Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1530 Can't afford to provoke or hide?

Chapter 1530 Can't afford to provoke or hide?

Qiao Ye had a bewildered expression on her face, she had a high prestige, why didn't she know it?

Qin Jianchuan said: "Do you know that you are all of them. You are the most successful defender in your twenties, and the cultivation base of the supreme being in the world is still at the realm-defender level. The throne is at the end, and although no one is in the twelve seats, you are one of the twelve seats in the eyes of the outside world."

Qiao Ye said, "Then don't you too?"

Qin Jianchuan said: "I got up with the magic sword, can it be the same?

If those twelve people are qualified, Lin Jiao still won't be able to get the twelve seats on the throne? "

Qiao Ye pursed her lips for the same reason. If Lin Jiao could represent the highest combat power of the Sky Throne, that would be the end of the world, and it would be more terrifying than the attack of the Evil Beast.

Qin Jianchuan said: "Now it is recognized that the one who is qualified to sit in that position is a mysterious person..."

Lin Ziyi interrupted: "That's right, speaking of it, why is Ye Xuan here?"

Lin Ziyi also went to Ruyi Restaurant for dinner, so she naturally knew Ye Xuan.


Qiao Ye said: "He is Yan Feiyu."

Everyone was surprised: "Yan Feiyu?"

Yan Feiyu was a legend among the defenders, and she was also the object of countless people's yearning. Qiao Ye was not surprised by everyone's expressions.

Qin Jianchuan continued: "Yan Feiyu must be qualified, followed by Ling Zhouyu. I really didn't expect that there is a beast god in the beast realm, and next is you. No one has any objections to the three of you sitting on the throne, and Xia Wuchang , Wang Yueyang and Lan Lie have some disputes, but they are still recognized, and everyone else is considered to make up the number."

Jin Shengyi spread his hands and said: "So, in this case, whether you like it or not, you are a representative of the young and strong faction. Many younger generation defenders use you as an example. I went back to the sea of ​​blood a while ago. Academy, now Ji Wuyuan uses your name to recruit people, and it is very easy to use, you just don't know it."

"Good guy."

Qiao Ye said, "I don't even have a say in this kind of thing?"

Lin Ziyi said: "That's how factions are, by the way, and the little girl beside you, why didn't you see it today?"

Qiao Ye said: "I took Si Bu Xiang for a walk, and I was also wondering, is this Si Bu Xiang a mythical beast or a dog?

Why do you still have to take a walk every day? "

"Your beast, you ask us?"

Qin Jianchuan said: "Besides, your little girl is not ordinary, she is also a representative figure among the younger generation of boundary guards."


Qiao Ye was stunned: "What happened to her?"

Qin Jianchuan said: "I don't know the specifics, but when your little girl was trained in Mo Ye City, she took in a few younger brothers, all of whom were elites from the four major academies. It's a mess, but when it comes to Xiao Ji, she still has an air of convincing, that girl follows you every day, very mysterious, and makes people curious, so, that girl's popularity is also very high."

Qiao Ye patted his forehead and said, "It's all a mess."

Lin Ziyi said: "This is the pattern, do you think Huang Yufei is really just casually arguing with you?

Qiao Ye, there are some things that you can’t ignore if you want to. Firstly, you are now at the boundary guard level, so you already have a lot of power to speak. Secondly, you still represent the young and strong faction. This is not something you can change if you want to. Thirdly, Come on, there is another very important place, and that is the town guard! "

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "Is it because of Blood Sea Academy?"

Lin Ziyi nodded and said: "Do you think it's only the defenders who messed up?

The guards' side is also in chaos now, but relatively speaking, the voices of the guards are relatively unified, and, after all, the guards' side is like the army, no matter what decision is made, there will not be too much chaos. "

Qiao Ye said: "However, it's hard to say if there is the support of the guards, right."

Lin Ziyi nodded and said: "That's right, you are a representative of the younger generation among the defenders. Although there are very few academics in Xuehai Academy who have become guardians, and the faction is also very weak, but the guardian of Shina There are students from Xuehai Academy all around, if you raise your arms and make a statement, the situation will be tilted in an instant, so there are quite a few eyes staring at you now, and your voice carries a lot of weight."

Qiao Ye sighed, "But I'm not interested in this shit."

Jin Shengyi said: "Qiao Ye, there are many things you can't help yourself in life. If you really don't want to take care of it, don't show up recently, find a place to hide, and don't go back to Linglong Tower."

"It's reasonable, I can't afford to provoke, can I still hide?"

Qiao Ye said, "Let's go!"

Lin Ziyi and Qin Jianchuan glanced at each other and said, "Let's go together."

Qiao Ye said, "What are you two doing?"

"Everyone knows that the few of us are often mixed together, and, like you, whether I like it or not, I am a member of the Twelve Kingdoms faction, and as long as I speak, I am quite influential."

Lin Ziyi spread his hands helplessly and said, "Who made my father Zi Yihou?"

"Don't underestimate the young master, I'm on the top floor of the Sky Throne anyway, and, as she said, the few of us have been mixing together, and many people will use us to test your intentions. It is quite famous among them.”

Qin Jianchuan also said helplessly: "Also, have you forgotten my origin?

Also, whether I like it or not, I will be included in the Dojo school. "

"Depend on!"

Jin Shengyi cursed, "I'm nothing?"

Qiao Ye patted Jin Shengyi on the shoulder and said, "Then you can drink the bar alone."

Qiao Ye first looked for Xiaoji, and then took Xiaoji away from Linglong Tower.

It is difficult for anyone to change the current situation. Although Qiao Ye did not intend to protect herself wisely, she really did not want to be involved in this turmoil.

Because, in the current situation, Qiao Ye really couldn't make a choice in his heart. If he helped Lin Jiexu, he had to face Liang Zhicheng. If he helped Liang Zhicheng, he had to face Lin Jiexu. Qiao Ye didn't want to see both. things.

The only thing Qiao Ye can be sure of is...

Jiang Liuxue succeeded again!

What Jiang Liuxue said on the Throne of the Sky before that the defenders would split has really come true. This means that Jiang Liuxue has long thought of such a situation, or, is this situation Jiang Liuxue's intention?

Only Jiang Liuxue knew the answer!

"That bastard..." Qiao Ye couldn't help feeling annoyed at the thought of this, and cursed, "You have to find a chance to beat him up before you can vent your anger."

"Then why take a chance?

Why don't you beat me now, what do you think? "

Behind Qiao Ye, Jiang Liuxue's voice suddenly sounded.


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