He got hit twice in a row, how could Gu Diao let Qiao Ye approach him easily?

After all, the defense is useless.

In the next instant, a large piece of yellow light appeared on Gu Diao's body again.

The yellow radiance was like water, quickly spreading forward. After the radiance passed by, the ground suddenly turned into a large swamp. As long as you stepped on it, you would immediately sink into it.

There was no room for Qiao Ye to move at all, but Qiao Ye didn't have to walk from the ground!

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand, and a large piece of spiritual charm appeared and danced around Qiao Ye's body. Immediately afterwards, the Spiritual Map of Ten Thousand Laws emerged from Qiao Ye's back.

Ten thousand dharma spirit map, aura of all phenomena!

Accompanied by the activation of the aura, Qiao Ye jumped up and floated in the air.

But it's just floating. The method of floating in the air can only be described as "floating", not flying, so the speed is not very fast.

However, Qiao Ye naturally has a way to deal with it!

Boom, boom, boom!

Suddenly, the sound of thunder came, and a large cloud of thunder appeared in the sky. The thunder broke through the sky like a long dragon, and then bombarded the ground.

The moment the thunder hit the ground, it immediately split the ground, mud splashed, and the ground below appeared.

At this moment...

Dragon Claw!

The Dragon Demon Claw flew out, hit the exposed ground, then quickly shrank, pulling Qiao Ye over, and then the second thunder fell, splitting the swamp again, and the withdrawn Dragon Demon Claw was thrown again by Qiao Ye out, hit the ground.

Using the fast movement of the dragon's claws, Qiao Ye kept repeating the same movements, quickly closing the distance to the Gu Eagle.

Gu Diao clenched his teeth tightly, and then a faint yellow light appeared on his body again.

The next moment, the ground in front of Gu Diao continued to roar, and a stone pillar suddenly shot up into the sky, hitting Qiao Ye.

Gu Diao wanted to use this method to stop Qiao Ye, but it was useless!

Qiao Ye has already discovered that Martial Arts is amazing. The magic is that Martial Arts cannot help you improve any combat power intuitively.

It can neither strengthen martial arts skills nor make the physical body stronger. Even, because of the characteristics of the forbidden domain, Qiao Ye lost the superposition of the dual domains, and the strength of the physical body was also reduced!

But is martial arts useless?

of course not!

What martial arts can improve is skill. The so-called "martial arts" skills can also be understood as fighting skills.

Even, Qiao Ye is still in the state of Supreme Killing Realm right now, and he is still entering the martial arts of the Killing Dao.

However, the killing intent returned, but Qiao Ye had never felt that his mind was so clear. Everything around him was extremely clear in Qiao Ye's eyes.

Attack skills and defense skills seem to have suddenly been raised to extremely high attainments.

If it was Qiao Ye in a normal state, looking at the rising stone pillar, his first reaction would be to smash the stone pillar with a halberd, and then fall in front of the gu carving.

But right now, Qiao Ye looked at the rising stone pillar with a completely calm expression, and the slight side of her body brushed over the stone pillar directly.

Even when his body was falling, Qiao Ye let his body touch the stone pillar slightly, and used the rise of the stone pillar to make his body rotate downward.

And there's only one reason for this...

Strengthen attack!

Using the power of rotation, Qiao Ye landed in front of Gu Diao, and then slammed down with one kick.


Qiao Ye hit the ball of light hard with a tomahawk split. It seemed that Qiao Ye's attack had failed again. The ball of light shook for a while, but was not crushed by Qiao Ye's kick.

However, the next moment...


The single horn on Gu Diao's forehead actually made a crisp sound, and broke directly.


A terrifying cracking sound followed, and the ground below the Gu Eagle's body made a loud noise, then shattered, and collapsed crazily downwards. The surrounding ground continued to shatter. rise.

Gu Diao fell to the ground, blood spurting out of his mouth continuously.

The situation has completely turned around, and now the gu carving is on the front line of life and death, Qiao Ye can easily avoid the attack of the gu carving, and the defense of the gu carving is useless to Qiao Ye, Qiao Ye It can cause damage to the Gu sculpture through the light cluster.

Gu Diao roared angrily, shaking his body and trying to get up again.

And Qiao Ye didn't intend to give Gu Diao such a chance!

Since there is an opportunity, it is natural to kill it as soon as possible!

Facing the standing Gu Diao, without any hesitation, Qiao Ye stretched out his arms and punched forward continuously.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang...

Qiao Ye's fist was so fast that he couldn't see the moment Qiao Ye punched clearly. Qiao Ye's arms were like two whips, and they were constantly thrown forward, bringing out afterimages. Ye was attacking, only the sound of "bang, bang, bang".

Just as Gu Diao lifted his body, he was thrown back to the ground by Qiao Ye.

As Qiao Ye's fists continued to land, fist marks appeared one after another on Gu Diao's body.

Gu Diao's mouth also kept coughing up blood.

Gu Diao was extremely angry, but there was no way, Qiao Ye didn't give him a chance.

"Boy, you wait for me." Gu Diao roared angrily: "When I come back, I will kill you!"

There is nothing wrong with Gu Diao's words, unlike most people who are dying and can't help but say a cruel word, it will really come back, after all, this is just one of the three clones of Gu Diao.

Without any hesitation, Qiao Ye raised his fist and slammed down again.


Qiao Ye's fist still hit the light ball of Gu Diao, but in the next moment, Gu Diao's head burst open, and a large amount of blood spread all around!

"You killed an evil beast (Gu carving (soil)), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 8870000 points."

With Gu Diao's head shattered, Qiao Ye also absorbed the martial soul value, and that large series of numbers was really scary.

Nearly ten million!

The 10 million martial soul value is about the same as Xiaoyu for Qiao Ye now, but if the needs are not discussed, this value is simply terrifying. Qiao Ye only killed a few hundred thousand sword generals.

This is completely a ten times increase, and it can also be understood that the Gu sculpture is at least ten times stronger than the sword general.


This is not a Gu sculpture with peak strength.

Firstly, the gu carving has been suppressed for so many years, hunger has significantly weakened the strength of the gu carving, and secondly, this is only one of the three clones of the gu carving, which means at most only one-third of its strength.

Because of this, Qiao Ye's face did not show any joy, on the contrary, it was very dignified!


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