Qiao Ye showed doubts, and followed Wei Changping out!


Qiao Ye saw Jiang Liuxue!

Qiao Ye immediately understood why Wei Changping had a tired expression on his face. It seemed that Jiang Liuxue and the guard twenty-eight stars finally had something to talk about. Instead of saying that Wei Changping asked Qiao Ye to do something, it was better to say It was Wei Changping who asked Qiao Ye to do something with Jiang Liuxue.

"Let's go!" Jiang Liuxue pointed at Qiao Ye and said, "You are mine for now."

Qiao Ye glanced at Wei Changping.

Wei Changping said helplessly, "You just listen to him for now."

Qiao Ye nodded, didn't say anything more, and left with Jiang Liuxue.

Qiao Ye said as he walked, "What exactly do you want?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "Is it necessary to be so hostile?"

"Shouldn't I be hostile to you?" Qiao Ye said with a sneer: "In the end, although the reason for the destruction of the Three Realms and Nine Domains is the evil beast, isn't it the source of you? So many years have passed, and you came out to do it again." The wind and the rain, after all, isn’t it for selfish desires? Because of how many people you died, don’t you count?”

"That's right." Jiang Liuxue thought for a while, but she didn't deny it, and then said, "But now our goals are the same, right?"

This left Qiao Ye speechless. Whether he likes Jiang Liuxue or not, it is a fact that cooperation is needed right now.

Qiao Ye said, "What do I need to do?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "I told you before, although the plan has changed, but there is still time to correct the plan."

Qiao Ye said, "Ghost killing car?"

"Of course!" Jiang Liuxue said: "Didn't I analyze it for you? There is a big difference between killing first and killing later. Killing the ghost car first is far more beneficial than killing the Gu sculpture. Of course, the most important thing is the Gu sculpture right now. It’s not easy to kill the last avatar, even, it can be said that there is no way to kill it, will you enter the No. 1 station in a while?”

Qiao Ye nodded, this matter is also a big trouble.

The most troublesome thing about evil beasts is the number. Now there are a lot of evil beasts escorting Gu Diao, how to kill them?

To kill the Gu, you need to break through Station No. 1 first, and Station No. 1 is obviously not that easy to break through.

"Even if you want to kill the ghost car..." Qiao Ye frowned and said, "Just the two of us?"

"Of course it's more than that, we still have to find three people..." Jiang Liuxue looked forward and said, "This is coming."

While Jiang Liuxue was talking, someone was escorted towards her.

After seeing the person clearly, Qiao Ye was a little confused, looked at Jiang Liuxue in disbelief and said, "These two guys?"

The two people Jiang Liuxue mentioned turned out to be King Zhang Li...

And Lin Jiao!

Qiao Ye said: "Look for these two guys as helpers? Are we going to kill the ghost car? Or be killed by the ghost car?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "You look down on the two of them?"

Qiao Ye said: "If it depends on the two of them to kill the ghost car, it can only mean that all the masters in the world are dead."

Jiang Liuxue said with a smile: "But the two of them may not be able to do what the world's masters can do, but what the two of them can do, the world's masters may not be able to do."

While talking, Zhang Liwang and Lin Jue had already arrived.

The two looked melancholy, obviously they didn't want to come, and they were forcibly brought here.

"Brothers, I'm the sixth child." Lin Jiao said with a mournful face, "Please let me go."

Jiang Liuxue said: "Do you know what we are going to do?"

Lin Jiao said: "Go to die."

Qiao Ye found himself unable to refute what he said.

In fact, Qiao Ye has always felt that many people still haven't really realized how terrifying the six evil beasts are. After all, they can't feel the horror with their eyes and ears.

Only after seeing Zhu Huai and Gu Diao can one feel the incomparable sense of terror.

Coincidentally, Zhang Liwang and Lin Jue have actually met each other.

Now they are going to drag them to kill Ghost Che, an evil beast whose strength is not inferior to Gu Diao and Zhu Huai, how can they do it!

Jiang Liuxue suddenly laughed, looked at Lin Jiao and said, "This is an opportunity to become a hero, don't you want to be worshiped by everyone, don't you want to be admired by everyone? Even, they may even set up a longevity card for you, enshrining it day and night. "

"No." Lin Jiao said: "I think it's good to eat and wait for death."

Jiang Liuxue pondered for a while and said, "Since that's the case, I'll give you a chance."

Lin Jiao was stunned for a moment and said, "What chance?"

"Let you escape."

Lin Jiao asked suspiciously, "Huh?"

"I told you to run away." Jiang Liuxue said with a smile: "You can run away now, whatever means you want, as long as you can run away, I will not make things difficult for you, this matter has nothing to do with you, you You can eat and wait to die with peace of mind."

Zhang Liwang hurriedly said: "Brother, I don't want to work hard anymore, I also want to eat and die."

"No hurry, come one by one." Jiang Liuxue looked at Lin Jiao with a smile and said, "What are you waiting for? Run!"

Lin Jiao regained his energy in an instant. Speaking of running away, Lin Jiao didn't feel sleepy at all. Is there anyone in this world who knows how to run away better than himself? Absolutely not!


Lin Jiao entered the demonized state without hesitation, and wanted to use his ability to escape directly, but at this moment...

With a bang, the ground behind Lin Jiao suddenly cracked, and a coffin suddenly drilled out from the ground, and Lin Jiao was directly put into it. Before Lin Jiao could react, the coffin boards were suddenly closed.

"Hey, hey, let me out, let me out!"

Immediately there was a knocking sound in the coffin, as well as Lin Jiao's roar.

Jiang Liuxue said leisurely: "I do need the abilities of the two of you, but if you don't want to, then I can only change a way, such as using life and death coffins to make you into corpse puppets, and the people in front of you The ability can also be preserved, although the strength has been weakened and there are still some sequelae, but it can barely make do."

After Jiang Liuxue finished speaking, she looked at King Zhang Li.

"You don't want to work hard anymore?"

Zhang Liwang got up from the ground in an instant, patted his chest and said: "Good man, naturally you should stand up in times of crisis. For the sake of the world and thousands of people, I am willing to sacrifice my small self to fulfill the big self."

In this wave, the strength explains what it means to turn your face faster than turning a book.

Jiang Liuxue nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "Go and carry the coffin on your back, and don't let the kid inside get away."

Zhang Liwang hurriedly took out the heel rope, tied the coffin, and carried it on his back.

Qiao Ye said, "What tricks are you playing?"

"Tricks?" Jiang Liuxue smiled and said: "These two guys are really not very good, but the abilities they possess are what we need. You and them have known each other for a long time. Didn't you find this Is there potential in two people?"


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