Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "I probably saw it."

"What is probably? This matter is very serious, and it is serious to you." Shan Haijun said anxiously: "You have to understand that the Yaoyu has now existed in name only, and Commander Ming returned to the world. Even if he wants revenge, he can How? There are not many people alive in Yaoyu now, but if his ambition does not diminish, he will attack you."

Qiao Ye said: "It probably means that I have indeed seen him before, but later, when the defenders gathered and wanted to find him again, there was nothing left. The place left by the six-eyed monster clan, and The Commander you mentioned is gone."

Shan Haijun asked in astonishment, "How could this happen?"

Qiao Ye said: "At the moment, this matter is a mystery. I don't even know whether what I saw is true or not. However, don't worry, we have been investigating this matter and have not given up because of it. And , if everything is as you said, that demon god should not be so powerful, beheading is not impossible."

"By the way, I just said that the first doubt is the air domain. Both the demon domain and the dao domain should have fallen." Qiao Ye said: "Then, the second question arises. Why are there no evil beasts in the other domains? Are they defended?" ? If it is defended, what about the Nine Domains Battlefield and the Void Fault? The most important point is that if it is just the invasion of evil beasts, it should not cause the Three Realms and Nine Domains to be completely separated. what?"

Qiao Ye changed the subject again.

This is how they inquired about each other's news. Qiao Ye provided news about the demon god, and Qiao Ye also got a lot of news from Shan Haijun that he couldn't imagine.

Relatively speaking, Qiao Ye was not very interested in the commander of the demon god.

In comparison, Qiao Ye must be more interested in the broken Three Realms and Nine Realms and what happened in that era.

Secondly, Qiao Ye has seen Commander Ming. Although as a demon god, his powerful strength is astonishing, but it is far less terrifying than what Shan Haijun said. Ming's strength has been greatly weakened. To put it bluntly, it should be within the range that can be dealt with.

Thirdly, Qiao Ye knew that Commander Ming's news was meaningless. If there was anything he had to deal with right now, he should find Lin Jiexu and find a way to go back. The Commander Ming's matter could be considered after returning home.

Shan Haijun pondered for a while and said: "I don't know what happened at that time. The demon realm is relatively remote, and the demon clan has been hiding their lives all the time. Even, most people only know the demon people but not the demon clan. At that time, in order to To resist the evil beasts, the monsters did fight, but the monster clan did not. The monster clan was mainly resisting the evil beasts that invaded the demon realm. Of course, in the end, all the monster gods of all races died in battle, and there was no success."

Qiao Ye nodded and pondered for a while.

Regarding the truth of that era that was annihilated in history, I found a corner. Because of the long life span, things related to the Yaoyu at that time should have been handed down from the Yaoyu. However, when it comes to other domains, Shan Haijun It is not clear.

After all, the Yaoyu was originally remote and had little contact with other domains, and the Yaozu lived in a secluded world, and the monsters on the table in the Yaoyu were all monsters.

And this situation has led to the outside world knowing little about the Yaozu, and even not knowing the existence of the Yaozu, but it is the same for the Yaozu. The Yaozu also knows very little about things outside the Monster Territory.

Including before the three realms and nine domains were broken, evil beasts invaded, as long as a small number of monsters left the monster domain to join the war, most of the monsters and monster clans chose to guard the monster domain.

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "Let's not talk about the past, I think I need your help now."

"Are you looking for someone?" Shan Haijun looked at Qiao Ye and said, "You said before that it was because someone was missing that you came to the Demon Realm to look for them."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Yes, so it is very likely that they are also in the Demon Realm right now."

Shan Haijun pondered for a while and said: "I can help you find a way, but I don't know if I can find it, or even, they may be dead. After all, there are evil beasts entrenched everywhere in the Demon Realm."

"I'm very happy that you are willing to help." Qiao Ye said with a smile: "Besides, among those missing... I don't know how to explain his identity. After all, it is very troublesome to explain clearly. You can understand it as He's a big shot, and I think if you can find someone, you might be able to talk to him, which will help change the current status quo in your Demon Realm."

Shan Haijun asked doubtfully, "Change?"

Qiao Ye said: "How many demons and demon clans are there in your demon domain?"

Shan Haijun said: "There are about 10,000 to 20,000 monsters, and the monster clan is even worse. The six-eyed monster clan left the demon realm and never came back. It should have been destroyed. The Lingming clan is a single lineage. Not prosperous, after the Three Realms and Nine Regions were broken, they lingered for less than a hundred years before being exterminated because they could not reproduce, and now the nine lives, the mountains and seas, and the Yuyi clan combined may be less than five hundred."

Qiao Ye heaved a sigh of relief, it's good that there are so few people.

To put it bluntly, the situation in the demon domain is similar to that of the air domain, if not worse.

However, it is also because it is worse, so we can talk about it!

There is no way to talk about it in the airspace. Is it possible to let the people in the other domains support the people in the entire airspace? That's not realistic at all, and they don't do it in other domains, so why should Skywalker ask everyone to support them? It's better to fight directly.

Moreover, Skywalker didn't talk about it at all, and directly burned, killed and looted when he arrived at the Nine Realms battlefield.

After this battle, except for the Beast Domain who don't like war in their bones all day long and always want to negotiate, the attitudes of the other domains are very obvious, that is: Fuck you!

Everyone is a person with integrity and dignity. Since Skywalker has already made the first move, why talk about it? Just beat those birdmen!

Therefore, at the beginning, Qiao Ye only planned to contact the remnants of the airspace, and Skywalker had no intention of trying to contact them at all, because in all likelihood, they would not be able to reach an agreement. Moreover, Skywalker's attitude towards the remnants determined that they were not easy to get along with. Help the bird man really treat himself as a character, thinking that he can fly, so he is high above the ground.

On the Yaoyu side, Qiao Ye didn't dare to agree directly, mainly because he was afraid of the existence of a situation similar to the airspace. However, there are only 10,000 to 20,000 demons, and the demons can't even reach four digits, so don't be afraid.

There is no need for such a small number of people to join forces for relief. The defenders are enough. If it is great, it will be enough to raise an extra team of guardians. So, isn't there something to talk about!


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