Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1460 Don't Counsel

Chapter 1460 Don't Counsel

Chu Yunchuan belongs to the kind of hidden master master master master master master.

This kind of person is indeed difficult to see on weekdays, but there is definitely no problem with his strength. When Chu Yunchuan stopped being a boundary guard, he was already at the peak of the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm. His strength can be improved without thinking. to what extent.

After all, that was the twenty-eight-star candidate for the former boundary guard.

"However, it's normal for Chu Yunchuan to appear here..." Qiao Ye looked sideways and said, "Why are you two idiots here?

Are you qualified to be here? "

There were three people in front of the Sky Throne that day. At most, Chu Yunchuan came so early by surprise. Moreover, Chu Yunchuan's pursuit of swordsmanship can also be understood as the pursuit of strength, and it is natural to yearn for the Sky Throne.

However, the remaining two...

It turned out to be Zhang Liwang and Lin Jiao!

Speaking of which, Qiao Ye hasn't seen these two guys for a long time, let alone thought of seeing them here.

As far as the strength of the two of them...

It can't be on Jiang Liuxue's list, right?

Jiang Liuxue's list is quite long, and Qiao Ye didn't go to see them all, but no matter what he thought, Zhang Liwang and Lin Jiao shouldn't be here.

"Hey, hello, hello..." Zhang Liwang tremblingly said: "He has seen it, what should we do?"

"do not be afraid!"

Lin Jiao insisted: "You are not what you used to be, so you may not be afraid of him."

Zhang Liwang nodded and said: "Don't be cowardly, we can't be cowardly!"


Qiao Ye beckoned and said, "Come here!"

Zhang Liwang and Lin Jiao suddenly trembled.

Lin Jiao hurriedly said: "Don't be cowardly, don't be cowardly!"

"Well, don't be cowardly!"

Zhang Liwang took a deep breath and said, "Qiao Ye, don't yell at me, you think you are my boss?

Let me tell you, after three days of recognition, I am no longer the tension king I used to be! "

Qiao Ye tilted her head and said, "Are you itchy?"


Zhang Liwang said: "If you were allowed to be arrogant in the past, you couldn't beat you. Let me tell you, it's different now. Let me show you my strongest beast!"

While speaking, King Zhang Li threw out a cage of imperial beasts, and then a flash of light flashed across.

It was a blue and white Royal Beast, and its body structure was somewhat similar to Polaris. However, it was the Polaris before evolution and mutation. The blue part of its body was composed of crystal-like stones, while the white part was is similar to metal.

The body is almost like a beast, and it walks on all fours, like a wolf or tiger, but it has fins on its back and a white metal crown on its head. On both sides of the white crown are a pair of dragon horns, and on the side of its mouth. On both sides, there are also two rows of barb-like metal horns. The legs are slightly shorter, but the claws are very sharp. There is a metal tail on the back, and the tail ends open towards the surroundings, like a metal fan.

Qiao Ye was stunned and said, "Tianwei Emperor Ya?"

"Qiao Ye, didn't you expect that one of the most powerful fantasy beasts at the unparalleled level, the Tianwei Emperor Ya, is in my hands. Now, I am not afraid of you!"

Tension King laughed loudly and said: "This is a beast that can evolve into a realm level. Back then, you shouted at me, but now, I can't afford you!"

Tension King waved forward while talking.

"Tianwei Emperor Ya, come on!"

But after King Zhang Li yelled, Tianwei Diya was extremely hesitant, he stepped on the spot for a while, but refused to move forward.

Tension King said anxiously: "You are on the way!"


Qiao Ye said, "Did you get it from the Holy Building?"


Tension King instinctively agreed: "Yes!"

"Do you know who captured Tianwei Emperor Ya and sent it to the Holy Tower for auction?"

Qiao Ye pointed to herself and said, "I sent it over!"

Tension King was instantly dumbfounded.

Lin Jiao simply knelt down on the ground with a "plop", smiled at Qiao Ye and said, "Boss, I have nothing to do with him, we just happened to meet, and I have always regarded you as the boss. Never thought of betraying you, don't you remember?

I'm still the same Lin Jiao who fought against the zombies with you in the endless wilderness back then! "

Zhang Liwang kicked Lin Jiao away angrily, "Shame on you?

Who just said no? "

Lin Jiao lowered his voice and said, "Tianwei Diya, he caught it!"

Zhang Liwang said: "Even if Tianwei Diya was sent to the Holy Tower by him, he was at the Wushuang level when he was captured, but Tianwei Diya is now at the boundary level and has evolved, so how can he be afraid of him?"

Qin Jianchuan said quietly: "His Polaris just killed Wu Ze's Void Cracked Tooth a few days ago, you should know who Wu Ze is, right?

You should also know about Void Cracked Fang and Nine Nether Sea Dragon, right? "

"Wu Ze?"

King Tension trembled and said, "The king of the four seas?"

Qiao Ye said: "I've always been a person who prefers soft things to hard things. For those who are willing to follow their hearts, I'm usually willing to let go."


King Zhang Li knelt down and said with tears in his eyes, "Boss, one day is like three autumns. I miss you so much."

Qiao Ye was also speechless. If Shameless could be invincible in this world, Qiao Ye felt that Zhang Liwang and Lin Jiao should both be able to sigh: Master is lonely!

Qin Jianchuan said: "Hey, why are you here?"

King Zhang Li rolled his eyes at Qin Jianchuan and said, "Who are you old?"

Qiao Ye said: "He is my friend, and what he asked was exactly what I wanted to ask."

Zhang Liwang quickly apologized and said with a smile: "Enter the Sky Throne."

Lin Jiao said, "Me too."

Qiao Ye and Qin Jianchuan looked at each other, just these two guys, to enter the Sky Throne?

"You two get up first!"

Qiao Ye waved his hand, and said, "Come and talk!"

Zhang Liwang and Lin Jiao hurriedly got up and ran to Qiao Ye.

Tianwei Diya shook his head psychically, and went back to the beast cage by himself. There is such a master...

What a shame!

Qiao Ye said: "Why can you enter the Sky Throne?"

"I'm surprised too."

Lin Jiao said: "I just want to eat and wait to die. There are ten or eight maids serving me every day. I just live a simple and boring life, but my name is actually on Jiang Liuxue's list."

Qiao Ye and Qin Jianchuan looked at each other again, and then said in unison: "No way?"

After Qin Jianchuan finished speaking, he quickly took out a booklet and looked through it. It contained Jiang Liuxue's list, and all the names were recorded.

After a while, Qin Jianchuan said with a look of astonishment: "His name is really there!"

"let me see!"

Qiao Ye took the booklet in disbelief and glanced at it, "Really?

It can't be the same name, right?

Are there any other masters named Lin Jiao from Demon Realm?

This guy is an imposter! "


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