Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1657 Five Spirits Fight Evil

Chapter 1657 Five Spirits Fight Evil

Almost instantly, a white radiance appeared around the mirror, and spread rapidly towards the surroundings, forming a circle like floating ripples.

The area that the light passed by, the scope of the domain was divided for the first time, and then...

In the white light, mirrors suddenly appeared one after another!

Those mirrors are made of crystal, and each side presents an irregular state. There are about a dozen of them. Some stand on the ground, some float in mid-air, some are straight, and some are inclined. of.


The moment the mirror was rolled out, Xing Ming's fist slammed into Qiao Ye's face.


Xing Ming frowned involuntarily.

Although a punch hit, but...

It doesn't feel right!

Xing Ming didn't feel that he had hit something, on the contrary, he had a soft feeling, as if his punch had missed.

What's more, if Qiao Ye really dared to receive his punch head-on, Xing Ming believed that he could explode Qiao Ye's head with one punch.

Sure enough, just as Xing Ming was thinking, Qiao Ye's figure kept twisting and shaking, and then disappeared without a trace.

It was just a phantom!

And the moment the phantom dissipated, behind Xing Ming, in a mirror, countless red blood lines suddenly flew out, quickly entangled Xing Ming.

Hundred battles blood technique, two-style beheading!

The blood line tightened quickly, sharp as a knife, trying to cut Xing Ming's body open.

It's just that Xing Ming's physical body is more terrifying than imagined, and the sharp blood line of Xing Ming's body, which cannot be cut, just drags Xing Ming over.

All the way to the edge of the mirror, Xing Ming turned around fiercely and punched him.

With a bang, the mirror surface was instantly smashed to pieces, and the blood line of the Hundred Battles Blood Technique disappeared without a trace.

But also at this moment...

Behind Xing Ming, in a mirror, the black halberd suddenly came out and slashed fiercely on Xing Ming's back.


With one halberd cut, the thunder exploded!

The thunder lingering around the black halberd exploded and exploded at this moment, rolling up layers of air waves, pushing Xing Ming forward.

Xing Ming was furious immediately, and punched out with a backhand. The mirror was shattered, but there was still no sign of Qiao Ye.

"Come out, get out of here!"

Xing Ming roared angrily: "Don't you dare to come out and have a good fight with me if you are so timid and sad?"

Qiao Ye didn't care about Xingming's yelling, Jinghua Vientiane was originally a fighting move, as long as he couldn't see through the principle of Jinghua Vientiane, it would be difficult to find Qiao Ye.

But at this moment...

"Okay, you're not coming out, are you?"

Xing Ming sneered and said, "I'll see how you hide!"

Xing Ming let out a roar, and then stomped on the ground fiercely.

With a bang, the earth collapsed.

Countless spars flew into the sky.

In the next moment, Xingming's ankle twisted, and his body suddenly spun.

Accompanied by the rotation of the body, a strong wind suddenly blew up around Xingming, pushing it away crazily.

Driven by Fengliu, those crystals frantically ejected towards the surroundings, constantly hitting the surrounding mirrors, smashing the mirrors to pieces.


Qiao Ye suddenly fell out of the mirror, kept stepping back while clutching his chest, opened his mouth and spat blood on the ground.

In fact, it doesn't matter if the mirror surface of Jinghua Vientiane is destroyed, because a new mirror surface will be regenerated.

However, destroying all the mirrors at once is another matter.

After one blow, Xing Ming stopped spinning, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "After all, it's just a human being!"


The moment Xing Mingyan fell, he jumped forward fiercely, and killed Qiao Ye in an instant.

Ten thousand dharma spirit map, aura of all phenomena!

In front of Qiao Ye, an invisible barrier suddenly opened and spread towards the surroundings, trying to prevent Xingming's attack, but...


A large piece of spider web cracks suddenly appeared, and the next moment, Xing Ming's fist directly penetrated the barrier and slammed hard on Qiao Ye's chest.


Qiao Ye spat out a mouthful of blood, and retreated backwards, trying to stabilize her body.

And the moment Qiao Ye stabilized his body, Xing Ming's figure moved again, and after a flash, he appeared in front of Qiao Ye again.


Xing Ming raised his leg and kicked Qiao Ye in the chest, sending Qiao Ye flying again.

Qiao Ye's body flew upside down, and when it fell, it hit the coffin that Jiang Liuxue had left here before, directly crushing the coffin to pieces.

"That coffin suits you well."

Xing Ming laughed loudly and said, "It's a pity that you broke it!"

Qiao Ye clutched her chest, although she knew it would not be easy to kill Xing Ming, but the reality was more difficult than imagined!

As Qiao Ye was thinking, she supported the ground with her hands and forcibly got up from the ground.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly felt as if she was grabbing something, and when she looked down, it turned out to be a dried flower!

Qiao Ye froze for a moment, then quickly looked around.

Tinder Flower, Profound Sky Ice Soul, Dead Tree Thousand Seed Vine...

Qiao Ye's eyes lit up, and there were things in those coffins.

Qiao Ye looked up and quickly recalled the position of the coffin before, and then his eyes lit up a little.

That bastard Jiang Liuxue didn't know what he was planning, but he finally helped himself a little bit!

Seeing Xing Ming approaching continuously, Qiao Ye quickly raised his hand, and said in a low voice, "Five spirits break evil!"

Almost instantly, the surroundings suddenly shone with light.

Those rays of light turned into strips, extending towards the surroundings, and soon, a large pattern was formed!

The five spirits break the magic formula!

This time the five spirits breaking magic formula was not arranged by Qiao Ye, but by Jiang Liuxue!

The coffins themselves are a kind of magic circle. According to Qiao Ye's guess, they should be able to destroy the magic circle here and let Xing Ming escape from the suppression.

In addition, Jiang Liuxue also hid all kinds of spiritual materials of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth in each coffin, and used the coffin to establish the connection between the spiritual materials in advance.

When the coffin was broken and the contents fell out, it became the five spirits breaking evil spell!

As for why Jiang Liuxue knew the Five Spirits Breaking Evil Records, Qiao Ye was not very curious. It is not surprising that that guy knows the Five Spirits Breaking Evil Records with a bunch of lost methods.

And although Qiao Ye didn't arrange the five spirits' magic formula, but...

Qiaoye can be used!

It was almost the moment when the formation formed...

Boom, boom!

The ground suddenly trembled and made a violent noise. Immediately afterwards, a green light burst out, and the surrounding snow began to smile quickly. When it grows out, a breath of newborn things spreads around.


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