Chapter 1672 Departure

Qiao Ye's eyes widened instantly: "What did you say?"

"I said your parents are not dead."

Jiang Liuxue smiled and said: "As I said before, it is not difficult to know this matter, as long as I use the coffin of life and death to know, but the fact is that I cannot use the coffin of life and death to summon your parents, that means And they're still alive."

Qiao Ye's eyes became a little dazed, and his mood at this moment was indescribable, including surprise and excitement, that his parents were still alive.

"How about it?

Are you excited about Long Cave and his party? "

Jiang Liuxue smiled and said: "So, as I said earlier, even if you hate me, you still have to obediently do what I say, and you have to be serious and try your best to do it."

Qiao Ye came back to her senses, and said with a sneer, "The ghost knows if what you're telling is the truth!"

Jiang Liuxue said: "Is that important?

Regardless of whether it is true or not, as long as I tell you that your parents are still alive, you must do your best to kill ghost cars and explore the dragon cave. "

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment, then cursed angrily: "Fuck!"

What Jiang Liuxue said may be true, or it may be false, and even Jiang Liuxue himself does not deny that it is false.

But it was undeniable that Jiang Liuxue understood the human heart. Regardless of whether it was true or not, as long as Jiang Liuxue said this, Qiao Ye had to do his best.

Jiang Liuxue smiled and said: "Anyway, we have the same goal now, since that's the case, let's work hard."

Qiao Ye snorted coldly and said, "Keep an eye on them!"

Qiao Ye really didn't want to talk to Jiang Liuxue anymore, for fear that she couldn't help but beat him up!

Ten days is not too long, Lin Jiao and Zhang Liwang finally survived.

When Jiang Liuxue brought the two of them back, Lin Jiao's clothes were torn and his whole body was covered with stains, exuding a foul smell.

After returning, Lin Jiao knelt down directly, covering his head and weeping bitterly. It was probably the first time in Lin Jiao's life that he was so miserable. He was beaten up by Qiao Ye back then, and Lin Jiao had never been so desperate.

However, Lin Jiao is still alive, which also shows that human potential is huge. If he is not forced to a dead end, he can't imagine what he can do. Qiao Ye really didn't think that Lin Jiao could survive even a little bit. hope.

As for Zhang Liwang, the past ten days have been quite difficult, but the situation is much better than that of Lin Jiao, and, in comparison, Zhang Liwang's wave is a winner in life, after all, he subdued the Nightmare God.

Jiang Liuxue looked at the two of them and said with a smile, "I'll give you three days to rest. After three days, we will leave for the God Realm."

Lin Jiao had just stood up, but when he heard Jiang Liuxue's words, he immediately knelt down again.

"Boss, just let me go."

Lin Jiao hugged Jiang Liuxue's thigh and said, "I'm just a dandy waiting to die."

Zhang Liwang's legs were shaking a little too, but he didn't beg for mercy. It's not that Zhang Liwang has integrity, but that Zhang Liwang is smarter than Lin Jiao because he knows that hugging his thigh is useless.

"Don't worry, if you go to the God Realm and come back, it will depend on the two of you, so your safety is the most important thing, and I will definitely not let you do anything."

Jiang Liuxue patted Lin Jiao's cheek and said, "As for whether to go or not, that's up to you, go have a good rest."

Lin Jiao gritted his teeth, and said, "I want to eat the best food, drink the best wine, and sleep with the most beautiful beauties."

Since you have to die, then naturally you have to enjoy it before you die.

Qiao Ye interjected, "And then get the worst beating?"

Lin Jiao took a breath, and then said dejectedly: "Forget it, I don't want anything."

Qiao Ye hooked the corners of her lips, and said to Jiang Liuxue, "Let's start preparing!"

Now that both Lin Jiao and Zhang Liwang have returned safely, it is natural to start preparing to go to the God Realm.

"Not urgent!"

Jiang Liuxue said: "Once they finish resting, the arrangements will naturally be almost done."

There are many avatars of Jiang Liuxue, and this time the avatar of the sorcerer has always appeared. That is to say, to go to the God Realm, in addition to the power of Lin Jiao and Zhang Liwang, he also needs to use the magic circle.

Naturally, Jiang Liuxue had already prepared everything. Now that the two of them survived successfully, they could start making arrangements.

Three days later, a huge magic circle appeared in front of everyone.

Naturally, Lin Jiao and Zhang Liwang couldn't understand.

In fact, Qiao Ye couldn't understand it either, but Qiao Ye understood more or less the art formation, so he could see how complicated the art formation under Jiang Liuxue's cloth was.

There are more than a hundred kinds of things that need to be used alone. At the same time, the patterns of the magic circle are so dense that they are completely innumerable. It feels extremely cumbersome just to look at.

"You stand in these two positions respectively."

Jiang Liuxue directed Zhang Liwang and Lin Jiao to stand in different positions in the formation, and then counted with his fingers: "Shenshi is three quarters, there is still a little time."

Qiao Ye stood beside Jiang Liuxue and said, "Where is Qin Jianchuan?"

"He needn't go."

Jiang Liuxue said: "I need his magic sword to kill the ghost car, but the God Realm doesn't need him. In this case, let him learn more about the way of swordsmanship. I hope he can achieve something when we come back. It can also help us when there is a ghost car."

Qiao Ye said: "Since you are suspicious of Yan Feiyu, don't Longku and his party plan to look for him?"

"He will come."

Jiang Liuxue said with a smile: "I have already said, I don't care what secrets he has, I only care about whether he is useful to me. The failure of Dragon Cave back then was the greatest shame for him. So, do you think killing Ghost Che What does it mean to him?

Will he not make a move?

So it doesn't matter if I find him or not. "

After Jiang Liuxue finished speaking, she looked up at the sky.

"The three quarters of the application time have arrived!"

Jiang Liuxue shouted in a low voice, "Do it!"

Lin Jiao's side immediately entered a demonized state, and activated his ability of narrow escape, but, to put it bluntly, it was the ability of large-scale space movement.

And Tension King released Tianwei Emperor Ya for the first time, allowing Tianwei Emperor Ya to slow down time.

In the next moment, the patterns under Jiang Liuxue's cloth suddenly lit up, and endless rays of light appeared at this moment, and the rays of light were like waves, frantically pushing away in all directions.

After a while, Qiao Ye looked around and found that the surrounding space became distorted.

The surrounding scene gradually began to become blurred, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Everything in the entire space has become grotesque, colorful halos are constantly flickering around, and the space is distorted into irregular shapes.


The feeling of nothingness and chaos strikes!

A large piece of chaotic fog appeared out of thin air, drifting towards the surroundings continuously, gradually covering the entire space.

Jiang Liuxue said: "It's almost there, next..."

Suddenly, at this very moment...

Jiang Liuxue's complexion changed!


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