What is martial arts?

Martial arts is not about how strong your physical body is, or how powerful your martial arts are, or even how good you are at fighting!

Martial arts first, martial arts is a kind of practice, and it is also a kind of spirit!

It is a kind of martial arts spirit to stop cutting and quell fighting with martial arts!

It is a kind of martial arts spirit to push oneself with a benevolent heart, and to unite the world and the earth!

Peaceful and upright, harmony between man and nature, is a kind of martial arts spirit!

A great chivalrous man, who is famous for the country, is a kind of martial arts spirit!

It is a kind of martial arts spirit to be brave and go forward bravely!

There are many kinds of martial arts spirits, both simple and complex.

The so-called martial arts are the obsessions, beliefs and dreams that support your martial arts practice. If you can implement them to the end, martial arts can be achieved. However, this is easy to say, but how can it be so easy to do?

The so-called Martial Dao has been discontinued for a long time. Ever since the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, Martial Dao has almost never appeared. Is it because the warriors in the Martial Domain have lost their dreams and beliefs, so they cannot enter the Martial Dao?

Of course not, there must be certain factors in the era. In today's era, it is difficult to find the gods, the supreme world, and everyone's cultivation base is not as good as before the Three Realms and Nine Domains were broken. This must be one of the reasons for the decline of martial arts. What are you talking about comprehending martial arts?

On the other hand, martial arts is easy to say, but it is not easy to do. It is not an easy thing to be able to carry out the belief in martial arts to the end.

As far as the way of swords is concerned, if you want to understand the way of swords, you must be loyal to the sword, be loyal to the sword, be obsessed with the sword, love the sword, and put your love on the sword. Therefore, there are so many people in the world who use swords, but how many are truly swordsmen? people? How many people can understand the way of the sword?

And martial arts is more harsh on this than kendo, because swords are martial skills, and kendo is martial arts.

Qiao Ye has a strange feeling now. The understanding of martial arts suddenly appeared. Many people don't know what martial arts is. After all, martial arts has been lost for many years.

Qiao Ye can clearly know it now, but knowing it belongs to knowing it, it doesn't mean that knowing it means you can have martial arts.

But at least Qiao Ye can have it in the forbidden area of ​​God Absolute World.

The martial art that Qiao Ye got was...


Wen Wu first, Wu Wu second!

Martial artisans only seek first place.

how first?

To slaughter all warriors in the world, naturally be the number one!

Killing one person is a crime, but killing thousands of people is a hero!

This is what the God-absolute Forbidden Domain bestowed upon Qiao Ye at this very moment...


This way is called, Slaughter!


With a kick of Qiao Ye's legs, she rushed forward, and almost in an instant, she came to Gu Diao.

Facing the ball of light outside Gu Diao's body, Qiao Ye directly abandoned the black halberd, and slapped forward with a palm, hitting the ball of light fiercely.

Gu Diao said contemptuously: "No matter how many times you try, it's useless, mere humans want to hurt me? Ants..."


Before the Gu Diao finished speaking, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his body, and an invisible force suddenly struck him, and then the Gu Diao was sent flying, rolling continuously on the ground.

Boom, boom, boom!

The rising hill behind was shattered by Gu Diao's body.

Gu Diao finally stabilized his body, stood up unsteadily, and then showed an expression of astonishment.

The ball of light on Gu Diao's body was not broken at all, but at that moment, Gu Diao was very sure that he took a solid blow.

"how can that be……"

Gu Diao's eyes widened, he didn't understand what was going on, at this moment, Qiao Ye came quickly again.

"Earthbound cage!"

The Gu Eagle let out a low growl, and the ground in front of him trembled instantly. As the ground trembled, ground thorns suddenly pierced out from around Qiao Ye one by one, trapping Qiao Ye in a criss-cross pattern.

Qiao Ye sneered, spread his arms, and shook his body violently.

The shaking of the body was so small that it didn't even look like an attack, but...

Click, click, click!

A large crack suddenly appeared on the thorn, and then it shattered with a bang, and collapsed so straight.

With a thought in Gu Diao's mind, countless gravels around him flew up and smashed towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye didn't dodge, but went straight to meet her.

Dance with fists and feet!

As Qiao Ye twisted his ankle, his body spun like a top. While spinning, Qiao Ye punched and moved forward.

As soon as the flying gravel came to Qiao Ye, it was hit by Qiao Ye continuously, and then smashed into pieces.

Within three feet, nothing could reach Qiao Ye.

In an instant, Qiao Ye approached the gu carving again, directly raised his hand and slashed forward with a palm, with a bang, it ruthlessly covered the ball of light wrapping the body of the gu carving.

After a palm, the light ball remained motionless.

Contempt once again appeared in Gu Diao's eyes, it seemed that it was just an accident before, how could mere human beings break through their own defenses?

But, at this moment...

Qiao Ye's arm bent slightly, and then his palm twisted!

Gu Diao's eyes widened in an instant, the familiar feeling before came again, and then...


Gu Diao suddenly felt that his body was hit hard, and then flew backwards, was knocked into the air again, and hit the ground hard.

Gu Diao shook his body and stood up quickly.

Gu Diao's injuries were not considered serious, but the two consecutive defense failures made Gu Diao very angry. The most important thing is that the light group used for defense was not broken at all, why was he attacked?

After Gu Diao stood up again, he roared at Qiao Ye: "Ant, what have you done!"

Qiao Ye sneered and said, "Inner Strength!"

Inner strength is neither a martial skill nor a kung fu method, but a technique for utilizing the energy in the body, and it has nothing to do with cultivation. In theory, it is a martial art skill mastered through the understanding of martial arts. As long as martial arts If the understanding is deep enough, even those with only a little bit of cultivation can use it as long as they have energy in their bodies.

The effect of inner strength is very simple. According to the use of Qi machine and the skill of exerting force, it can hurt the target through anything.

This is a technique that has been recorded in many historical documents of the martial arts, but not many people will use it. After all, this technique needs the support of martial arts.

But now, in the forbidden area, Qiao Ye has martial arts, so he learned it naturally.

Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth, with a look of ferocity and excitement on her face.

With internal strength, the defense of the Gu carving can be broken, and the defense of the Gu carving can be broken, this battle...

must win!


Qiao Ye kicked her legs vigorously, and she jumped out again, heading straight for Gu Diao.

Gu Diao's eyes were fierce, and he growled in the direction of Qiao Ye: "Mud!"


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