Reading minds and seeing the future, normal people will think that seeing the future is the core. After all, the ability to predict the future is too powerful.

However, the core of Grandma Taishang's ability is mind reading!

As Qiao Ye said, seeing the future is actually not that powerful. Grandma Taishang can only see the possibility of the future. That is to say, Grandma Taishang's pupil technique can see several or even more than a dozen developments in the future.

Did Qiao Ye punch, kick, or halberd?

This kind of possibility exists, so Grandma Taishang sees all the possibilities, but how Qiao Ye chooses is still up to Qiao Ye himself.

Grandma Taishang can only see, but cannot force Qiao Ye to make a choice.

Therefore, mind reading is very important at this time.

Because, as long as you know what Qiao Ye is thinking, you can know Qiao Ye's choice, and you can find the right possibility among many future possibilities!

This is the reason why Taishang Grandma's pupil technique is so powerful. Even in the ancient times before the Three Realms and Nine Domains were broken, among the Nine Fate Clan, anyone who could possess these two pupil techniques at the same time, without exception, all became Nine Fate Clan Among the top masters.

Grandma Taishang looked at Qiao Ye provocatively. She didn't believe that Qiao Ye could break her pupil technique at all, because the mind reading technique is easy to crack, but in fact it cannot be cracked.

When a person is doing something, he will definitely think about it, because without thinking about it, how can he do it well?

And as long as you think about it, you can't escape the pupil technique of the grandma!

"Others can't do it, but it doesn't mean I can't do it!" Qiao Ye bent slightly, looked at Grandma Taishang and said, "However, in this state, I don't know what will happen, so you have to think about it carefully." gone."

Grandma Taishang sneered and said, "Are you bluffing me?"

Qiao Ye said: "Then open your eyes wide and see if I'm bluffing you!"

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he took a deep breath, first of all...

A hundred battle blood techniques, five styles of bloody majesty!

Vigorous blood: every time you get injured, you will trigger a layer of madness, improve your physical body, weaken your pain perception, increase the recovery speed of all trauma, ignore any poisons and illusions, take healing pills, you can immediately digest the properties of the medicines, and increase the properties of the medicines by 30%.


Hundred battle blood techniques, six styles of blood massacre!

Six-style Blood Slaughter: Using your own blood as a sacrifice, you can enter the blood slaughter state, and the majestic madness directly enters the tenth floor, and you can use blood coagulation to turn into blood pupils to assist in the battle.

A large amount of blood suddenly emerged from Qiao Ye's body, wrapping around Qiao Ye's body, circle after circle.

Qiao Ye's eyes turned blood red due to blood congestion. At the same time, wisps of blood energy slowly condensed behind Qiao Ye's back, directly turning into a blood-colored pupil.

That blood pupil slowly opened, revealing a demonic feeling!

However, the blood pupil is not the point, the point is that the sixth form and the fifth form of the Hundred Battles Blood Technique can be coordinated.

The six-style blood slaughter can stimulate the madness of the five-style, and instantly make the madness enter the tenth-level state.

And the bloody madness of the five styles...

Can stimulate the supreme killing!


Qiao Ye's expression suddenly became frenzied. With the whole body exerting force, Qiao Ye's body trembled involuntarily, and the veins on his neck twitched violently. Almost instantly, Qiao Ye's aura suddenly became manic.

At this moment, from head to toe, Qiao Ye's body was as wild as a wild beast.

But it's not enough!

Needs to be crazier!

Abandon all sane madness!

Crazy for killing!

"Ah!" Qiao Ye yelled again, then looked at Grandma Grandma with blood-red eyes, and whispered, "Enchanted!"

Becoming a demon: The world does not allow me, so I fall into a demon, enter the flesh with the power of gods and demons, shape the demon body within a certain period of time, and fight in the incarnation of gods and demons.

An extremely cold feeling suddenly appeared on Qiao Ye's body at this moment!

A terrifying killing intent erupted from Qiao Ye's body. It was extremely chilling, and something seemed to appear in the air. There was an indescribable feeling that made people unable to breathe.

At that moment, Grandma Taishang's eyes widened, and she instinctively took several steps back.

The whole world seemed to be completely quiet at this moment.

The yelling and killing of Sergeant Huang Quan below stopped abruptly!

The howling wind around seemed to stop suddenly!

Madness, coupled with the state of being enchanted!

Qiao Ye is planning to annihilate her own will, completely force out the state of supreme killing, and completely use killing intent to control her actions!

The moment Qiao Ye did this, the whole person suddenly became quiet, and everything around her seemed to have fallen into dead silence at this moment.

Qiao Ye stood there half-bent, with both arms completely down, and the whole person seemed to have entered a state of silence, without a sound at all, as if she was dead.


At this moment, Grandma Taishang could clearly feel that the palpitations became more obvious, and even cold sweat began to appear on her back, sticking to her clothes.

It's all the calm before the storm!



The sound of electric current surged suddenly appeared, and then, a current flowed across Qiao Ye's body, and this was just the beginning.

One, two, three...

There were more and more electric arcs on Qiao Ye's body, until Qiao Ye's entire body was constantly beating with azure electric arcs.

Slowly, Qiao Ye's body began to move again, and his drooping head was raised again.

Qiao Ye's rather handsome face became extremely ferocious at this moment, and red lightning strike lines appeared on the left face, extending from the temple, and then spread all over the entire left face, spreading down the neck continuously, until All over Qiao Ye's upper body, even the backs of his hands were covered by lightning strikes.

The bloodshot pupils turned into an azure color at this moment, revealing a berserk aura.


Qiao Ye opened his mouth and let out a mouthful of turbid air, and an electric arc appeared on both sides of the corner of his mouth, making crackling noises.

After a while, Qiao Ye slowly raised his legs.

That movement was frighteningly slow, as if in slow motion, moving bit by bit. It took a while for Qiao Ye to finish that step.

However, at the moment when the right foot was raised and lowered...


The sound of surging electricity suddenly appeared, and immediately after, Qiao Ye's figure directly turned into a blue lightning.

Grandma Taishang's different-colored pupils shrank sharply at this moment, and the speed with which Qiao Ye burst out at that moment was too terrifying. She only felt that the blue lightning flashed by, and Qiao Ye had already arrived in front of her.

He couldn't catch Qiao Ye's figure at all, even if it was just an afterimage.

And when Grandma Grandma saw Qiao Ye, a fist wrapped in electric current had already arrived in front of her!


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