Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1379 Monster Race Ability

In fact, Jinghua Vientiane's ability is not as complicated as imagined.

The first ability of Jinghua Vientiane is that all the mirrors are regarded as void cracks, all attacks and Qiao Ye himself can pass through the mirrors and move in the void within the scope of the domain.

Void movement is a very ruthless trick in itself. It has nothing to do with speed, because it is a void shuttle, which is almost an instant thing, so as long as it is a void movement trick, it is regarded as the strongest movement.

However, Jinghua Vientiane's void movement is not as strong as imagined. If it is purely based on movement, then Nether Demon Realm is obviously much stronger. As long as it is covered by black smoke, Qiao Ye can move through the void. Jinghua Vientiane also needs to consider the mirror surface The location of the arrangement, and the route of each movement is only between two mirrors. The route is established. If the opponent is not close to the mirror, it is actually not easy to attack.

However, void movement is not all effects of Jinghua Vientiane.

The second effect of the Vientiane Mirror is the mirror of virtuality and reality, and any thing illuminated by the mirror can form a re-enacted phantom.

That is to say, as long as Qiao Ye's position is a place that can be illuminated by the mirror, or when attacking, the attack can be illuminated by the mirror, and it can form a phantom through the mirror, and whether it is a phantom, Qiao Ye can decide on his own Choice, Qiao Ye can choose whether this attack is a phantom, or not.

Furthermore, the third effect of the Vientiane Mirror can reverse the effect on everything that is illuminated by the mirror, including Qiao Ye and the target, as well as the attacks of both sides.

To put it simply, when Qiao Ye raised his right hand, it was actually his left hand. When Qiao Ye attacked the opponent's front, the attack actually came from behind, and when he attacked the right side, the attack actually came from the left.

The most troublesome thing is that this effect is not only for Qiao Ye, but also for other people in the field.

Grandma Taishang thought she was defending towards the front, but in fact she was defending towards the back. She thought she was defending the top of her head, but she was actually defending her feet. She thought she was attacking with the left tail of Nine Lives Phantom, but in fact it was attacking from the right It thought it was attacking with the right tail, but it was actually attacking with the left tail.

Moreover, Grandma Taishang is completely unaware of all this, unless she knows the effect of Wanhua's mirror image, in the eyes of Grandma Taishang, she is attacking normally.

At the same time, it is the combination of these three effects that makes Wanhua's mirror image ability difficult to guess.

The Wanhua mirror image does not exist whether it is strong or not, because it neither strengthens itself, nor has any direct attack and defense effects, but it is very difficult to deal with!

Dodging again, Qiao Ye's figure appeared in the three mirrors. He waved the black halberd in his hand, bringing out the thunder again and sweeping forward.

On Grandma Taishang's body, the phantom of Nine Lives had re-condensed, and two huge demon tails directly wrapped Grandma Taishang's body completely.

Since it is impossible to determine where the attack came from, all directions should be defended.


In the next moment, there was a loud noise from the phantom of Nine Lives, and then the thunder light exploded, and countless arcs of lightning wrapped around the phantom of Nine Lives, jumping continuously.

Taking the next blow abruptly, the monster power on that Nine Lives Phantom dimmed again. When the two monster tails spread apart, Grandma Taishang couldn't help panting.

Ripples suddenly appeared in a pair of mirrors, and then Qiao Ye walked out.

Grandma Taishang raised her head, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Do you think you are sure to win?"

Qiao Ye spread her hands and said, "I didn't say anything!"

The Vientiane Mirror is not indestructible, but the core of the Vientiane Mirror is also to see through it. As long as you can see through the Vientiane Mirror effect, it is actually very easy to break the Vientiane Mirror, but the question is how to see through it?

At this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly noticed that grandma's eyes, those four-color pupils, were emitting a strange shimmer at the moment.

"I really didn't expect that a mere kid could force me to use the special ability of the Nine Fate Clan." Grandma Taishang raised her head, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Each of the five clans in Yaoyu has innate abilities. The ability of Yuyi, the transformation of feathers into feathers, the immovability of mountains and seas, the unity of the five senses of the six pupils, the soul transformation of Lingming, and..."

Suddenly, in Grandma Taishang's pupils, the faint light suddenly became intense.

Grandma Taishang said coldly: "There is still the pupil technique of Nine Lives!"

The innate ability of the Yaozu, this Qiao Ye knew, when talking with Shan Haijun, he had heard that the Yaozu was born with some abilities, which had nothing to do with the acquired cultivation, but the innate abilities.

However, Shan Haijun didn't elaborate on this matter. Qiao Ye always thought that the innate ability of the Nine Fate Clan was just Nine Lives.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

At the same time, when the pupils were shining brightly, Grandma Taishang also looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Come on, continue, from now on, your weird ability is useless to me."

Qiao Ye hooked the corners of her mouth contemptuously.

Grandma Taishang said: "Are you thinking now that you were beaten so badly before, and now you still dare to speak out?"

Qiao Ye was first taken aback, then surprised.

It is not surprising that Grandma Taishang could guess what she was thinking. After all, Grandma Taishang was embarrassed by Jinghua Vientiane, and no one would believe her when she suddenly said that Jinghua Vientiane was useless to her.

However, Grandma Taishang seemed to be able to read her mind. Not only did she guess what she was thinking, but she also said every word she thought exactly.

The key lies in the latter, which is scary.

The contemptuous look on Qiao Ye's face gradually disappeared, and suddenly he shot, a thunderbolt directly smashed into a piece of mirror.

This blow was so sudden that Qiao Ye didn't give Grandma Taishang any chance to prepare, and then...

It was hidden!

The thunder scurry around in the mirror, and then used the mirror to illuminate it to form an illusion, and then turned into three and then attacked Grandma Taishang.

And grandma...

Just a step in the air!

That step could not completely dodge the attack, but it could completely dodge the two hallucinatory thunderbolts, and the third real thunderbolt directly brushed against Grandma Taishang's body, fell towards the bottom, hit a stone house, and then boomed With a bang, the stone house was blown to pieces.

Qiao Ye looked at the broken stone house below, and the grandma Taishang who avoided the blow with an understatement and moved her steps, but had no expression on her face. The surprise on her face was hard to hide, and her pupils couldn't help shrinking. .

My mirror is full of everything...

It seems that Grandma Taishang really saw through it!


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