There are also quite a few people on the list in Shuyu, and the branch of practitioners like Shushi is quite controversial.

With the magician constantly entering the eyes of everyone and the establishment of the holy building, many people no longer deny the strength of the magician.

But the position of a magician has never been the type that can directly fight in battle, so there is controversy on this list. Why are there people from the magic field on the list?

To put it bluntly, the throne of the sky is a frontal battle, similar to a martial arts, a place like fighting, and it is not suitable for magicians to play.

A magician is like a shadow, which needs light. The stronger the light, the deeper the shadow, but it is obviously difficult for you to let the shadow replace the light.

In fact, in the historical records about the Throne of the Sky, none of the twelve seats on the throne belonged to a magician. A hundred layers is an extremely difficult matter.

This made many people think: If the magician can go, then I can do it too!

In addition, of course, some people have been questioned.

For example, Joey!

Qiao Ye didn't receive many doubts, especially among the defenders. In the battle of Qingmu Town, the scene of Qiao Ye fighting two Celestials by himself is still vivid. Why can't Qiao Ye go to the Sky Throne?

But the defenders, people other than the guardians, only heard about the battle in Qingmu Town, but did not see it. They still have doubts about Qiao Ye. It is an honor, and it is also the key to questioning. The youngest means...

Qiao Ye is too young!

Some of the older generation's powerhouses in Wuyu are not on the list, why is Qiao Ye?

Of course, this is not an isolated case, and many people have been questioned.

With this list, the only unquestionable ones are the twenty-eight guardians of the realm, the sixteen generals of the spiritual realm, the emperor Ruyang of the demon realm, and the beast masters who control the realm-level beasts in the hands of the three beast masters. Everyone still doesn't understand the airspace, anyway, even being a Skywalker has been questioned.

The above-mentioned people are considered to be the first-tier powerhouses of the entire era, and they are hardly questioned, while those below the first-tier are more or less unconvinced.

This matter is actually quite normal, and Qiao Ye doesn't take it to heart. Anyway, he has his own name on the list. Apart from having a headache and Jiang Liuxue messing around, Qiao Ye also has something to look forward to.

That's the Sky Throne after all!

"Hello!" At this time, Qiao Ye's shoulders were suddenly hooked, and then Qin Jianchuan's voice sounded: "Let's talk about your thoughts, you are one of the few well-known boundary guards on the list. There are only three defenders on the list, and you are one of them."

Qiao Ye looked sideways. Apart from Qin Jianchuan, there was also Jin Shengyi. The two of them seemed to have just returned to Linglong Tower.

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "What can I think? Is it a mistake to be strong?"

"Shameless!" Qin Jianchuan said, "Why doesn't my name exist?"

Qiao Ye said: "Because you are a daytime class, and besides, are you a Martial Emperor?"

"No!" Qin Jianchuan sighed and said, "I'm still at the peak of the Martial Emperor Realm, but it's just a little troublesome to cultivate the sword intent. I'm all focused on the way of the sword, and the progress of my cultivation has slowed down a bit."

Qiao Ye said: "Then what do you think about the throne of the sky, the weakest on the list is Emperor Wu."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she gave Jin Shengyi a high five and said with a smile, "Long time no see."

"Long time no see." Jin Shengyi said with a smile: "I heard that you went to the airspace and went to the demon domain after you came back. You deserve to be a boundary guard. Is it such a difficult task to make a move?"

"Don't mention it, that's a miserable word." Qiao Ye said helplessly: "I've worked so hard, and it seems to be just an oolong in the end. How are you?"

Qin Jianchuan said: "What else can I do? I just finished a single task and wanted to rest for a few days. The forest community must issue a summoning order, and we will be back immediately."

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "A summoning order?"

"You haven't received it?" Qin Jianchuan suddenly said: "Oh, you came back from Dulong Pass together with Lin Jiexu, right? Of course there is no need for a summons, it's about Jiang Liuxue. Order, let all the defenders who have no missions go back to the station to stand by."

Jin Shengyi said: "It must be arranged, but the task has not been completed yet, let's wait for a while, the summoning order has been issued, and the task is estimated to be released soon."

"Hmm!" Qiao Ye said, "Let's eat something together? By the way, where is Zi Yi?"

Jin Shengyi said: "I don't know, if there is no task at hand, I will go back to Linglong Tower."

Qin Jianchuan patted Qiao Ye on the shoulder and said, "We don't mix together now, okay? We're all at the daytime level, and we have teams under our hands."

Qiao Ye said, "Are you leading a team by yourself?"

Jin Shengyi smiled and said: "Yes, except for Senior Sister Xuanyuan, who will go back to the academy to recuperate for the time being and become a teacher for the time being, we will each lead a team now."

"Speaking of which..." Qin Jianchuan pointed at Qiao Yebi's thumb and said, "The magician is amazing."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Is it good to use?"

Qin Jianchuan said: "That's great, it's easy to use!"

The sorcerers of the Kowloon Tanshu Pavilion have been divided into many teams of boundary guards and world mystics. The guardians spend more time fighting, and they are all military operations, so the sorcerers are not very useful, except for secondment Besides, magicians generally don't go there.

At the same time, as the magician joins, forms a team, and performs tasks, the usefulness of the magician gradually becomes apparent.

A magician is indeed not very useful, but when a magician has several powerful bodyguards, the effect is infinite. Even, magicians often exist to create miracles.

All in all, as a partner, a magician will know whoever uses it. It is really easy to use. Even if he is strong enough on weekdays and does not need the assistance of a magician, but at critical moments, a magician can always stand up.

When Qin Jianchuan and the others formed a team, they brought magicians with them, which was recommended by Qiao Ye at the beginning. Tiance Longzun also gave face. The team introduced by Qiao Ye sent a very solid magician to join, Qin Jianchuan, Jin Sheng Yi, and Lin Ziyi's three teams all have sorcerers, and they are all direct disciples of several Long Zun in the Kowloon Tanshu Pavilion. There is absolutely nothing to say about their skills. The three of them are the first batch of crabs, and of course they have a lot of benefits.

Qiao Ye said: "What about the people in your two teams?"

Jin Shengyi said: "Let them play by themselves. After all, they have just finished the task. If there is something to do, they can send a message. Now they have a rest. They are also very tired."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Then let's go eat something too?"

Qin Jianchuan said: "Go, go, go, I don't feel it if you don't say it, but I really feel hungry when you say it."


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