Chapter 1685 God and Demon

"Do not!"

Faceless finally yelled out in horror.

Cracks appeared on the surface of the black spherical treasure at this moment, and there were continuous "click, click" sounds, and then...

Completely broken!

Countless black fragments scattered from the sky, and the black radiance that filled the sky dissipated. Immediately afterwards, the thunder pillar finally fell from the sky.

Faceless roared crazily, but there was nothing he could do about it. In the end, he was completely enveloped by Lei Zhu, and then...

The body is annihilated bit by bit!

Faceless shouted frantically: "Master Zhu Huai will definitely avenge me!"


Qiao Ye said disdainfully: "You may not know, I have already killed him once!"

In the next instant, Faceless' body completely disappeared, annihilated in the thunder.

"You killed an evil beast (faceless), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 470,000 points."

Sure enough, Faceless is much stronger than those famous evil beasts he has killed, which can also be seen from the value of the martial soul he has absorbed.

However, that's all there is to it, the one who should be killed can still be killed.

When these guys were in the human world, they were at the Supreme Realm. Before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, the God Realm would be much stronger, but it seems that there is no shackle that can break through the God Realm.

At least Faceless is at the peak level of the Supreme Realm, not yet the Divine Realm.

However, considering that the gods and demons were finally exterminated, Qiao Ye felt that besides the six evil beasts, there were also evil beasts at the level of gods.

After all, there is a very real issue involved here. There are only two possibilities for those who survived the broken period of the Three Realms and Nine Domains and then were suppressed.

One is very strong and one is very weak.

Needless to say, being very strong, I survived because of being strong, and then my strength declined due to hunger, but the peak period must be in the divine state.

The other is very weak. If you are weak, it is not easy to become the main target. If you are lucky, you will survive. But if you are weak and have the supreme state, then of course the strong one is also at the level of the gods.

As for the middle gear, to be honest, those who are not high enough to be low are actually the easiest to hit the street.

This principle is like when you are studying in college, there are usually two types of students who attract the most attention, either those who are extremely talented, or those who are so bad that people have nothing to say, both of which will become the focus , who knows the one in the middle?

Because that means mediocrity.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye walked back to the little mandarin duck and said, "Let's go!"

The little mandarin duck nodded stupidly, and followed Qiao Ye forward. After a while, the little mandarin duck shouted excitedly: "God, you are the god."

Qiao Ye looked at the little mandarin duck suspiciously.

The little mandarin duck said: "You are a god, right?

Otherwise, how could it be possible to kill Zhu Huai's generals? "

Qiao Ye said, "Is that so, then?"

The little mandarin duck said: "Can you accept me as an apprentice, I also want to become stronger."

Qiao Ye said: "I just want to find a guide, I don't want to find an apprentice, besides, it doesn't make any sense to have an apprentice."

Your grandma's, God Realm doesn't even know when it will be smashed and what kind of apprentice it will take.

However, some problems can be seen from the attitude of Yuanyang from a young age.

First of all, assume that if it is established, this is the God Realm before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken. Then, in which period is it located?

The first is that Jiang Liuxue must have been messing with the wind and rain, the Chiguan demon star has undergone a change, and a large number of evil beasts have invaded the God Realm.

However, when Qiao Ye mentioned the end of the God Realm, the little mandarin duck was very sensitive and dissatisfied, which means that the situation in the God Realm has not yet reached a very bad point, at least the gods have not thought that this war is impossible to win .

Qiao Ye recalled that Jiang Liuxue once told herself several times, there was a time when the god king gave up resistance, and it should be before that now.

"Hey, hey, talk!"

"I want to become stronger, you teach me, as long as it can make me stronger, I am willing to pay any price."

"I'm very good. I'll do whatever you say."


"Shut up!"

Qiao Ye had a headache from being quarreled by the little mandarin ducks, and couldn't help but said, "Aren't you very good?

Shut up now! "

Little Yuanyang looked aggrieved, hesitated and said, "I have to say one more thing."

Qiao Ye said, "Very important?"

The little mandarin duck said seriously: "It's very important."

Qiao Ye said, "Then tell me!"

The little mandarin duck said: "The direction of Fengyu City is not where we go."

Qiao Ye: "..."

That's embarrassing.

Qiao Ye waved his hands helplessly and said, "Lead the way, lead the way!"

Qiao Ye followed the little mandarin duck, looked at the things the little mandarin duck was dragging, and said, "Don't you have a treasure of space?

Do you have to drag it like this? "

The little mandarin duck said: "Yes, but there are god marks on these things. If they are not washed off, they cannot be put into the space treasure."

This belongs to Qiao Ye's knowledge blind spot. In the God Realm where babies walk everywhere, the battlefield is full of treasures. Qiao Ye doesn't think that the little mandarin duck doesn't even have a space treasure.

But it's another matter if it can't be used. As for what the god seal is, Qiao Ye doesn't know.

Qiao Ye said: "What kind of place is Fengyu City?"

The little mandarin duck completely lost the temper of a wild girl, and said timidly: "Can I speak?"

Qiao Ye said, "Tell me."

After Qiao Ye showed her hand, the little mandarin duck was obviously much more behaved, and she knew everything she could say. Although Qiao Ye still didn't understand how she came to this ghostly place, she at least understood some of the situation in the God Realm. .

The God Realm, right now, is the Heaven Realm, or the God Realm has always been called the Heaven Realm among gods and demons. After all, dare to call it the God Realm?

The demons were the first to disagree!

Although there is a difference in one word, the meaning is completely different, and it will definitely make gods and demons do it.

Therefore, this matter also reminded Qiao Ye that he should be careful when speaking in the future, and not directly call God Realm, especially since he is still a demon right now.

The heavens are divided into the God Realm and the Demon Realm, but just like that, they are all on the land within one realm, which means that each occupies a territory.

As for Shenyu, Haotiansi and the Twelve God Kings are in command, Xiao Yuanyang knows nothing about Haotiansi, in her own words, it is so powerful, how can she know about it.

However, it can also be seen here that Hao Tiansi is in a semi-hidden state, which cannot be touched by ordinary gods.

As for the Twelve Divine Kings, each has its own territory, and the cities in charge are not hostile, but each governs independently, and has nothing to do with each other. one frame.

There are six Demon Lords in the Demon Realm. This Qiao Ye knows a little bit. After all, Jiang Liuxue once mentioned that it is somewhat similar to the God Realm. The six Demon Lords are not cultivation bases, but titles. order.


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