Chapter 1658 Downwind

Boom, boom, boom!

Those buds grew rapidly, and then turned into huge vines, and then fell madly in the direction of Xingming.

The roaring sound continued to appear, and every vine fell, and the ground would continue to crumble.

Xing Ming leaped back quickly, dodging the fallen vine, and then stretched out his hand fiercely to the side.

At that moment, an invisible force seemed to appear in Xingming's palm, and the scattered crystal fragments flew up in an instant, whirled in the air, and then fell towards the front continuously.

Puff puff!

As the crystal fragments were chopped off, the vines in front were cut off continuously, and fell to the ground in pieces.

"Small tricks."

Xing Ming sneered, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "You still don't understand that it is impossible for mere human beings to kill me?"

After Xing Ming said, his hands suddenly joined together, and then pushed forward. After cutting off the vines, the countless chips were quickly pushed out in the direction of Qiao Ye.

With both hands together, Qiao Ye quickly changed the seal of the five spirits breaking the magic formula!

The next moment, the surrounding air suddenly became hot.


The severed vines started burning the moment they hit the ground.

The raging flames suddenly rose up.


Qiao Ye shouted in a low voice, "Explode!"

Boom, boom, boom!

The burning vines began to burst open section by section.

Xing Ming also shrank his pupils sharply, because the severed vines were scattered all around, completely covering his surroundings.

Countless fire balls exploded at this moment, and quickly became one piece, forming a vast sea of ​​flames, covering the surrounding world, and there was no way to escape, no way to escape!

In the blink of an eye, Xingming was completely swallowed by the flames.

Qiao Ye got up from the ground, then bent down and put her hands on the ground.

"Earth travels, water travels!"

Qiao Ye gave a low snort, and then the ground trembled continuously. The ground turned into mud, and then turned up like a sea wave, pushed forward, came to the periphery of the flame, wrapped the flame and Xingming together, forming a He took a huge mud ball five or six meters high and completely sealed Xing Ming inside.

Burning, intense burning!

Qiao Ye took a breath. At this level, even Xingming...


But at this moment, a crisp humming sound suddenly sounded.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank, and she looked sideways at Jingshan, which was only half left.


The half of the crystal mountain suddenly made a loud noise and burst open again.

Countless crystal chips flew away, Qiao Ye couldn't help but took a few steps back, stretched out his hand to cover it, and among the exploded crystal chips, a silver light suddenly rose and fell towards the direction of the mud ball.


There was a second loud noise, and as the silver glow hit the mud ball, the mud ball Qiao Ye made was cut open abruptly.

Xingming was panting, and came from the ashes!

Xing Ming's body was full of burn wounds, and even many wounds had become bloody.

However, as Xing Ming continued to step forward, those injuries began to recover rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Xing Ming raised his hand high, and then the silver light flew directly into Xing Ming's hand.

When the silver light dissipated, it was a sword!

A rather hideous...

Strange sword!

That sword is different from ordinary swords, it is not a flat shape, but a spiral sword body, the hilt seems to be made of a kind of black stone grinding, and the sword body is actually a spiral made of flesh and bone shaped cone.

When Xing Ming held the hilt of the sword, the flesh and blood of the sword god seemed to come alive, and quickly spread to Xing Ming's arm injury, and the flesh and blood covered Xing Ming's forearm, allowing Xing Ming's arm to completely blend with the sword Together.

"As a human being, you have worked very hard to hurt me like this."

Xing Ming sneered and said: "However, if this is your best effort, then we should almost finish it."

While talking, Xing Ming raised the fleshy sword that was integrated with his arm, stretched out his palm and stroked the fleshy sword gently.

"In order to forge this sword, I used the blood essence of one hundred and eight gods and demons, and each of them is a top master in the God Realm."

Xing Ming looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Do you know what it means for me to take out this sword?"


Before Qiao Ye could answer, Xing Ming stepped on the ground fiercely, and then rushed forward.

Xing Ming's speed was several minutes faster than before, and he arrived in front of Qiao Ye almost instantly, and then raised the fleshy sword high.

"That means..." Xing Ming widened his eyes and said, "I'm just getting serious now!"

When the words fell, Xingming raised his sword to stab!

"Gold line!"

Qiao Ye immediately let out a low growl, and immediately after, large pieces of golden aura appeared around Qiao Ye's body, like golden ribbons, continuously flowing in front of Qiao Ye, and then gathered together.


Accompanied by Xing Ming's stabbing sword, it collided with the Qi of Jin Ge, making a crisp sound.

"it's useless!"

Xing Ming sneered and said, "Do you really think you can block my sword?"


Accompanied by Xing Ming's sneer, the barrier formed by the golden weapon's energy made harsh metal friction sounds, and then the meat sword gradually penetrated the golden weapon's energy bit by bit, slowly Stabbed Qiao Ye in the chest.


As the tip of the meat sword pierced her chest, Qiao Ye also let out a muffled groan, and then blood soaked her clothes, dripping down the meat sword drop by drop.

In the next moment, the sound of shattering was heard, and the golden aura was completely shattered, and countless golden halos drifted around.

Xing Ming sneered again, and with a sudden move of his left hand, his five fingers became claws!

In Xing Ming's palm, a black light flickered, condensing into a black ball of light in Xing Ming's palm.


Xing Ming pushed the black ball of light forward, and the ball of light exploded instantly, turning into a black beam of light and rushing forward. After hitting Qiao Ye, he pushed Qiao Ye's body back.

The black beam of light spanned tens of meters in an instant, and then hit the crystal mountain viciously.


The already dilapidated crystal mountain burst completely this time, and a huge crack appeared, cutting the entire crystal mountain from bottom to top, and then the split crystal mountain collapsed towards both sides.

This time, the crystal mountain was completely destroyed and collapsed there as a pile of rubble.

A large piece of crystal chips flew up like a piece of snow.


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