Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1380 Mind Reading and the Future

In fact, it was only one attack that was dodged, and it was not a big deal.

Even if Jinghua Wanxiang has the ability to make the attack weird, it is impossible to make all the attacks hit, and the opponent cannot avoid it at all.

The key lies in the way Grandma Taishang avoids, which is visually shocking.

Qiao Ye couldn't describe the feeling, it was like...

Grandma Taishang already knew where the attack would appear, and which thunder attack was real.

And this is the most incredible thing, because Jinghua Vientiane's ability, to put it bluntly, is unpredictable.

At this moment...

Grandma Taishang said: "Now do you believe what I said? Oh, no, that was what you were thinking a second ago. Now what you are thinking about is why I can do it!"

Grandma Taishang paced directly in the air, slowly looking at the surrounding mirrors.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if I tell you, because it's useless if you know." Grandma Taishang said: "There are five kinds of pupil skills in Jiuming, namely farsightedness, mind consciousness, spiritual vision, hallucination, and future vision. Individuals can learn all the pupils forever, I have mind-testing consciousness and future vision, my eyes can read minds and see the future!"

After Grandma Taishang finished speaking, she looked up at Qiao Ye, and then laughed.

Grandma Taishang said: "What you think in your heart right now is unbelief, so forget about mind reading skills, how can you do things like this when you see the future!"

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows and tried her best to keep calm, but the turmoil in her heart could not be calmed down easily, because Grandma Taishang was right!

This old hag can really read minds!

Grandma Taishang said: "The old witch in front of me can really read minds, can't she?"

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes and said, "It's really a very troublesome ability, but I still don't believe it!"

The moment Qiao Ye finished speaking, he waved his hand forward violently.

Almost in an instant, thunder suddenly came from all around, thunder bursts, thunder continued to fall from the sky, and then entered the mirror.

Within the scope of the mirror-like myriad phenomena, thunders spread all over in an instant, and those thunders ran wildly, densely packed, shuttling frantically between the mirror surfaces, covering the entire range of the domain.


Qiao Ye had to believe it!

Grandma Taishang was walking in the air, it was really a walk, her movements were very leisurely and not fast, but every step of Grandma Taishang was able to avoid the incoming thunder lightly, not even a single thunderbolt could land on Grandma Taishang body, avoiding all the thunder.

After a while, the light of the thunder dissipated, and the thunder did not even touch Grandma Taishang's clothes.

Grandma Taishang looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Do you believe it now?"

Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth and said, "I seem to have to believe it!"

Grandma Taishang said: "Are you still planning to continue fighting? Obediently do as I say, as long as you can take us out of the demon realm, you will benefit from it."

"There is only one way for me to take you out of the Demon Realm." Qiao Ye said, "That is to find someone for me!"

Grandma Taishang sneered and said, "Do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me? It seems that you are really planning to force me to use some tricks before you will be obedient."

Qiao Ye curled her lips, her methods were more than that.

"Since you can read minds..." Qiao Ye said, "You should know what I'm thinking, right?"

Grandma Taishang said: "If you have the means, use them. Let me see how much you still have."

Qiao Ye suddenly laughed, looked at Grandma Taishang and said, "Okay, I believe you can read minds, but your mind reading skills seem to be limited to what is in my mind, and you can know what, so, as long as I If you don't think about anything, you have nothing to do, as for seeing the future..."

Qiao Ye shook his head.

Read minds, predict the future...

This is a very strong ability that can be felt just by knowing it, and the fact is also the same. Among the five kinds of pupil techniques that Jiumingtian has, these two are the strongest, followed by illusion, as long as you look at each other, Even just a glance can make people hallucinate.

Spirit vision is also very strong, it is a pure perception ability, similar to Qiao Ye's field circle, but stronger than the circle, because the range is larger, it is equivalent to an enhanced version of the perception field ability.

Hyperopia is the worst. It is similar to the five-sense integration of the six-pupil family. The five-sense integration of the six-pupil family can attribute all five senses to the six pupils, and the range of vision can reach dozens of miles away. Moreover, the field of vision can be 360 ​​degrees without dead angles, that is, even standing behind can be seen directly.

The farsighted pupil technique is just to enhance the field of vision, not as powerful as the enhancement of the five senses, and it cannot see things at 360 degrees without blind spots.

"However..." Qiao Ye said: "Seeing the future may not be effective, because the future can be changed. The future you can see is at most a possibility of the future."

It's really a coincidence that Qiao Ye is quite familiar with the ability of foresight.

Because, the best use of this ability is not the nine-fate monster clan, but the two domains of Taoism. Both schools of Taoism have theories of prediction and divination, and they have their own schools. There are also different genres and classifications. , physiognomy, spiritual lottery and so on.

Most people are afraid of the ability to predict the future. After all, a person who can see the future is equivalent to knowing everything you will do. How do you fight the other party?

However, Qiao Ye happened to be talking about this ability to predict the future when he was chatting with Tiance Longzun about the Qingtian Book.

Future foreknowledge is powerful, but not that powerful.

The point is that the future is not static. Even the future shown in Qin Tianchu is not a fixed formula, but a possible future possibility.

To put it bluntly, life is composed of countless forks. When different choices are made at the forks, different futures will emerge.

In Qiao Ye's view, Grandma's ability can probably see the emergence of a certain future, or the possibility of seeing all futures, but how to ensure which future Qiao Ye chooses?

"What you said is so confident, but can you really break it?" Grandma Taishang laughed and said: "The pupil technique for predicting the future is indeed like you said, it is just a possibility, but as long as you know through mind reading What do you think, it’s not a possibility, but the future you choose, as for avoiding mind reading if you don’t want to?”

Grandma Taishang couldn't help laughing, and she laughed very happily.

"When you are fighting, you don't want to fight? Then what should you think about? If you don't want to fight? Then how should you fight?" Grandma Taishang looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Do you think this kind of thing can be done? "


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