Chapter 1529 Faction

Linglong Tower, restaurant area.

Jin Shengyi poured the wine and said: "If there is no regulation on this matter, there will definitely be troubles. Although everyone is not talking about it now, anyone with a discerning eye knows that people are panicked."

Qin Jianchuan said: "Are you thinking too complicated?

As long as there is a conclusion on it. "

Lin Ziyi shook his head and said: "How can this matter be so simple, this is not a dispute between parties, but a dispute of ideas."

Jin Shengyi nodded and said: "There are right and wrong in partisan disputes, and there is no result in the dispute of ideas. In other words, only when the results come out will we know who is right and who is wrong. Before that, no one can convince anyone."

"Hello, Joey."

Qin Jianchuan said: "What do you think?"

Lin Ziyi picked up the chopsticks and threw it at Qin Jianchuan, saying, "Don't bother him, he's already annoying enough."

Qiao Ye sighed, drank a glass of wine directly, and lay her head on the table, it was indeed annoying enough.

Right now, the boundary guards are divided into two factions. Among them, the conservatives are headed by Wang Yueyang and Lin Jiexu. Do you want to lose the present peace and strive for an unpredictable future?

The other faction belongs to the Radical Faction. This faction is a martial arts faction among former defenders. It is headed by Liang Zhicheng, Shi Yanyu and Wei Changping. Their purpose is also very clear. Since there is hope to bring peace to the world, Why not fight to the death and return this world to a bright future?

This is why Qiao Ye is very annoying.

Qiao Ye was very familiar with Lin Jiexu, and had fought side by side with Wang Yueyang.

However, Qiao Ye is also very familiar with Liang Zhicheng, and Liang Zhicheng has a friendship with his father and his father's generation.

This made Qiao Ye very headache and confused.

Qiao Ye finally knew what Jiang Liuxue's playful expression meant when she was on the Sky Throne back then.

Most of the boundary defenders are people with ambition and direction. They have their own goals and ideas in their hearts. When necessary, they follow their inner wishes.

And Joey...


Kill the evil beast and maintain the peace of the Nine Regions?

After Qiao Ye became a Defender, he did work hard and fight for it, but this has nothing to do with Qiao Ye's ambitions or inner thoughts. Qiao Ye worked hard to become stronger and to perform tasks, just because These are the duties of the guardians.

Although everyone has a different reason to become a boundary guard, in the past, this was not an important thing. Anyway, no matter what the reason is, it is enough for everyone to work together for the same goal.

But at this moment, it is very important!

Qiao Ye's sense of identity with the defenders comes from her parents, and her sense of belonging to the defenders comes from her feelings. Qiao Ye actually doesn't have a clear stand. When everyone has the same goal, of course there is no problem, but the goal is divided. At that time, Qiao Ye became in a dilemma.

Lin Jiexu?

Liang Zhicheng?

If it's just relying on feelings, how should Qiao Ye choose?

There is no way to choose!

Lin Ziyi glanced at Qiao Ye thoughtfully, and then said: "However, although I know you are annoying, there are some things that cannot be avoided. Moreover, there have been more rumors and rumors recently, some of which are very nasty. Good speech."

Qiao Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you mean?"

Jin Shengyi said: "I know a little bit about this matter. I heard that there are private discussions, saying that it is the resistance of the martial arts faction. They have long been dissatisfied with some styles of the defenders. For example, the style of the Lingwu defenders Conflict, every time is a negotiation, often have to give and take, very dissatisfied with this style of conduct."

Lin Ziyi said: "In addition, some people are still saying that this is a war between the new school and the old school, haven't you noticed?

Conservatives are all old-school defenders, with very old qualifications and much older ages. Lin Jiexu and Wang Yueyang are both, but today's representatives of radicals, Liang Zhicheng, Shi Yanyu and Wei Changping are all members of the Spring and Autumn Period. During this period, they were all in their thirties or forties. "

Qin Jianchuan said: "That's right, I've heard about this too. Some people are saying that Liang Zhicheng is already dissatisfied. The power within the twenty-eight stars has been controlled by a few old guys. They can only charge forward and have no decision-making power at all." No, so I want to take advantage of this incident to seize power and redefine the power of the twenty-eight stars."

"Damn, they're all full!"

Qiao Ye couldn't help cursing, and slapped the table with a slap. Immediately afterwards, the table followed, and the food and drinks were all over the floor.

"Don't be angry, that's not the case with all gossip."

Jin Shengyi yelled to the side: "I'll pay. Please change the table and order food and wine."

At this time, a guard at the next table turned his head, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Although it's all gossip, it is indeed a very important matter. For example, many people are curious about the attitude of Lone Star Qiao Ye. How about it?"

Qiao Ye glanced at the other party and said, "It's none of your business, do you care?"

"Qiao Ye, this is not a matter of one person, but a matter of a group of people. Your attitude does not represent your own attitude."

The boundary guard smiled, and then said: "Forget it, I am indeed talking too much."

After the boundary guard finished speaking, he got up and left his seat.

Qiao Ye frowned, and wanted to call out to the other party, but was stopped by Lin Ziyi.

The table, wine and dishes were brought back quickly, and Lin Ziyi said: "That guy is called Huang Yufei, a boundary guard, a supporter of the radical faction, and has a very good relationship with Liang Zhicheng. What he said is not groundless. .”

Qiao Ye said, "What do you mean?"

Lin Ziyi poured the wine again, took a sip and said, "I didn't think so in the past, but now that something happened, I realized that there are actually quite a lot of factions among the defenders. The old faction headed by Lin Jiexu, the fighting faction represented by Liang Zhicheng, and There are the academy sect based on the four major academies, the twelve kingdom sect of the martial domain twelve kingdoms, the dojo sect from the dojo, and Qiao Ye. Sometimes it is not up to you to decide the faction. Your origin and identity are determined."

Jin Shengyi nodded and said, "Qiao Ye, you are now a representative of the younger generation!"

Qiao Ye was stunned and said, "Huh?"

Lin Ziyi said: "Lin Jiexu represents the old-school defenders, Liang Zhicheng represents the young and strong faction, but since the connection of the domains, everyone's cultivation speed has become faster and faster, and the younger generation is more likely to stand out, unlike In the past, it took at least ten or twenty years of training before it could be useful. Nowadays, there are not a few younger generations who have just become boundary guards in their twenties and show their talents. Among the young and strong factions formed by these younger generations, you high prestige."


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