Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1636 Gu sculpture is born


Qiao Ye looked at Jiang Liuxue and didn't quite understand.

Although Jiang Liuxue is now abolished and cannot be compared with what it was back then, Qiao Ye is just a hypothesis. If Jiang Liuxue is at his peak, if one goes up and down the other, why can't he still kill those evil beasts?

Jiang Liuxue said: "This starts with the killing order and killing method I mentioned..."


Jiang Liuxue just wanted to speak, but at this moment, there was another loud roar on the ground, and then a piece of the ground exploded, and a large piece of yellow light surged from the ground.

Jiang Liuxue said solemnly: "Let's talk when you have time, kill the Gu Eagles first!"

Gu Diao is about to be born!

The birth of the Gu Eagle can't be stopped, the bone general and the wise general have already succeeded, this matter cannot be stopped, let's take a step back, Jiang Liuxue originally planned to kill the six evil beasts, and the Gu Eagle was also among them, although there was a deviation from the plan, But the fundamental purpose remains the same, since it is released, it will be killed naturally if there is a chance.

Just at this moment, a yellow light group rushed into the sky.

There is an Evil Beast in the yellow light group. The Evil Beast has the body of a deer, but it has an eagle head. On the forehead of the eagle head, there is a crescent-shaped one-horn facing the sky.

"It's a Gu carving." Jiang Liuxue said, "Go!"

Qiao Ye's body floated half a meter forward, and then looked back at Jiang Liuxue suspiciously.

Qiao Ye said, "What about you?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "This avatar is a sorcerer, what am I going to do? Looking for abuse?"

Good guy, Qiao Ye originally thought it was a two-on-one game, but you talked nonsense for a long time, and in the end you came to see a play? Cooperate with yourself and have to single out?

Jiang Liuxue urged: "Hurry up, if I don't go directly, it doesn't mean I won't help."

Qiao Ye pointed to Jiang Liuxue, it really belongs to you!

How else can this be done? Qiao Ye can only bite the bullet and go!

With a flash of Qiao Ye's figure, he headed in the direction of the gu carving. Before the person arrived, a dark cloud covered the sky, and then two thunderbolts appeared, chopping down in the direction of the gu carving.

Gu Diao heard the sound of thunder, looked sideways towards the sky, and then directly ignored the falling thunder.

Boom, boom!

The two thunderbolts hit the Gu carving, but at the moment of hitting, they were directly blocked by the yellow light ball, not to mention hurting the Gu carving, even the yellow light ball couldn't break it.

Jiang Liuxue said to Qiao Ye: "The three heads of the gu carving represent fire, thunder, and earth respectively. This head represents earth, and thunder is useless."

Qiao Ye said: "It's useless, you didn't say it earlier!"

With a wave of Qiao Ye's hand, the surroundings suddenly became romantic.

Ten thousand dharma spiritual diagrams, everything is going on!

The sound of thunder did not stop, but there was a gust of wind suddenly blowing around, countless blue wind blades were condensed in the air, and slashed towards the direction of the gu carving.

The wind blade is like rain, constantly attacking, the gu eagle still has no intention of avoiding it, but the wind blade is indeed more useful than the thunder, after hitting the yellow light ball, the yellow light ball will continue to swing around. ripple.

Although it still failed to break through the Gu Eagle's defense, at least it had some effect.

But also at this time...

Gu Diao suddenly opened his mouth and said, "A mere human being dares to make trouble in front of me!"

The moment the Gu Diao's words fell, the yellow radiance hit Qiao Ye again like a sea, continuously rolled into the air, like waves one after another, attacking Qiao Ye layer by layer.

Black smoke gushed out from under Qiao Ye's feet, rolled forward, and collided fiercely with the brilliance.


This time, Qiao Ye felt a little overwhelmed!

Qiao Ye was able to withstand it before because the Gu Eagle hadn't completely escaped from its predicament, but now, after the Gu Eagle has completely escaped from its predicament, the power of the yellow light has increased significantly.

"Hmph, mere human!" Gu Diao said again: "I happen to be hungry, so I'll use you to pad my stomach first!"

After Gu Diao finished speaking, he opened his mouth and let out a low growl.

In the next moment, the surrounding ground trembled and the wind blew violently.

The power of the yellow glow had obviously increased a bit, and it abruptly pushed Qiao Ye's black smoke back.

Qiao Ye's face was a little ferocious, and he obviously felt quite a sense of oppression.

However, it was not as strong as when facing Zhu Jian.

The three-headed Gu sculpture is stronger than Zhu Jian, but the Gu sculpture before the three-headed one is not so terrifying. Qiao Ye feels that it should be able to reach the level of the gods, but it should be limited to the first-time gods.

You know, Yan Feiyu is already in the God Realm, and Zhu Jian was able to beat Yan Feiyu back then, obviously not at the level of entering the God Realm, and he is still a weakened version of the hungry state.

But the problem is...

Qiao Ye doesn't have the cultivation level of a god!

Taking a deep breath, looking at the black smoke that keeps being pushed back, even though he doesn't have the cultivation base of a god, but if the Gu Eagle only has one-third of its strength, it is not without half hope.

First of all, let's be ruthless!

Click it, click it!

Qiao Ye clenched her fists tightly and cracked her finger bones.

Then, just one punch!

Qiao Ye only planned to punch one!

Life or death, all in this punch!

Because, the name of this punch is...

The map of the God of War, the punch is perfect!

Breaking the sky and breaking the earth, the punch is the same: the whole body is penetrated with one punch, the supremely powerful person can open up the world, shatter the void, and cross the realm. , Hence the name: Fist out of no two.


Qiao Ye raised his head and roared angrily, raised his fist and punched it hard in front of him!

The surrounding black smoke billowed and became extremely tyrannical, and then rose into the sky, turning into huge columns of black smoke!

Boom, boom, boom!

The black smoke continuously collided with the yellow light, making a loud noise!


Stand up!

Just at this very moment...

Qiao Ye raised his fist and blasted forward!

The next moment, the sky trembled and the earth cracked!

The surrounding black smoke gathered in front of Qiao Ye's fist, continuously solidified, and turned into a huge black fist, blasting towards the large yellow light.


The surrounding earth trembled, feeling as if the sky was falling apart, the phantom of the fist was terrifyingly large, unparalleled in horror, as if the sky was shattered with one punch, and the black smoke billowing around was like a sea, as if it could annihilate nine heavens and ten earths.

That incomparably powerful momentum is like a tsunami, and like a rolling galaxy!

It's heartbreaking!

And after that punch, the vast expanse of yellow light was blasted out of a big hole, and a ray of light shone down from the broken big hole, as if it represented hope, the hope of being alive!

Gu Diao also showed surprise on his face, and then...


The huge fist formed by the condensed smoke directly hit the yellow light ball outside the Gu Eagle's body.


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