Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1686 Always So Painful

Chapter 1686 Always So Painful

However, when it came to strength, the little mandarin duck hesitated a bit, and Qiao Ye forced her to ask a few questions before opening her mouth.

The situation of Hao Tiansi is unknown, but the strength of the twelve god kings and the six great demon kings, although all of them are at the level of the gods, but the advantage of the twelve god kings is that there are many people, and the individual strength is the strength of the six great demon kings. Demon Lord is stronger.

Among the twelve god kings, the only one who can confront the six great demon kings is the Yang God Luo Xiu.

Then, the order of strength given by the God Realm is Luo Xiu, followed by the six great demons. As for the six great demons, the five are the first, the sixth is Luo Xiu, and the weakest Sword Lord Mozun ranked seventh.

This ranking is obviously nonsense, because it has personal feelings. However, it is generally recognized that the six demons plus one Yang God Luoxiu are the seven strongest in the heavens. The level of the environment is large and comfortable, but it is a little worse than these seven.

As for Fenglan City, it is one of the Twelve God Kings, the territory of the rain god Galo. Under the name of Galo, there are four cities of wind, thunder, rain and snow, known as the Four Seasons City. It is the largest in the territory governed by the Twelve God Kings. It's considered average, and the strength of the rain god Galo is also average.

At the same time, the main city of the rain god Jialuo is the city of praying for rain. Right now, Jialuo is not in the city of misty wind, but the city of misty wind is under attack.

To be precise, the four cities of the Rain God Galo are all under attack.

The evil beast that attacked was Zhu Huai, one of the six evil beasts. Among them, Zhu Huai's deity and the main force were attacking the city of praying for rain, and the remaining three cities were attacked by Zhu Huai's subordinates.

On Fenglan City's side, the three generals Zhu Huai sat down were in charge of attacking: Mingtian, Poxue, and Mingyou.

Qiao Ye asked curiously, "How about these three strengths?"

"How would I know?"

The little mandarin duck said helplessly: "However, Qingyi Shanren, the city lord of Fenglan City, had a fight with Mingyou, and he is still recuperating in the city lord's mansion, and it has been half a month."

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "What level is the Faceless I killed?"

The little mandarin duck said: "It's also quite powerful, killing many people in Fenglan City, but it's definitely incomparable with Mingtian, Poxue, and Mingyou. The Tsingyi Mountain people are the strength of the God Realm Escape, and the results are all different. Can't beat it."


Qiao Ye nodded, his guess was correct, although the faceless bastard looked stronger than those he had encountered in the world.

But in fact, in this era, the Evil Beast is not weakened by hunger. It is only natural that Faceless is stronger. There is a faceless existence, and there are indeed evil beasts at the level of gods here.

However, after thinking about it, Qiao Ye felt lonely again.

If, except for the six evil beasts, the rest of the evil beasts are not at the level of the gods, the gods and demons will not be exterminated, and the six evil beasts alone will be used as farts.

The gods and demons will be exterminated, and they must be unable to defeat the evil beast in all aspects.

"But it's okay!"

The little mandarin duck suddenly became full of confidence and said: "The evil obstacles at the moment are just rampant for a while, the rain god can't tell the difference in the city of praying for rain, and when the rain god kills Zhu Huai, he will come to rescue Fenglan city. , these guys are all going to die."


Qiao Ye lowered the corner of her mouth, she didn't know what to say except a forced smile.

That is Zhu Huai, who has been suppressed for many years, and is still too strong. In the throne of the sky, a warrior god and a beast god joined forces. There was only a small difference, and they were almost killed by Zhu Huai when they fought together. In the end, Jiang Liuxue's magic formation was arranged in advance, and they were sent away with the Shura formation.

Therefore, Qiao Ye felt that the Rain God would most likely be cold.

Then, Qiao Ye realized that she seemed to be thinking about loneliness again. If the twelve god kings are not cool, how could it be her turn to fight against Zhu Huai?

However, after all, that is all in the future. At least right now, the people in the heavens obviously haven't realized the seriousness of the matter, and they still plan to fight and kill the evil beast.

Qiao Ye looked at the little mandarin duck curiously and said, "What about you?"

Little Yuanyang wondered, "What's wrong with me?"

Qiao Ye said, "What's the origin?"

The little mandarin duck said with a bit of sadness on his face: "I am an orphan, my parents are dead, I died in the battle with the evil beast six years ago, and then I spend my days fooling around in Fenglan City, trying to have something to eat , but it will be fine when I grow up in the future."

The little mandarin duck looked up at Qiao Ye eagerly.

"Master, I will definitely practice hard and be filial to you in the future."

Qiao Ye rolled her eyes, and said, "I'm not your master, and besides, you are a god who worships demons as your teacher, do you think it's okay?"

The little mandarin duck thought for a while and said: "This is indeed not very good, but since no one can take care of me, what's the matter?"

Qiao Ye said: "Haven't you ever thought about the devil's cultivation method, can you, a god, not be able to practice at all?"

These words made the little mandarin duck stunned for a long time as if struck by lightning, these words are very reasonable, how can a god practice the kung fu of a demon?

The little mandarin duck couldn't help lowering its head, and suddenly became dejected.

Qiao Ye looked at the endless plain in front of him, and couldn't help but ask, "How long does it take to get to Fengyu City from here?"

"Damn it, don't talk to me."

The little mandarin duck said impatiently: "Anyway, I will take you to Fengyu City. After entering the city, you should get out and stay away from me."

"Depend on!"

Qiao Ye couldn't help scolding, this face change is faster than turning the page of a book, just now I was talking about my master, now let me get out?

Immortals are so realistic, I am!

However, it's a good thing that the little mandarin duck doesn't pester me, otherwise I really don't know how to explain it to her, just lie down honestly, I don't need to work hard at all, anyway, sooner or later the heavens will be broken by evil beasts, the gods and demons will be wiped out, and the whole world will be shattered of.

Her ears were much clearer, and Qiao Ye was also happy to follow the little mandarin duck all the way forward.

After an unknown amount of time, the little mandarin duck suddenly looked up at Qiao Ye and said, "Is there really no other way?"

Qiao Ye said: "Even if you are in the heavenly realm, it is already quite good to have the current level of cultivation at your age. Why do you want to become stronger?"

"Of course I don't want to be bullied."

The little mandarin duck said: "Children without parents will always have a harder life, so either grow up quickly, or work hard to become stronger."

Qiao Ye said: "Even if I am willing to teach, you can also learn. It is not something that can be accomplished overnight. At that time, you will no longer be a child."

The little mandarin duck looked a little depressed, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Life is always so painful, or is it only when I was a child?"

Qiao Ye thought for a while, then looked at the little mandarin duck, and said seriously: "It's always so painful."


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