Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1659 Pretend I Don't Know

Chapter 1659 Pretend I Don't Know

Qiao Ye leaned in front of a pile of spar fragments, her clothes were completely torn, exposing her upper body.

Not even one piece of exposed skin was intact. At this moment, Qiao Ye had completely turned into a blood man.

Even Qiao Ye couldn't feel the pain anymore, her whole body became numb, and Qiao Ye was so painful that she felt like her body had disappeared.

The next moment, Qiao Ye wiped the jade card, and a Heart Concentrating Pococoon Pill fell into Qiao Ye's palm, and then Qiao Ye raised his hand, and quickly stuffed the Concentrating Heart Pococoon Pill into his mouth.

The entrance of the Ningxin Pococoon Pill turned from cold to scorching hot, and Qiao Ye's injuries began to heal quickly visible to the naked eye.

The new skin grew out quickly, but this also distorted Qiao Ye's expression. Because of the recovery from the injury, the painful feeling came back again.

Xing Ming didn't seem to care that Qiao Ye's injury was recovering, and he was still slowly pacing towards Qiao Ye.


At the moment of recovery from the injury!

Qiao Ye sacrificed a treasure without hesitation!

Brilliant silver light shines in all directions.

The sky suddenly became gloomy, and the silver brilliance spread all over the sky, turning into bright stars one by one, rising continuously, turning into a galaxy.

One big star swayed its own brilliance, clear and transparent.

The sun, moon and stars flow!

Emerald Star Records!

Bright brilliance burst out suddenly, and the sun, moon and stars in the sky continued to rotate, drawing a wonderful scene.

Twelve huge stars lined up in the sky.


The star turned into a huge circle, spinning continuously, spinning continuously, splashing brilliance crazily, and then...



Violent power erupted in an instant.

A circle of silver fluctuations pushed around at a speed almost visible to the naked eye, and crazily pushed in all directions.

Earth trembles!

Xing Ming glanced at the sky, then looked at Qiao Ye again and said: "No, no matter what kind of attack is useless, you are just dying!"

While talking, Xing Ming casually reached out and waved his hand towards the top of his head.


A falling star was directly cut in half, and it exploded with a bang, shining in all directions, and then...

Dissipate completely!

"What else is there, you can just take it out."

Xing Ming said contemptuously: "Anyway, there will be no change in the result, everything is just in vain."

As Xing Ming spoke, he tapped his toes, and then the whole person flew forward, and in an instant, he was in front of Qiao Ye, and raised the meat sword in his hand again.


Qiao Ye hurriedly slashed the halberd across his chest, and after a clear and crisp sound, the fleshy sword slashed fiercely on Qiao Ye's halberd.

The moment the weapons touched, a crack suddenly appeared on Qiao Ye's black halberd.

The next moment, the black halberd suddenly shattered!


Xing Ming slashed Qiao Ye's shoulder with a sword, bringing out a splash of blood.

Qiao Ye couldn't help but retreated towards the back, but he didn't even have a chance to take a step. Xing Ming drew out his sword again and directly pierced Qiao Ye's lower abdomen.

With a bang, a sword pierced through Qiao Ye's abdomen!

After a sword strike, Xing Ming jumped up violently, kicked Qiao Ye's chest, and kicked Qiao Ye away again.


Qiao Ye's body flew backwards and hit the ground hard.

"Can you still recover?"

Xing Ming walked forward and said: "Once, ten times, a hundred times, there is no difference, it is nothing more than how many times I need to kill you."

Qiao Ye clutched the wound on his waist, blood seeping frantically from his fingers.


Xing Ming came to Qiao Ye again, and the moment Qiao Ye sat up, he kicked Qiao Ye on the chin, kicking Qiao Ye away again.

Qiao Ye's body flew backwards, gliding close to the ground, and was about to hit a spar.

But at this moment...

Xiaoji's figure flashed, appeared behind Qiao Ye, and quickly supported Qiao Ye.

"Stop struggling."

Xing Ming moved his arms and said: "Just die with peace of mind, and then be eaten by me and become a part of me. For a human being, this is already something to be proud of."

While talking, Xing Ming raised the meat sword in his hand again.

But at this moment, Xiao Ji suddenly raised her head and looked in Xing Ming's direction.

At that moment, the raised meat sword froze suddenly, and Xing Ming's eyes showed fear, and he instinctively jumped towards the rear. After several consecutive leaps, Xing Ming stopped.

"You..." Xingming's chest heaved and he gasped, "You are..."

Xiao Ji slowly put Qiao Ye's body down, looked at Xing Ming and said, "Do you want to die?"

Xiao Ji stepped forward, her body exuded a radiance, the ground around her continued to shatter, a large piece of wind and sand appeared, and began to roll towards the sky, but at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly reached out and grabbed Xiaoji's wrist.

"don't want!"

Qiao Ye coughed up blood and said, "If you go, you won't be able to turn back!"

Qiao Ye held Xiao Ji tightly, blood dripping from her palms.

"Could it be..." Qiao Ye looked at Xiao Ji and said, "Do you want me to attack you?"

In this world, there are many things that we don’t ask, don’t think about, don’t look at, and don’t listen to, but...

Does not mean, do not know!

Qiao Ye knew who Xiao Ji was, but he didn't ask, didn't want to, didn't look, and didn't listen.

It's a ridiculous thing to hide one's ears and steal one's bell.

But even if there was a glimmer of hope, Qiao Ye hoped that as long as he pretended not to know, then the whole world would not know.

Even if...

This is a very ridiculous thing.

Because, ever since the return of the Sky Throne, Qiao Ye knew that if he knew everything, then...

One day, his fist will be swung at Xiao Ji.


Ji is just a surname!

She can also be called—魃!

In the realm of heaven, there is a goddess, dressed in Tsing Yi, named Ba, who will surely suffer a severe drought when she sees her!

She is……

One of the six evil beasts that shattered the Three Realms and Nine Domains!

Ba was originally the daughter of the Emperor of the God Realm, and she helped him conquer the north and south and win the victory.

However, after the victory of the war, Ba was exiled.

Because, she is too strong and too scary!

Wherever she goes, there will be thousands of miles of yellow sand, no grass will grow, and life will wither. Even gods and demons have endless lives. In front of her, they also want to take whatever they want.

Therefore, no one dared to approach her, not even her father.

Then, she started to wander around, alone...

day after day...

Year after year...


She chose to give up her status as a goddess and become an evil beast!

Since no one in this world likes me, then what is there left for this world to do?

Why not...

destroy it!

Until many, many years later, there appeared a person who would not lose himself!


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