This matter is no wonder Shan Haijun.

Even if Shan Haijun didn't make a move, after those evil beasts attacked, they would inevitably make more and more noise, attracting all the evil beasts around.

Therefore, it doesn't make much difference whether Shan Haijun makes a move or not. At least he makes a move so that Qiao Ye can climb to the top of the building more smoothly.

After getting on the roof, Qiao Ye cursed, "What a pity!"

Shan Haijun glanced at Qiao Ye, are you sure it's unlucky?

"Can't you float?" Shan Haijun glanced at Qiao Ye and said, "You don't need to use iron chains like us, just float over."

If Qiao Ye is struck by lightning, is he an idiot? No, probably not!

Gritting her teeth, Qiao Ye glanced behind her and said, "I can't help it, get out!"

The only good news is that the city wall is not far away from them. It seems that it is not impossible to kill them directly at this distance.

Shan Haijun nodded, this is already the case, what else can we do? I can only kill it!

And while they were talking, the evil beasts around had jumped towards the roof one after another.

Xiao Ji waved her hand casually, and the ground around the building suddenly turned into quicksand, and the evil beast that had just rushed to the edge of the building continued to sink downward.

Xiaoji made a move, just slightly blocking the evil beasts rushing up from around.

However, it is just a little resistance.

Because there are too many evil beasts.

Those evil beasts went forward one after another, and the evil beasts in the rear rushed forward, directly stepped on the bodies of those evil beasts that had fallen into the quicksand, jumped up frantically, climbed up the wall, and came towards the roof.

Qiao Ye immediately stretched out his hand, and a black halberd appeared in his hand, sweeping to the left and right.

Along with the blade of the halberd flying out, pieces of black smoke swept out like knives, and immediately cut off the bodies of those evil beasts.

"You killed an Evil Beast (Wanliu Ye Beast), absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained a Martial Soul value: 28,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (red-haired ground dragon), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 17,500 points."

"You killed an evil beast (green-haired ground dragon), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 11,500 points."


Qiao Ye swept away the evil beast that rushed to the roof, quickly looked around and said, "Get off the roof!"

As Qiao Ye spoke, he took the lead in running, hugged Xiao Ji, and then jumped onto the opposite roof. At the same time, he spread his palms, and there was a touch of bright red in his palms, and then the other shore flower bloomed in Qiao Ye's palms.

The Army of the Underworld: Awaken the memory and soul of the underworld with the flowers of the other side, and come to the world to fight.

The other shore flower was in Qiao Ye's hands, exuding a coquettish gleam.

As the other shore flowers bloomed with brilliance, there was a "rumbling" buzzing sound in the sky, and in the next moment, a huge phantom appeared.

The phantom was solid, and what appeared was a city gate, smashing down from the air.


The city gate fell to the ground with a loud noise, smashing the ground into pieces.

There was a spooky feeling, above the city gate, there were three large characters flying like dragons and phoenixes: Ghost gate!

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap...

The crisp sound of metal boots stepping on the ground resounded at this moment.

The huge closed door opened, and a dark army composed of dark soldiers formed a square formation, step by step, obviously well-trained, but also showing murderous aura, walking quickly, faster and faster, and finally entered Among the evil beasts, they fought with those evil beasts, and the spears in their hands kept piercing the bodies of those evil beasts.

The army of the underworld, set off!

Qiao Ye waved his hand and ordered, "Kill!"

The next moment, the army of Huang Quan who came out of the ghost gate immediately raised their weapons, formed a square formation, and rushed forward with murderous aura.

The shouts of killing were heard everywhere, and the army of Huangquan immediately got entangled with those evil beasts, fighting each other!

Qiao Ye waved at Shan Haijun, motioning him to follow quickly.

Even if there is the army of Huangquan, even if the Bianhua is very strong, it is impossible to advance to the direction of the city wall solely by relying on the army of Huangquan, because there are too many evil beasts here.

Therefore, Qiao Ye chose to walk from the roof.

Although those evil beasts will rush up, there is still room for movement before rushing up, which is easier than walking directly from the street. Right now, as long as they dare to jump off the building, they will be immediately killed by the evil beasts. surrounded.

However, the evil beasts on the street must not be ignored. No matter how those evil beasts attack, the roof will collapse sooner or later. Therefore, Qiao Ye threw out the army of the underworld to attract the evil beasts on the street. Those evil beasts attacked target, the number of evil beasts rushing to the roof will not be so many.

at the same time……

Qiao Ye also threw out the imperial beast cage, and after Huaguang flashed, Polaris appeared in front of Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye pointed to the side: "Protect Xiaoji!"

In Qiao Ye's eyes, Xiao Ji's current cultivation is actually not weak, and there is no problem in dealing with ordinary evil beasts, but she is still young, Qiao Ye subconsciously feels that Xiao Ji still needs protection.

Polaris didn't talk nonsense, and walked in the direction of Xiao Ji, while moving forward with both hands.

Two crystallized crossbows appeared in Polaris' hands.

Bang, bang, bang!

As Polaris pulled the trigger, beams of aurora blasted forward, killing the evil beasts that rushed to the roof beside Xiaoji continuously.



There was a roaring sound from Polaris' side, but a giant bear with a dragon head jumped onto the roof, roared, and opened its mouth wide towards Polaris.


Polaris didn't even look at it. He directly grabbed the crystal crossbow, lifted it to the side, put the crystal crossbow into the opponent's mouth, and pulled the trigger.


There was a loud noise, and with the emission of the aurora beam, the dragon's head suddenly exploded, and it became bloody and bloody in an instant.

The huge body fell directly towards the rear, smashed a piece of the roof, and fell into the house.

"You killed an Evil Beast (Wanliu Ye Beast), absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained a Martial Soul value: 31,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (armor-piercing tiger), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 17,500 points."

"You killed an evil beast (dragon bear), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 51500 points."


Qiao Ye clicked his tongue twice. If Polaris was not a beast but a human being, Qiao Ye believed that it would definitely be the level of a heartthrob. The valiant look of this hand is indeed quite beautiful.

Then, Qiao Ye turned around and jumped towards the roof of the next building.

"Go!" Qiao Ye waved his hand and said, "Go!"


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