Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1645 First Rank God of War Map

When Qiao Ye was talking to Jiang Liuxue, the battle circle had almost dissipated.

The Gu carvings are gone, can they stay together?

Qiao Ye conveniently sent the spiritual paper to ask Tiance Longzun's condition, and the tide of evil beasts attacking from the front line also dispersed.

It's meaningless not to disperse, all this is to pick up the last Gu Eagle clone, it will disperse after picking up the Gu Eagle, but now that the Gu Eagle is gone, it will disperse even more, there is no point in continuing to attack, it is better to go back to Station No. 1 watch over.

This result...

Qiao Ye thought for a while, but didn't know what to say.

From the point of view of the result, it should be considered good, at least one clone of Gu Diao was killed, but according to the news brought by Jiang Liuxue, the situation is not very good, this matter is very troublesome.

But right now, Qiao Ye didn't know what to do, or rather, no one should know what to do. Jiang Liuxue had ideas, but it was useless to have ideas. Jiang Liuxue couldn't handle this matter alone.

In this case, we can only retreat first.

Qiao Ye and Jiang Liuxue found Liang Qiu, Huyuepo was temporarily unacceptable, and the garrison was destroyed, so there was no point in keeping it. In this case, they all retreated to the garrison.

After returning to the station, Qiao Ye took Jiang Liuxue to find Tiance Longzun, and then...

Then it's not about Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye is currently a leading general among the defenders, so there is nothing to say about this matter.

This has nothing to do with strength, but a matter of prestige. Qiao Ye's qualifications are destined to be insufficient now. This is a status formed by the changes of the times. For the vacancy of 18 stars, Qiao Ye's speech is also worthless. After all, qualifications need to be accumulated bit by bit.

Three years, five years, ten years...

This is not a problem that can be solved by giving Qiao Ye a job, so Qiao Ye can only watch the show honestly.

Besides, a twenty-eight-star defender could not make a decision on this matter, so a meeting must be held.

To be honest, this kind of twenty-eight-star meeting is a bit annoying. The current situation is obviously urgent, and a lot of time must be wasted in meeting and negotiating. Moreover, the twenty-eight stars of the guardian can only represent Wuyu.

At times like this, Qiao Ye felt that it was better to speak with one voice, to have someone who could make a decision, and then make a decision, and everything would be settled.

But Qiao Ye knew that there was nothing he could do.

Throughout the ages, in fact, most of the words have no good results, especially in the military domain. There are so many countries, large and small, and the emperor has the final say. If the emperor is famous, the country will be safe and prosperous. The country will be subjugated in a few years, so the existence of twenty-eight stars is meaningful.

All I can say is that there are pros and cons to everything.

Jiang Liuxue broke up with Tiance Longzun here, Wei Changping has already started to call other guardians twenty-eight stars, and must come up with a charter, but before that, we can only wait.

Qiao Ye was lazy in the room, watching Xiao Ji teasing Si Bi Xiang, and then Qin Jianchuan and Lin Ziyi came.

"Qiao Ye, I heard that you came back with Jiang Liuxue, what's the situation now?"

"Kill the evil beast, what else can I do?" Qiao Ye repeated what Jiang Liuxue said, and then said, "Don't ask me the specifics, didn't you see that I'm here like you? We’ll just have to wait for the outcome of this.”

Lin Ziyi said: "This matter is not easy to handle, but you are right, we can only wait for this matter, and, on the bright side, at least there is no need to fight now."

Qiao Ye nodded, this is true.

Originally, there were disputes among the defenders over the matter of the Sky Throne, but it was not to the point of internal strife, but there was always a unified direction, and things could be big or small.

It's all right now, stop arguing, the Gu carvings have all come out, this matter must be resolved, and the Gu carvings cannot be left alone.

"Having fun in bitterness..." Qiao Ye said with a wry smile, "It's a good thing, too."

The meeting between Jiang Liuxue and the guardian twenty-eight stars is probably going to take a long time.

In fact, the matter is just that, it is very simple, but it is not easy to make a decision on this matter.

Moreover, this matter is not only related to the twenty-eight stars of the guardians, but the spiritual domain has to notify, the beast domain alliance, the representative of the surgery domain, the demon king Ruyang, and even the air domain has also sent a message.

Qiao Ye felt that this matter was going to be a mess, and it would be useless without ten days and half a month.

However, the things that should be tossed must be tossed, and the things that should be done must be done.

That is to attack Station No. 1!

Nothing has been discussed here yet, but the Gu carvings must be eliminated, and this No. 1 garrison must be attacked. Therefore, on the one hand, the leaders of all parties gathered to discuss, and on the other hand, they dispatched troops to prepare to attack No. 1 garrison.

Qiao Ye also went to join in the fun, after all, there is nothing to do in the station, and it turns out that in a real war, it is useless to fight alone. Near Station 1.

However, there is good news that Qiao Ye's martial soul has accumulated a lot, and he can choose one to upgrade the Heavenly Demon Dazzling, Ten Thousand Magic Spirit Map and the God of War Map.

Qiao Ye pondered for a while, and finally chose to upgrade Tianmo Dazzling to the first rank!

God of War Picture (Level 1) (0/3000000000): One of the oldest exercises in the world, passed down in ancient times. If this exercise is perfected, it will conquer the world and look down on the world. Although there are many masters in the world, there is no one invincible , Smiling proudly in the world of mortals, only the God of War.

I have no fear, live and die...

No distracting thoughts, calm and oneness...

Listen to all directions, and have a heart...

Purple Lightning Fury Thunder, Sky False Blade...

Capture the dragon and move the crane, Yin and Yang counterattack...

Shattering the sky and breaking the earth, the fist is the same...

The gods dominate the world, and the forbidden domain is king...

Heaven and earth in the palm, heaven and earth in one blow: Heaven and earth are in the palm, the sun, moon and stars are in the hands, everything in the universe is one blow, destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

The first rank of the War God Picture is the same as before, it is still a rank and one move, but this time it is more straightforward, it is an offensive martial skill.

The so-called offensive martial arts are naturally used for direct attacks. This kind of martial arts is not that complicated, and you can usually get the general idea from the literal meaning. The only problem is how powerful the attack is and how wide the range of the attack is.

Heaven and Earth in Palm obviously belongs to this kind of martial skill, it may not have any magical effect, but it is simple and straightforward.

Qiao Ye was thinking about it when Wei Changping suddenly opened the door.

Qiao Ye couldn't help but looked up.

Wei Changping waved at Qiao Ye and said, "Qiao Ye, come with me."

Qiao Ye got up and went out, "Senior, what's the matter?"

Wei Changping hesitated for a moment, looked at Qiao Ye and said seriously: "There is something you need to do, and it is very important!"


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