Chapter 1673 Space Collapse

"Who's there!"

Jiang Liuxue shouted loudly, with an expression of surprise on his face, he had never lost his composure like this before.

This is his magic circle, a space that crosses the boundary, and it is impossible for other people to appear here.

At that moment, Jiang Liuxue even thought of the gods and demons of the past.

Only those guys have the ability to cross the time and space of the boundary and appear in this kind of place.


The gods and demons have long been exterminated, and the instigator of all this is Jiang Liuxue herself.

That being the case, there would be no one else here!

Jiang Liuxue's voice kept echoing in the empty space, as if there was an echo, echoing over and over again.

The three of Qiao Ye looked at it inexplicably, isn't there obviously no one in this place?

Or, isn't it just them?

But also in an instant...

In that grotesque space, suddenly, ear-piercing humming sounded, and quickly spread in all directions.

Qiao Ye asked in surprise, "Blade?"

There really are others!

In the next moment, a cold silver sword light appeared out of thin air, from top to bottom, it suddenly fell in the direction of Qiao Ye and the others.

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows, and suddenly reached out her hand to shake it, and then a black halberd appeared in her hand.

"Little Ji!"

Qiao Ye gave Xiao Ji a hand and said, "Stay behind me, don't walk away!"

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he immediately cut with a horizontal halberd!

"Open it for me!"

Qiao Ye let out a low growl, and the black halberd in his hand swept across the air fiercely. A large cloud of black smoke billowed, layered upon layer like waves, and then soared straight up, slashing fiercely at the sudden appearance of the blade light. Together.


Along with the collision, a huge bang suddenly appeared.

The surrounding space began to vibrate continuously, and the colorful halo was shaking and rising continuously this time.

There is a feeling of heaven and earth falling apart, that grotesque world began to collapse continuously.

Qiao Ye's face also became solemn, the power of the sword light was more terrifying than Qiao Ye imagined, it was constantly oppressing, as if it wanted to tear everything apart.

"Heaven and earth are dry!"

Jiang Liuxue let out a low cry, formed a seal with both hands, and wanted to make a move, but at this moment...

With a bang, the cut blade's light exploded again, as if it was exploding, like a piece of silver fireworks, constantly pushing away in all directions.

Qiao Ye's complexion changed, and he couldn't stand the glow of the knife anymore.

Before the knife glow was completely spread out, Qiao Ye gritted his teeth fiercely, and then jumped up.


The knife light that was cutting towards Qiao Ye was completely shattered.

The surrounding space seemed to be torn apart, with void cracks appearing one after another.

"It's over!"

Lin Jiao shouted loudly: "Run!"

As Lin Jiao spoke, he was about to activate the ability of narrow escape.

Jiang Liuxue was shocked, and shouted at Lin Jiao: "Don't move!"

Unfortunately, it's too late!

Lin Jue's narrow escape ability was activated again, but he didn't take anyone away. On the contrary, the space that was already trembling violently became more unstable because of Lin Jiao's ability.

The surrounding space is like shattered glass, cracks appear one after another, and then spread crazily in all directions, and then...

Crack, peel, crumble!

Jiang Liuxue was also almost angry and cursed, not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs!

In the next moment, the entire space shattered with a bang, and the surrounding colorful space collapsed in an instant, and all the light melted away.

Instead, it was a pitch-black space!

It was the blackness that could not be seen, engulfing everyone in it in an instant!

At this moment, Qiao Ye felt as if she was lying in a dark swamp, sinking little by little, everything disappeared at this moment, everything was annihilated at this moment.

The surrounding space has a feeling of death, empty and silent, which is a rather bad feeling.

All five senses are lost, and even feeling one's own existence has become extremely difficult.

Qiao Ye tried to struggle, but there was no result. What was even more frightening was that Qiao Ye was clearly struggling, but she didn't even feel struggling.

Invisible, inaudible, inaudible...

So sink!

This feeling is called...


But also at this moment...

Suddenly, a ray of light shone into this pitch-black space, which made people feel a little dazzling. Qiao Ye couldn't help closing his eyes, and the moment Qiao Ye opened his eyes again.

"Fuck, what!"

Qiao Ye was instantly startled, and what appeared in front of her was a mouth full of blood.

Qiao Ye quickly reached out and condensed a black halberd to send it upwards.


The blood-spitting mouth suddenly bit down, but because the black halberd was stuck on both sides of the opponent's mouth, the blood-spitting mouth could not be closed.

While Qiao Ye stopped the other party, he glanced around, only to realize that he was lying on the ground, and then...


At this time, Qiao Ye heard a beast roar, looked up, and saw a golden lion with three heads running towards him.

"Evil beast?"

Qiao Ye froze for a moment, then quickly moved her body sideways.


The three-headed lion came to Qiao Ye's side, raised its huge paw, and slammed it downward, smashing the ground into pieces!


Qiao Ye roared angrily at this time as well, raised her leg directly, lifted the evil beast in front of her abruptly, and slammed into the three lions.

With a bang, the two evil beasts collided and rolled downwards.

Qiao Ye stood up from the ground, and only then did he realize that the place he was in seemed to be a tall building, with a stone staircase with no end in sight at his feet.

Because the building is very huge, the width of the stone steps alone is about ten meters, so it is difficult to see the whole picture when standing in it, and Qiao Ye can't tell what kind of building it is.

However, Qiao Ye knew that he seemed to be in trouble!

Obviously, not all the evil beasts that Qiao Ye had just sent flying, because looking down the stone steps, they actually...

The dense crowd is full of evil beasts!

There is no doubt that when the number of evil beasts is so large that they block the road, it is definitely a wave of evil beasts.

The moment Qiao Ye threw the two Evil Beasts down, more than a dozen Evil Beasts roared crazily at Qiao Ye from the group of Evil Beasts below, and then rushed up along the stone steps, opening their mouths to bite Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye backed away quickly, then raised her hand and punched out.

In an instant, a large cloud of black smoke gushed out from Qiao Ye's body, turned into a huge fist, and blasted forward.


The huge smoke fist hit those evil beasts, and in the blink of an eye, the bodies of those evil beasts suddenly exploded!


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