The building here is still a shop, but this time there are no treasures, it is a very ordinary clothing shop.

Practitioners also need food, clothing, housing and transportation. In fact, most of the time, the shops selling treasures, elixir and other things are fixed after all, and they will be specially established in the places where cultivators patronize. However, occasionally this kind of mixture will appear.

Coming to the other side at the end of the corridor, Qiao Ye quickly found a window leading to the roof of the opposite building.

Facts have proved that Qiao Ye's strategy is not bad. The buildings on this street are densely distributed, and the structure is relatively simple. They are all shops and no houses. Beasts really don't seem to like living in houses, and no evil beasts were seen in the building at all.

"Look!" Pushing open a window again, Shan Haijun pointed to the side and said, "City wall!"

Qiao Ye glanced at the window, then nodded.

"But!" Qiao Ye looked sideways and said, "It's the end of the street."

This is a three-way road, and there is a side street ahead. Maybe you can use this method to walk through the building, but the premise is to go through the side road first.

The width on both sides is more than ten meters, and the fork is full of evil beasts. It seems that it is not very easy to walk across without disturbing the evil beasts.

Shan Haijun said: "You can jump over directly, but it is impossible to land on the roof without making a sound, right?"

With the cultivation of Qiao Ye and the others, a jump of ten meters is enough. The key is how not to disturb those evil beasts.

Qiao Ye observed the position of the Evil Beast, and it almost blocked the side road. There was no activity at the moment, but they all fell into a deep sleep. There were some gaps between each other, but it was obviously not enough to find a way for them to walk directly. path of.

Qiao Ye looked at Shan Haijun and said, "Actually, I can just float there."

Qiao Ye's own problem is not serious, and he can float through the air without making any sound by using the aura of the Wanfa Lingtu.

But what should Xiao Ji and Shan Haijun do?

Shan Haijun said: "Are you carrying me?"

Qiao Ye shook his head and said, "I can't recite it. Although my mental power is fine, the manipulation of my mental power is not that fine."

The floating ability of the aura of Vientiane is actually to collect the aura of nature, support oneself, and then float in the air.

There is no problem for Qiao Ye to do this by himself, but it is more difficult to carry or hug people. This is not a problem of bearing strength, but has something to do with the manipulation of mental power. Lingyun must wrap people Only by getting up can he float, even if Qiao Ye is holding someone or carrying someone on his back.

Therefore, it is very simple to wrap yourself with the aura, because Qiao Ye is the center of the aura, but to wrap other people, you need a relatively delicate operation. , quite talented, but Qiao Ye is not good at this kind of delicate work.

After all, Qiao Ye is only part-time in the work of spiritual monks. Qiao Ye is still a warrior in essence. Qiao Ye has not deliberately practiced the delicate technique of manipulating mental power. Anyway, most of the abilities of the Wanfa Lingtu are not If you need to operate in this area, just bombard them directly.

Shan Haijun said: "Then what should we do?"

Qiao Ye said: "It's a little risky!"

As Qiao Ye spoke, he stretched out his hand out of the window, and the dragon's claws were shot out, hanging on the edge of the opposite roof, so that he could grab the iron chain and climb over.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand to gesture to Shan Haijun, Shan Haijun glanced at Xiaoji and said, "Let her come first, she is lighter."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Then Xiao Ji?"

Xiao Ji nodded, jumped onto the iron chain, and then walked forward like that. Under the dumbfounded expressions of Qiao Ye and Shan Haijun, she reached the opposite roof in a short while.

Shan Haijun looked at Qiao Ye anxiously and said, "I can't do this kind of thing, can I?"

A cultivator is a cultivator, so it doesn't mean that one can perform acrobatics if one is cultivated. Xiaoji stepped on the iron chain and walked directly...

Qiao Ye and Shan Haijun looked at each other, it seemed that this was not something they could do.

Qiao Ye said: "Climb honestly!"

Shan Haijun nodded helplessly, then grabbed the iron chain, hung his body in the air, and moved forward continuously.

After Shanhaijun got on, he was obviously more dangerous than Xiaoji, because Shanhaijun was much heavier than Xiaoji.

Qiao Ye's Dragon Demon Claws must be able to support it, but the problem is that the opposite roof may not be able to support it. As Shan Haijun moved his body forward, the iron chain shook and made some subtle sounds, and it could be seen that he was clearly facing downwards. It sank a little.

However, there was no danger in the end, and Shan Haijun arrived at the opposite side smoothly.

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, and finally it was her turn. She didn't need to grab the iron chain and climb over like Shan Haijun, because the iron chain of Dragon Demon Claw can be retracted.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand towards the front, and the iron chain of Dragon Devil's Claw tightened quickly, and at the same time, he also led Qiao Ye forward.


Qiao Ye forgot a very important thing!

The function of tightening the iron chain of the Dragon Devil's Claw is to climb the cliff and pull people to high places. Now, Qiao Ye is using the iron chain of the Dragon Devil's Claw as a ladder, and the iron chain is horizontal. Even if the iron chain was tightened, it could not stop Qiao Ye's body from falling.


The next moment, like swinging on a swing, Qiao Ye had just jumped out of the window when he found himself thrown forward.

Qiao Ye screamed inwardly.

However, it was obviously too late to realize something was wrong at this time.

With a bang, Qiao Ye directly hit the wall of the opposite building, and then pressed against the wall, Qiao Ye was pulled upwards bit by bit by the iron chain of the dragon's claws.

at the same time……

The Evil Beast on the street was instantly awakened by the noise. After looking left and right, it quickly found where Qiao Ye was, and rushed towards them quickly.

Shan Haijun showed a look of helplessness, and with a clang, he quickly drew his saber out, and then a saber aura slashed downward.


The saber air fell to the ground, followed by a roar, a crack was cut in the ground, and the evil beast that rushed up was instantly thrown out.

However, Qiao Ye's mistake was at most just waking up the evil beasts around him...

After Shan Haijun slashed out with the knife, the commotion caused all the evil beasts crawling on the surrounding streets to open their eyes, get up abruptly, and after discovering the traces of the three of them, they rushed over quickly, and even some evil beasts He jumped onto the roof directly, jumping on the roof and approaching.


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