Ye Yousi didn't know anything more. For the Skywalkers, the Sky Throne is their most important existence, and it is also a symbol of the airspace. Apart from reappearing overnight, people in the airspace cannot enter the sky throne.

Qiao Ye drank the wine in the glass and said, "In that case, let's go first."

Ye Yousi looked puzzled and said, "Didn't you come to the Sky Throne?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "It's for the throne of the sky."

Ye Yousi asked, "In that case, where are you going?"

Qiao Ye said, "The Throne of the Sky."

Ye Yousi said: "Now? It won't be opened until seven days later, what are you going to do with the Sky Throne now?"

Qiao Ye said: "Explore the situation, see what's going on with the Sky Throne, maybe you can bump into Jiang Liuxue, and see what kind of medicine he sells in his gourd."

Ye Yousi nodded and said: "If there are too many people, it will not be easy to figure out what tricks Jiang Liuxue is up to, but have you thought about one thing?"

Qin Jianchuan said: "What is it?"

Ye Yousi said: "Seven days later, the Sky Throne will open, but before the Sky Throne opens, will you be able to enter the Sky Throne?"

Qiao Ye was taken aback, that's why.

If the time is not up, I will not be able to enter the Sky Throne.

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "If it's not possible, let's take a stroll around the Sky Throne first. It's not necessary to find out anything. Let's take a look before there are many people."

Ye Yousi nodded and said: "I still have things to deal with. After I leave, the fleet still has a lot of things to do. Moreover, I have to guard against those skywalkers' plots. I will send an empty boat to take you there!"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Thank you then."

This is another reason why Qiao Ye went to Ye Yousi. Although the Sky Throne is easy to find and is located in the central area of ​​the airspace, Ye Yousi can send someone to lead the way, and if he borrows an airship, it will naturally be much faster.

Qiao Ye said, "There is one more thing to bother you."

Ye Yousi also had a swift and resolute personality, so he made arrangements as soon as he said, and soon prepared the airship for Qiao Ye and Qin Jianchuan.

Qiao Ye and Qin Jianchuan boarded the airship, and one of Ye Yousi's subordinates respectfully said, "You two can rest first, and we will arrive near the Sky Throne around noon tomorrow."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Thank you!"

Qiao Ye and Qin Jianchuan entered the cabin and each chose a room to rest.

Qiao Ye touched Xiao Ji's head and said, "Go to rest early!"

Xiao Ji nodded, sat on the bed and began to meditate, while Qiao Ye sat on the ground, and used the four parts as cushions, and stuffed them behind her back.

Four different faces with a question mark expression on his head, your dog is also a unparalleled beast master after all, is it really polite for you to do this?

It's a pity that Qiao Ye had already entered the state of meditation and practice when Si Buxiang was thinking about it.

No words all night!

The next day, Qiao Ye was awakened by a knock on the door.

Qiao Ye quietly opened his eyes, and then opened the door.

Ye Yousi's subordinate stood at the door of the room and said, "Young Master Qiao, you've reached the periphery of the Sky Throne."

Qiao Ye nodded, got up and called Qin Jianchuan, and came to the deck of the airship.

Ahead is a large piece of suspended continent, which can be regarded as a relatively well-preserved suspended continent in the airspace. In fact, the Sky Throne was not originally the central area of ​​the airspace. The reason why it is now considered the central area is because the land here is preserved in the airspace. The best floating continent.

Moreover, this is the only area that has not been invaded by evil beasts.

Ye Yousi's subordinate stood beside Qiao Ye and said, "Originally, this place is within the scope of the Sky Throne, and the border area is the ruins."

Qiao Ye said, "I didn't see the ruins."

"It's gone." The other party said: "When the Sky Throne reappears, those ruins are gone."

Qiao Ye and Qin Jianchuan looked into the distance, and they could see a huge round stone tower, the top of which could not be seen, and it really went straight into the sky.

Of course, the Sky Throne is indeed very big, but not so big. The reason why it can go straight into the sky is that this place is originally an airspace, and everything is in the sky.

Ye Yousi's subordinate said: "It's not convenient for us to enter, so..."

"It doesn't matter..." Qiao Ye said: "We can go on the next road by ourselves. Go back and be careful."

The three of Qiao Ye jumped from the airship to the ground, and then Qiao Ye called out Sibuxiang, and Sibuxiang carried Xiaoji on his back, and followed behind him.

Qin Jianchuan looked at the Sky Throne and said, "This is the Sky Throne. I never thought I could see it in my lifetime."

Qiao Ye said, "Do you want to be so outrageous?"

Qin Jianchuan said: "Hey, before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, this place was known as the apex of the world."

"Don't forget what we are here for." Qiao Ye laughed and said, "We came here to spy on the throne, which means..."

There was a wind blowing, blowing up Qiao Ye's hair and sleeves.

Qiao Ye said: "We are here to become the pinnacle of the world!"

As they spoke, the three of Qiao Ye quickly came to the front of the Sky Throne.

Seen from a close distance, the Sky Throne looks even more majestic, with occasional goshawks flying around the tower.


There are people!

Qiao Ye and Qin Jianchuan thought they should be the first to arrive. After all, they set off immediately after getting the news, and with the help of Ye Yousi and the escort of an empty boat, but when the three of Qiao Ye arrived, There was someone in front of the Sky Throne.

Right in front of the Sky Throne, stood a man, about forty years old, standing in front of the Sky Throne, closed his eyes and meditated. On the ground next to the man, there was a huge bronze sword, about 1.6 meters tall. Qi's appearance, the man looks about 1.8 meters tall, not much taller than the bronze sword.

Qin Jianchuan whispered: "Sword Master, Chu Yunchuan!"

Qiao Ye was surprised: "Is he Chu Yunchuan?"

There are many sword masters in Wuyu, but the state of God is no longer there. No one dares to call the sword god. Even if the word "God" is mentioned, it is at best a metaphor and praise.

Under the gods, there are only a handful of people who can be called saints.

Juggernaut, definitely a very high praise.

Chu Yunchuan is one of them!

Speaking of which, Chu Yunchuan, Qiao Ye, and Qin Jianchuan are somewhat related, because Chu Yunchuan used to be a boundary guard, and he was in the same class as Liang Zhicheng.

At that time, Chu Yunchuan's talent and potential even surpassed that of Liang Zhicheng, and he was considered to be able to take over the 28-star genius of the boundary guard. Afterwards, he resigned from his position and quit as a Defender. The reason was that he was obsessed with swords and had no time to look around. After that, Chu Yunchuan disappeared, and he had no sound training for almost twenty years.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yunchuan was on Jiang Liuxue's list, and Chu Yunchuan, who had disappeared for so many years, actually appeared!


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