Qiao Ye had a small get-together with the two of them here, full of wine and food, and there was no audio training at Lin Jiexu's side, but the Linglong Tower's boundary guards gathered more and more, apparently they all came back after receiving the summoning order, You can't let people wait like this, Lin Jiexu will definitely have a regulation coming out soon.

Before that, of course, we can only wait for the forest community to make a decision.

However, Lin Jiexu's decision did not come slowly.

After sleeping in Linglong Tower for one night, Qiao Ye was woken up by knocking on the door the next day.

Xiao Ji obediently opened the door, and then Qiao Ye saw Qin Jianchuan and Jin Shengyi standing at the door.

Qin Jianchuan pouted and said, "Let's go, work."

Qiao Ye got up and patted Xiao Ji's head and said, "Hey, go wash up."

Jin Shengyi said: "An announcement has been made."

Qiao Ye said: "What content?"

Jin Shengyi said: "We only know that there is an announcement, so we have to go and see."

Qiao Ye put on her coat, and after Xiao Ji finished washing, she picked up Xiao Ji and put it on her shoulders, and then went out with the two of them.

Qin Jianchuan smiled and said, "Qiao Ye, you have never formed your own team. Are you planning to act as a partner with Xiaoji's team?"

Qiao Ye reached out and took an apple handed by Xiao Ji, took a bite in his mouth and said, "This is pretty good, I think it's pretty good."

"It's not bad." Jin Shengyi smiled and said, "Xiao Ji is pretty good now."

The three of them talked and came to the place where the announcement was posted.

There are many eloquent contents, but in summary there are two tasks.

The first is to go to the people on the list, mainly responsible for the Wuyu side. Twenty-eight stars, the defenders of the boundary, need to have an interview with them. The twelve items Liu Xue said.

"This task is very troublesome." Qin Jianchuan said speechlessly, "I don't even know what those twelve items are. How can I find them?"

Qiao Ye murmured, "I know one of them."

Jin Shengyi asked, "Which one?"

Qiao Ye said: "You don't need to worry about that one, because you don't need to look for it."

What Qiao Ye was talking about was naturally the map of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. Qiao Ye still had an impression of this thing. It was a treasure in ancient times. King Yang is willing to cooperate with the defenders of Wuyu, support the defenders of Wuyu, and restrain some behaviors of Moyu.

That is to say...

The map of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains and thousands of years has actually been in the hands of the defenders.

However, apart from the map of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, Qiao Ye had never heard of the other ten items, and she didn't even know if they were treasures.

Jin Shengyi said: "Don't say it's us, I don't think the forest community needs to know much, otherwise, how could it be possible to send out all the defenders that can be sent? This is not just a matter of looking for things, it is obvious that there is still a need to inquire The information is coming."

Qiao Ye said: "Then do it, what else can we do?"

Qin Jianchuan said: "Are you with us?"

Qiao Ye said: "Both of you have your own teams now, so what's the matter with me following you, let's go to work separately, I have Xiaoji enough."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she stretched out her hand with a smile, and Xiao Ji gave Qiao Ye a high five.

"It also makes sense. Send a message when you have news later, and you can support each other." Jin Shengyi said: "Although the Sky Throne is going to reappear, it's just a roll call, and it didn't say when to let it in. I think before that, we should I’ve been busy with this all along.”

Qin Jianchuan snorted coldly and said, "The Throne of the Sky is right there, he has the final say? If it wasn't for the guys in the air space blocking it, just kill it as I said."

"By the way!" Qiao Ye said, "I forgot to ask yesterday, how is the airspace now?"

"Let's fight, what else can we do?" Jin Shengyi said: "There is not only one entrance and exit of the airspace in Qingmu Town, but there are currently three known ones. It’s troublesome, because the entrances and exits are all in the Linjiang area, which is now called the Linjiang Front.”

Qiao Ye said: "Has the entrance and exit of Qingmu Town been taken back?"

Jin Shengyi said: "Don't tell me, no one has ever thought about this matter, but Liang Zhicheng has occupied it and repelled several attacks in the airspace. Because of the existence of the entrance and exit, we have occupied a certain area." initiative."

Qiao Ye pondered for a moment and said, "Tell me, what is Skywalker's attitude?"

Qin Jianchuan said: "What do you mean?"

Qiao Ye said: "The Throne of the Sky is in the airspace, right? Regardless of whether the Throne of the Sky itself is the place where all the domains gather, it is always on the territory of the Airspace. Now that the Throne of the Sky has reappeared, the Skywalkers in the Skyspace have no idea? Jiang Liu That guy Xue wants to set the rules, but who agrees to play according to his rules? Will Skywalker attack the Throne of the Sky?"

Jin Shengyi said to Qin Jianchuan: "He's from a martial arts domain, and his first thought is to hit him, let alone Skywalker, how can Jiang Liuxue say whatever he wants, but I think Skywalker is fine." There's no point in doing it."

Qin Jianchuan said: "Why?"

Jin Shengyi said: "This matter is on the table from the beginning to the end. The reappearance of the Sky Throne, everyone will definitely flock to it. We know a little about Jiang Liuxue's old background, and understand that he is difficult to deal with, but what about people who don't understand?" ? Why play according to his rules? And here lies the problem, this is a possibility that is easy to guess, we can guess it, but Jiang Liuxue can't guess it?"

Qiao Ye said: "It makes sense."

Jin Shengyi said: "Anyway, let's do this first, the boss gave the order to find things first, so look for them as soon as possible, let's go!"

"Let's go, let's go." Qin Jianchuan said: "I have something to contact."

Qiao Ye waved his hand and said, "Go, go."

Jin Shengyi and Qin Jianchuan waved their hands with a smile, and then said to Xiaoji, "Goodbye, Xiaoji!"

Watching the two of them leave, Qiao Ye held Xiao Ji and said with a smile, "Let's go too."

Qiao Ye took Xiao Ji and walked towards the flying boat take-off area.

When they got near the entrance and exit, they actually started to line up. A large number of defenders came back after receiving the summoning order, and now they left in a hurry. This will naturally happen.

Qiao Ye wasn't in a hurry, anyway, Qiao Ye didn't have a clue, she hadn't heard of the twelve items at all, so she wanted to inquire first, but where should she inquire? Really no direction at all.


At this time, Qiao Ye heard someone calling him. After looking up, he was slightly taken aback. This was the first time he saw this combination.

Someone came from Qiao Ye's front, one was Qiao Ye's old acquaintance Tiance Longzun, the problem was that the person who was traveling with Tiance Longzun turned out to be Shi Yanyu!


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