
The earth-shattering loud noise felt like the sky was falling apart.

The yellow ball of light wrapped around the gu carving's body is obviously used for defense, and it is an extremely strong defense.

In addition, the most terrifying part of the defense of the light group is that it can completely wrap the body without any flaws. There is no other way except forcibly breaking it!

And the moment the huge fist of smoke blasted up...

That light cluster...


Amidst the roar, there seemed to be a crisp sound, and then, countless cracks appeared in the yellow light group, and it shattered, turning into countless halos and floating away.

There was surprise in Gu Diao's eyes, obviously he never thought that his defense could be breached like this.

But it was such a moment of astonishment, a moment of bewilderment, that Gu Diao received a solid punch.

After the huge smoke fist shattered the light ball, it didn't shatter just like that, but continued to move forward, and then, it slammed on Gu Eagle's body fiercely.


Gu Diao's body flew downward like a cannonball, turned into a stream of yellow light, and hit the ground fiercely.


The moment the gu carving landed, the ground exploded, directly splitting a huge pit, the body of the gu carving was directly embedded in the center, and then completely submerged by the churning gravel.

This is the map of God of War!

This is the perfect punch!

Qiao Ye punched with all her strength, even a god would have to fall down for me, and he would have to be thrown out obediently.


After one blow, without any hesitation, Qiao Ye took out a Concentrating Heart Breaking Cocoon Pill and threw it into his mouth.

Fisting out is a very extreme martial skill, it is completely life-threatening, after mobilizing the energy of the whole body, if you can't kill the opponent, then you will undoubtedly be killed by the opponent.

However, this punch was not enough to kill the Gu Eagle.

Even if Qiao Ye was in full bloom, it would be almost impossible to kill a God Realm with one punch. What's more, Qiao Ye faced the tide of evil beasts before, and fought against the bone general and the wise general. If it is not small, then it is even more impossible to kill the Gu Eagle. After all, although the fist is a one-shot deal, its power is not fixed, but is determined according to the amount of energy in the body.

Just like the same punch, the power of Wushenjing and Wuzunjing must be different.

So, why use it?

Anyway, to fight Gu Diao, Qiao Ye must restore himself to his full strength, and he must take the Ningxin Pococoon Pill, so let's punch him first before talking.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye fell from the air and landed on the edge of the deep pit, then turned into a black halberd and smashed it hard towards the ground.

Nether Demon Realm: Introduce the power of heavenly demons from the void, and turn an area into a part of Nether Demon Realm. Within the scope of Nether Demon Realm, your own body and spirit will be improved at the same time. Using any treasure will temporarily increase the rank of one rank. There is no limit to the number of targets, both the physical body and the physical body will be reduced at the same time, and the rank of any treasure will be temporarily reduced by one rank, and within the coverage area of ​​the Nether Demon Realm, the location of the smoke can be used to shatter the void and move freely.

Ebullient magic energy: Introduce the power of heavenly demon from the void, turn it into a large area of ​​magic energy, cover a certain area, and form a domain. Within the scope of the domain, due to the influence of magic energy, one's physical attributes and spiritual power will continue to improve , all injuries will continue to heal, the physical attributes and spiritual power of the enemy will continue to decrease, and all injuries will aggravate and deteriorate.

With a bang, behind Qiao Ye, the black smoke erupted again, rushing towards the surroundings crazily, like a black ocean, two magic dragons condensed from the smoke condensed out of the black smoke, Constantly dancing and churning, like jumping out to sea.

next moment...

Gloomy, dead silent and evil!

It was an extremely uncomfortable feeling, covering all directions, extremely low.


The black smoke slowly dispersed, and a white skull slowly rolled out of the black smoke.

One, two, three, countless!

Thick white bones kept appearing, looming under the black smoke, and the tumbling piles of skulls continued to rise, forming dense skull mountains, and there was an indescribable depression everywhere.

as if……

Everything is covered by death!

Double domain superposition!

The gu carving hasn't moved yet, but Qiao Ye is very clear that the gu carving can't die, so he built the double domain in advance, so that when the gu carving crawls out of the deep pit, it will directly enter the range of the domain .

The biggest shortcoming of domain ability, or in other words, there is only one way to crack it, and that is not to enter the scope of the domain!

Therefore, finding opportunities to build domains in advance is one of the ways to circumvent this shortcoming.

Secondly, although Netherworld and Devil Qi Boiling are both domain abilities to strengthen the physical body, Devil Qi Boiling belongs to the type of continuous strengthening of the physical body. If you build it in advance, you can enter the state of continuous strengthening of the physical body in advance!


At the same time, Qiao Ye had just completed the construction of the dual domain, when there was a loud noise from the center of the deep pit, followed by sand and stones flying across.

With a roar, Gu Diao jumped out of the deep pit.

Seeing Qiao Ye standing on the edge of the deep pit, Gu Diao roared angrily: "Human, do you know who you are fighting with? Who gave you the courage to attack me..."

Before Gu Diao could finish his sentence, Qiao Ye suddenly raised the black halberd and slashed down towards the bottom.

The surrounding black smoke moved with the halberd and fell towards the deep pit, directly turning into a smoke-like crescent blade.

The dark golden pupils of the Gu carving shrank, and then the yellow light emerged again, turning into light clusters and quickly enveloping the Gu carving.


The smoke blade hit the ball of light outside Gu Eagle's body, and after a roar, it was blocked lightly.

Gu Diao's eyes were filled with teasing and contempt, obviously mocking silently.

Qiao Ye wasn't angry at all, after all, it was expected, and it was strange that a random attack could cause damage to the Gu Eagle.

On the other side, Gu Diao watched the black smoke dissipate in front of him, and said ferociously: "Now it's my turn!"

The moment Gu Diao spoke, he raised his hoof and stomped forward.


Boom, boom, boom!

The ground in all directions suddenly trembled, and large cracks appeared on the ground, densely packed like a large spider web!


Huge stone thorns pierced out of the ground one after another, heading towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye couldn't help squinting her eyes. Jiang Liuxue said that the three heads of the gu carving represent fire, thunder, and earth respectively, and the attributes of the head in front of her...

It's dirt!


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