Chapter 1660 Then Let Me Die

Xiao Ji is Ba...

This is really not a difficult thing to guess. When Qiao Ye brought Xiao Ji back, Qiao Ye really didn't know who she was. That Qiao Ye is a fool.

It's just that Qiao Ye didn't want to think about it, she didn't want to know.

Sometimes, people are alive, it is rare to be confused, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"So, that's good!"

Qiao Ye looked at Xiao Ji and said seriously: "It's fine as long as you don't want to talk about it, and as long as I don't know."

Xiao Ji looked at Qiao Ye and said, "But, you will die."

"It doesn't matter."

Qiao Ye walked forward, walked up to Xiao Ji and said, "Compared to shooting you, I would rather die once!"

After Qiao Ye's words fell, he suddenly stretched out his hand, and a black halberd appeared in his palm, and then...


Qiao Ye forcefully stabbed the halberd down towards her lower abdomen.

The black euphorbia directly pierced Qiao Ye's body!

next moment...


Qiao Ye fell to her knees involuntarily, her head slowly drooping.

Bright red blood flowed out, dripping continuously along the shaft of the halberd.

Tick, tick.

Continuously dripping on the ground, the rhythm is clear.

Qiao Ye felt that her consciousness was a little fuzzy, the vitality in her body was being pulled away quickly, and her eyes gradually became dark.

Is this what death feels like?


Qiao Ye died!

Life is completely cut off!

Xing Ming stared at Qiao Ye for a long time, and then laughed loudly: "The boy is still very witty, and it saves me a lot of effort."

Xiao Ji's eyes were cold, and she looked at Xing Ming again.

Xing Ming seemed to be pinching his throat, and his voice suddenly stopped. At that moment, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"drought demon!"

Xing Ming said in a low voice: "Don't forget, you and us are in the same group. Back then, you destroyed the Demon Realm by yourself and killed no fewer people than us. Why?

Now you want to mingle with humans again? "

Xing Ming took a few steps back while talking.

Among the six evil beasts that shattered the Three Realms and Nine Domains back then, there are naturally strengths and weaknesses. If possible, Xing Ming would not want to fight Xiaoji even if he was killed, especially since he is still hungry now. He needs to eat people to recover to his peak The strength, and Xiao Ji does not need to eat people to maintain strength.

"I won't make a move."

Xiao Ji silently looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Because he won't let me!"

"Then get out of the way quickly and let me eat him..." After Xing Ming finished speaking, he regretted a little, shook his head and said, "Forget it, just treat it as a face for you, I don't need to eat him, but I have to leave now Here, just don't stop me!"

Xiao Ji said leisurely: "You can't leave either."

Xingming's face was condensed and said: "What do you want?"

Xiao Ji looked at Qiao Ye and said, "It's what he wants."

The moment Xiao Ji spoke, a red light suddenly appeared on Qiao Ye's body.

Then, a flower suddenly bloomed on Qiao Ye's body.

The red flowers are so dazzling!

That is a bouquet from the other side of Huangquan, so it is called the other side flower.

One, two, three...

Until Qiao Ye's body was completely covered by Bianhua flowers!

Bianhua (treasure) (divine family): On July 7th, it grows at the end of summer, Bianhua blooms, and the road to the Yellow Spring appears. Supplemented by things from the underworld to ghosts, the universe is hidden inside, and it is unparalleled in the world. In the past, the Supreme Po-Sramana Guiluo used this thing to fight against the masters of the world without defeat, and was called the flower master of the other side.

Netherworld Gate: The Netherworld Gate is now in the world, and the clouds and mist in the past have disappeared. Holding the Bianhua can open the Netherworld Gate three times. Life and death can also be revived, and return with the power of yin and yang life and death. The combat power has greatly increased. The number of times that can be opened: 1

The other shore flowers are in full bloom...

The flowers on the other side are withering...

life dies...

Reincarnation Avenue!

Among the Bana flowers, Qiao Ye slowly opened his eyes, and then the Bana flowers that covered Qiao Ye's body began to wither, and the bright red blood-like petals began to wither, falling to the ground one by one.

As the Bana flowers annihilated, Qiao Ye stood up.

The flowers on the other side are gone, and Qiao Ye is born!

One foot forward, stepping over the gate of hell!

Qiao Ye got up slowly, the wound on her abdomen had healed, and then...

The majestic blood energy erupted from Qiao Ye's body, and there seemed to be an invisible force pushing away from the surroundings. The ground trembled continuously, and cracks appeared one after another.

An incomparably terrifying aura, and...

Endless killing intent!

Qiao Ye's Supreme Killing Realm, at this moment...

It's done!

The supreme killing intent needs to be conceived, but how to conceive it?

Naturally kill!

There are quite a few people slaughtered in this world, but how many people dare to kill themselves?

Qiao Ye killed herself, and with the power of Bi'anhua, she crossed the gate of hell and came back.

Just ask, Qiao Ye has even killed himself once now.

In the world, who else...

He dare not kill?

Amidst the invisible killing intent, Qiao Ye's aura also rose steadily, crazily skyrocketing, and the exuberant blood was visible to the naked eye, like red ribbons wrapped around Qiao Ye's body.



This time, it is not a divine realm borrowed from any external force, but a real...


The elimination of life and death can also be resurrected, and return with the power of yin and yang life and death, and the combat power has greatly increased!

After passing through the gates of the underworld, Qiao Ye finally stepped into the Martial God Realm!

"Come again..." Qiao Ye looked up at Xing Ming, with a murderous intent: "Let's fight again!"

Qiao Ye waved his hand violently to the side, and amidst the smoke, a black halberd appeared in Qiao Ye's hand!

God of War map!

Sky False Blade!


Almost instantly, at the moment when Qiao Ye's halberd fell, the sky and the earth were torn apart, and a huge void appeared, in which chaotic haze appeared.

That blow was so terrifying that it tore a piece of this space apart.

next moment...

In the void crack, the incandescent light is extremely dazzling, like a shining ribbon, like a flowing galaxy, illuminating the pitch-black color under the void crack.


A light blade carrying a terrifying aura directly broke through the cracks in the void and landed in this world.

The light was cold and thick, and there was an aura that could annihilate everything, making people feel trembling.

The surrounding space began to tremble, collapsing continuously, peeling off piece by piece, like a smashed mirror, it was extremely terrifying.

Xing Ming's eyes widened, then he raised his head and roared!

The fleshy sword was lifted high, wriggling constantly, making a "creak, creak" sound.

In the next moment, Xing Ming swung his sword vigorously towards the sky.

A black light rose from the fleshy sword, and went straight to the sky, wanting to touch the cut light blade.

But also at this time...


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