Ye frowned, overseas islands...

Qiao Ye widened his eyes and said, "The Sea of ​​No Return?"

Shan Haijun asked doubtfully, "What is the Sea of ​​No Return?"

Qiao Ye said: "Is there a family with six pupils exiled in your demon domain?"

Shan Haijun was stunned and said: "Yes, but this matter is very secret, why do you know?"

"It's a long story, and I'll explain it to you later." Qiao Ye said, "Is the place where the Liutong family was exiled, the Dao Domain?"

Shan Haijun said: "Strictly speaking, it should be adjacent to the Dao Domain. That place is called the Endless Field, and it belongs to the border between the Blood Sea and the Dao Domain."

"Sure enough!"

Qiao Ye patted his forehead.

The origin of the Sea of ​​No Return has always been a mystery.

Because, the emergence of the No Return Sea Territory is completely different from the emergence of the Demon Realm and the Beast Realm. When the Demon Realm and the Beast Realm appeared, they were directly connected to the Nine Realms Battlefield.

However, when the Shuyu appeared, it changed. There was a sea of ​​no return between the Nine Domains Battlefield and the Shuyu.

This is obviously different from what Jiang Liuxue did before. Why are the Demon Realm and the Beast Realm directly connected, but not in the Beast Realm?

Now the answer is revealed, because what was connected back then was not the art domain at all, but the dao domain!

Secondly, why was it mistaken for a sea of ​​blood?

Because, after the Daoist competition, the Dao domain was drawn and it was located at the border of the sea of ​​blood. The two are not one, but the sea is vast, and the sea of ​​blood was a matter of countless years ago, so it is normal to be recognized as wrong .

Therefore, at the beginning, Jiang Liuxue connected the Dao Domain to the Nine Domains Battlefield, and the Taoism was originally a domain, but it was separated because of the Taoism competition, but even though one domain was divided into two, the two are also connected. After the overseas islands where they are located, they have arrived at the domain of surgery.

This also reminded Qiao Ye of why there was such a big difference between the chart he drew in his hand and the chart in Ding Xiang's hand.

Because, the sea chart in Qiao Ye's hand is based on some places in the Sea of ​​No Return, and then the mystics of the world compared some areas recorded in historical documents. After that, it was drawn according to historical documents while sailing.

And the chart in Ding Xiang's hand, if nothing else, is actually the chart of Dao Yu.

Finally, there are evil beasts in the sea of ​​no return.

Both on the island and in the sea!

At the beginning, everyone thought that the Sea of ​​No Return was a void fault, and of course there were evil beasts in the fault of the void, but in fact, if you think about it carefully, you will find that some places in the Sea of ​​No Return are indeed compatible with the void fault, but there are more places that do not fit. Apart from other things, I have never seen such a large void fault. As for other incompatible details, there are more details.

For example, it is normal for the Void Fault to produce spiritual materials, and the Evil Beast is also a bit precious, but I have never heard of the Void Fault where you can find treasures, and it is not in that kind of ancient ruins.

Shan Haijun watched Qiao Ye fall into deep thought, and didn't disturb Qiao Ye's thoughts.

After a while, Qiao Ye said: "It seems that the Dao Domain has also appeared, and, like the Sky Domain and the Demon Domain, when the Three Realms and Nine Domains were broken, they had already been invaded and captured."

Shan Haijun nodded, and then said: "You have to tell me first, how do you know about the Six Eyes Clan, this matter is very important, it is related to the secrets of our Demon Realm, and it may bring disaster to everyone."

Qiao Ye said: "Because, I have been to..."

Qiao Ye didn't hide it either. Although strictly speaking it was a secret, it was not a secret to the people of Yaoyu. Shan Haijun's intention was to confirm some things.

"You mean you saw a demon god?" Shan Haijun said with a bit of panic, "After so many years, Commander Ming is still back!"

Qiao Ye said, "Who?"

Shan Haijun said: "It's the demon god you've seen. He was the ancestor of the six-eyed demon clan, but he fell into evil ways. He vainly tried to create something called a corpse man to quickly improve his demon power. Therefore, a large number of living people are needed to refine corpses, and even, because of him, there was a crisis in the demon realm."

"Although the monster race has a long lifespan, the speed of cultivation is much slower than that of other domains, because we need to cultivate monsters to nurture our own monster power. This is a complementary cultivation method, but because of Commander Ming's massacre , once made the monster no longer believe in us, resist us, and fear us, so that the inheritance of the monster clan was almost cut off by him, and later most of the monster clan united, and then he expelled Commander Ming."

Qiao Ye asked curiously, "Isn't it from the six-eyed family?"

Shan Haijun shook his head and said: "No, only Commander Ming, because of his cruelty, the Liutong family finally abandoned him, and the Liutong family went to the border of the blood sea, not to be exiled, but to guard and seal Commander Ming, Because, at that time, he was so strong that no one could really kill him. He possessed unimaginable demon power, and he could recover from any injuries. Therefore, he could only choose to suppress him. After a long time, his demon power would decline likely to be killed."

When Shan Haijun said this, he was obviously anxious.

"You saw him, right?" Shan Haijun said: "He has returned to the world!"


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